The Death of a Tervigon  

 {picture in end comments} 


A Tervigon ugh… what an interesting creature to study… A Tyranid subspecies that is considered by most to be a giant egg with legs… a creature who is one big spawn, but unlike a queen of their species, which these creatures were believed to be considered one until it was later discovered to be otherwise… 



Anyway, back to the main topic: This Tervigon is similar to the queen in that it can give birth to other tyranids but of only one kind, as it is unable to alter their genetic structure afterward…. In other words, the queen has to birth a whole new Tervigon if she wishes for them to have a modification depending on the situation on hand, that the hive might be facing in any particular circumstance… 



Either way, any Tervigon is a nightmare to deal with, sure their slow and sturdy, some might even go as far as saying that, this is a glaring weakness for them, and they have every right to believe that, but what makes them scary isn't their individual fighting power, but their ability to spawn countless bugs at any given time! And not just one or two I mind you… but hundreds depending on the amount of biomass the Tervigon has accumulated over time, of course… 



Now onto their individual strength, they are without a better word, just a tank… a living breathing tank, they have a strong outer shell, powerful legs, and a big booty body to boot! But as I previously mentioned before they are much slower because of this, and thus usually the hive has them stationed more towards the back of any great invasion to be used as a mere number booster… 



Though occasionally they are seen in the frontline as a siege breaker if the bugs haven't yet already breached a city and the bug's impatience finally wins, I guess even bugs have strict timelines… well putting aside that bugs may have strict times or not, I dare say this specimen is of least interesting to me that subject 13… so, for now, I think I will let my lesser compatriots study this Xeno… and as always for the emperor… 



→Excerpt by doc… audio log number 34← 


In the darkness... only Metal steps rang... Slowly but surely moving in the rhythm of a heartbeat… a man in gold with a spear forged for the emperor, and a shield adorned in glories and boldness… a man whose armor discharged sparks of blue and kept dust from touching his glory by an invisible force. A golden man… A custodes! 


 A guard of the emperor now walks through these deserted and desolated halls… walking over dead servants of the emperor, or at least what remnants thereof…. How sad… to see dead guns and armor… tokens of their loved ones... Proof that they had lived and served the emperor… now they lay broken and abandon under the custodes feet as he walks on them, and through their sacrifice and blood-stained remnants that lay on every corner of the walls, he hears a noise… 



The sound of screeching bugs, and their mother… the sound of gunfire and human screams… with his inhuman hearing, the custodes turns his head and runs! Bursting through walls and obstacles, crushing slower bugs with his feet… he stomps and breaks into a chamber sending rocks and grant bugs flying as he stares at a girl where a door came closing down! 



And with a shrug of his shoulders, he spins his spear with one hand, and like a flash of blue sparks, the custodes appears' in the middle of the bug horde! With shock and awe, the bugs didn't even get the chance to feel the pain as they died! A spear that moved quicker than their eyes, then their teeth and claws… that their brains could even think… 



Heads went flying as blue sparks and a force unseen, fried the too injured to move! Those with missing limbs but were still alive, felt the burn of the energy as it enveloped them! They felt it coursing through their veins and the psyche link they had with their mother! Their brains melted from within their skulls! 



Once a hundred Xenos stood, now just a pile of mushy bodies remains, and the Tervigon mother, who watched everything and felt everything through her link with the kids, understood one thing, this creature before her was a threat... A biomass worthy of consumption for the hive! 



But the mother was no fool, she knew this creature was quick, faster than even her eyes, but she believed in the skin of her armor, precious and red with the hallmarks of her hive, she screeched as she hid behind her plated skin and began to breed more children… but the custodes wouldn't just let that happen! 



With weightless feet and a blade itching for blood, the custodes aim for her ligaments! Trying to cover for her weakness, the Tervigon tried to move in such a way that her foe would only strike the armor, but slow and sluggish compared to the custodes, she couldn't block every strike! 



With blood she hasn't seen in ages, and the feeling of cut flesh driving her mad, the Tervigon made a mistake in her anger! For as she raised her right arm for a strike, she left it open and wide! For as her foe to block it with a shield and absorb her massive weight… crushing the sole of his feet into the metal floor! 



And while the air blew around the dust at his cape…. HE severed it! With screaming and backing off, the Tervigon repositioned herself for a bite, another fatal mistake… even though her mouth was the size that could swallow tanks, it still left her neck exposed! And with her foe quickness and sharpness, he didn't miss this chance! 



By her neck, he stabbed his spear in! And with the emperor's mercy, delivered shot after shot of cold bolter rounds! Tasting her blood for the first time ever in its life, the mother uncontrollably gave birth to quick and underdeveloped children! While coughing blood in mass, and shaking her head in an attempt to remove the spear… failed! 



She turned to use her left claw, when the custodes suddenly jumped into the air, and dodge her claw, he then grabbed onto top her neck, there he garbs the spear and fired more rounds into the beast! With eyes pouring blood, the poor Tervigon mother could only feel helplessness as the custodes pulled his spear out! But not wanting to give in she called… 



A call that saw the walls crumble under ripper teeth and other Tyranid Xenos, but as they clawed on her, to climb on her back, and when their claws and teeth surrounded the man in gold, he smirked… as his spear broke through the tuff armor at the top base of her neck! And with an invisible hand, a wave shattered the smaller Xenos into a blood shower! And with another pull of the trigger! Sent bullets through her body and pricing through the eggs that laid when her! 



With her fall, the man in gold, walked off her corpse as her body cracked the base of the floor! While her blood filled the cracks, she saw all the dead fetuses and felt the open wounds in her womb… felt the blood of her children… and with one tired breath, gave up the light in her eyes! And with their psyche link cut from their mother, any child left alive in the base died... On the spot! 



Their silent bodies give away to the sound of a ticking clock, and once checked, the custodes smiled, as he took a throwing stance! With his forearms bugling through his armor, he gripped his spear, while the blue sparks floated around the air, and with a stomp, he threw his spear with such force that sound couldn't reach it, the dust couldn't settle and the light made it shine in blueish gold! 


And in the shadows of the upper floors, the smog in the room clanked with the colors of gold and red! As a spear broke a sword! But while they collided, there was another tick of the clock! Confused, the custode looked at his golden clock, when the shadows of a raven smiled within his own! As a blue fire consumed the room in a circular pattern! And through the fire out came a man clad in armor! 



With the symbols of what used to be his chapter, and adorn in heresy honors, a man who was more bird than man…but kept that fact hidden within his armor, who carried a mace with a screaming face and book which song word of praise to the god of lies… 



Without any words exchanged, the space marine allowed the raven wings to envelop him in a blueish-purple sphere. With cosmic warp energy, the two vanished from within the base, only to reappear in a mountain far away surrounded by praying cultists, blue pyres, and artworks depicting a false god! 



With a shield raised and a hidden sword drawn, the custodes took his stance, as the corrupted primaris marine vanished in front of him like a dust cloud, and was soon followed by his cultist followers, only leaving the custodes in the room to wonder what was happening. When his clock ticked again, a voice spoke from unseen shadows with a bird after tone… 



[you are where you're meant to be… soon this world will crumble…a fate you already know…. But when the time comes you will thank me….] 



As light burned out, the custodes tilted his head, to the man's words, while the darkness faded into the limelight of little glowing grubs…and there at the epicenter but below his feet, stood a throne made of bones and human blood, a seat where all sides behold a worshipper… praising the great devour! 



And there on the throne… was a creature with tentacles and a leather web jaw… a being with psyker power and a brain far outweighing a human mind… a great lord of tyrants… the necro tyrant! Bigger than its past, and mightier than its predecessors, the tyrant looked up to the sky, where his dream laid… 



But while the tyrant dreamed his dream… inside the base, Layla thanked 43-sea for her aid, when the base began to shake! From burning footsteps! For in the distance from the train, the ad- humans, and Molly and Mary… caught sight of fire! As a dog, a champion of Khorne stood at the top of the hills… with wounds oozing lava blood, and unquenchable anger! 

With dominating roars, the beast crushed the falcon tank of the Eldar! Their blood and souls… being consumed by Slaanesh, as their crystal construct lay broken and shattered! Their farseer running for his life, while other Eldar accepted what time they could give… 



[is it me or... Is that thing getting bigger every time we see it?] said Molly as she turned to look at Mary… 



[Molly… what do we do…] 



[huh? What do you mean we do? We fight! What else can we do... Not like hiding in that destroyed fortress would provide any help…] 



Agreeing and nodding to Molly's words, Mary and the others prepared what they knew to be futile, a battle position! With yelling and turret swirling, with winds as fast as a storm, the Hound of Khorne put one paw forward, but then stopped… 



It stopped as it noticed the big door of his adversary opening, where the art of the emperor divided in two… and with it, a scent carried by the wind that reached his nose… the scent of his hunt! With a smile, the champion of Khorne stared at a puny machine man who stood at the door! For his hunt lay inside a machine KNIGHT! 



Bold and beautiful! Colored in red and black, with a mix of Tau and mechanicus inspiration, the knight stood tall with one arm a gun and another a shield, with words of the emperor endowed on its chest…