Chapter 657: Unequal Division of Loot

A fifty-fifty split?

This is a joke.

Not to mention that common cultivators would not agree, nor would the strongest among them do so. Even if they didn't have a great demand for this will of Heaven and Earth, they couldn't accept this.

As the first sect in name, with the Righteous Path under its control, what the Xuantian Sect represented was not only its own interests but also the interests of countless followers behind it.

So, without the need for other cultivators to speak, when Pei Xuanjing proposed this demand, he immediately stood up in opposition, and the reasons he gave were very reasonable.

They are not natives of Sky Wasteland, but old friends who left the Daming World, so they call this place the Ancestral Land.

The Sky Wasteland and the cultivators of the Ancestral Land each occupying half, as proposed by Pei Xuanjing, is actually unreasonable and unacceptable for them.