Chapter 687: Engaging Jiuren Sword Saint in Battle

Pei Xuanjing held the Six-Color Sword upside down, its cutting edge soaring into the sky. This edge was unveiled without any concealment, as though it could even pierce through Heaven and Earth.

The terrifying aura emitted from the magical sword shocked countless people. The sharp sword aura surrounded it, the sword light swaying uncertainly, rending countless spaces apart.

Seeing the illusory and life-like sword light, other people would likely shy away in fear. However, in the eyes of Jiuren Sword Saint, it seemed as though he saw some diluted treasure, and his smile deepened.

"I wasn't wrong indeed, the national teacher is a natural sword cultivator." Jiuren Sword Saint praised vocally, lamenting: "It's a pity, if the national teacher was born in my Sword Sect, another invincible sword cultivator would surely emerge in my Sword Sect's future."

"Your Excellency is too modest." Pei Xuanjing said with a light laugh.