798-799 chapters Pinxixi Method

If the internal competition among independent practitioners is a matter of individual against individual, then the competition within sect forces not only involves inner-disciple rivalry but also the intense competition among various sects.

"Some sect provides better welfare for its disciples than ours, so this year we recruited fewer disciples from the Taoist Academy, and their talents are not as good as the others."

"Our sect's XX has extraordinary talent; Sect Leader, you must allocate more resources for his cultivation. Otherwise, the disciple from the neighboring sect, that so-and-so, though less talented than XX, seems to be surpassing XX under the neighboring sect's full support."

"Now everyone is cultivating disciples at all costs. If we don't do the same, not only will our disciples fall behind our former rivals in strength, but the gap in numbers will also become pronounced. When the future arrives, and our generation has grown old, our sect will decline!"
