Chapter 455 Only the Emperor has the Final Say! Distribution of the Number of Divine Positions

Seeing his father speaking in this manner, a few traces of resistance surfaced on Yan Deqiu's face. He said, "If that's the case, please instruct me further, Father."

In response to the resistance on his son's face, Yan Weizhong didn't mind it in the slightest. In a serious tone, he said, "You said that National Tutor Pei Xuanjing is recognized as the best in the world, which is true. However, it isn't up to him to make the final decisions."

With a hint of sternness, he said: "Keep this in mind, my son. The one who has the final say in this world should be the Emperor. Regardless of what others think or how they view it, from my perspective, the only one who should have the final say in this world is the Emperor."

In this world, the one who should have the final say ought to be the Emperor, and only the Emperor.

This is Yan Weizhong's understanding, and it is a rule he has always upheld.