Chapter 1 - Love at First Sight.

In the heart of Malaysia, there lay a city like no other, Kuala Lumpur. The city was a blend of tradition and modernity, where the old and new coexisted in a harmonious dance. The city was a vibrant blend of modernity and tradition, where sleek glass buildings coexisted with centuries-old temples. The streets bustled with life as locals and tourists intermingled, while the aroma of sizzling street food wafted through the air.

And there was an extraordinary event was taking place. The opulent ballroom of the Grand Kuala Lumpur Hotel bore witness to the grand wedding of Amir Osman, a charismatic and up-and-coming politician, and Mia Wan, a renowned architect. 

The ballroom draped in cascading silks of deep maroon and gold. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, casting a cascade of diamonds over the elegantly dressed guests. The air was filled with the enchanting melody of live orchestral music, and the intoxicating scent of fragrant flowers that adorned every table. Guests sipped on champagne, and the clinking of crystal flutes echoed through the room.

Among the guests, there was Ibrahim Rahman. A man known by two distinct identities. To most, he was a successful and respected businessman in Kuala Lumpur. But those who tread in the shadows knew him as a ruthless figure in the city's underworld. Dressed in a tailored black suit, he carried an aura of power and authority. With a sharp jawline, impeccably styled hair held in place with gel, and piercing brown eyes, he cut a striking figure that demanded attention.

Ibrahim was not alone. Seated at a table nearby were his younger brother, Samir, and their close friend, Faisal. The trio sipped champagne. 

Faisal, the more talkative of the group, leaned in and grinned, "You know, Amir here is about to get hitched. I wonder if he'll even remember us once he's a married man."

Samir chuckled, raising his glass in agreement. "I wouldn't be surprised. Love can do strange things to a man. He might be too busy with his new life to even pick up our calls."

Ibrahim, the quietest of the three, simply observed. Faisal nudged Ibrahim playfully, "Ibrahim, my friend, what do you think? Will Amir become one of those husbands who forget their buddies?" 

Ibrahim's gaze shifted from Faisal to the happy couple on the dance floor. With a faint smile, he replied, "Marriage changes people. We'll see."

Faisal leaned closer to Ibrahim, a mischievous glint in his eye,"Do you even believe in the idea of settling down with someone?"

Ibrahim's stoic expression remained unchanged as he considered Faisal's question. "Marriage has its merits, for some. but it's not for everyone. I prefer to focus on business."

"Well, I wouldn't mind finding a good woman someday. Someone who can tolerate my brother's silent brooding, perhaps." Samir chimed in. 

Ibrahim's brow raised ever so slightly, acknowledging his brother's jest with a faint nod. He valued his family deeply but rarely shared his thoughts or emotions.

The bride and groom concluded their dance, the hall erupted with applause and cheers. Amir and Mia, with radiant smiles, acknowledged the well-wishes and claps. 

However, amidst the celebration, Ibrahim's intense gaze fell upon a young girl entering through the main gate of the hall. His champagne glass, halfway to his lips, froze in mid-air. It was as if the world around him had slowed to a crawl, and he couldn't draw his eyes away from her. 

She was a vision of innocence and grace. Ibrahim was not the type to be easily captivated by women. He had seen countless faces in his line of work, but this moment was different. He couldn't explain it. There was an magnetic pull that drew him toward her.

She donned a stunning bottle green gown. But it was her long, flowing hair that left Ibrahim breathless. It shimmered like spun silk, each strand seemingly kissed by the lights of the hall. 

In a slow, hushed voice, Ibrahim leaned toward Faisal, his gaze never leaving the girl. "Who is she?"

Faisal's eyes darted around, attempting to pinpoint the girl in question. However, it was Ibrahim's subsequent clarification that made everything clear. "The girl in the green dress, approaching Mia."

Now, both Faisal and Samir turned their attention toward the approaching figure. The girl's arrival seemed to bring joy to Mia, who greeted her with a tight, warm embrace. Mia's eyes lit up with happiness as she embraced the girl warmly. They exchanged words and laughter, and the mysterious girl handed Mia a beautifully wrapped gift. 

Faisal ventured a guess, "Maybe she's Mia's friend, or a distant relative? It seems like they know each other quite well."

Samir, on the other hand, couldn't help but be astonished. He had never seen his brother show interest in a woman before. He leaned in, asking Ibrahim, "What's got you so curious about her?"

Ibrahim was not one to be easily swayed, but this girl had managed to capture his attention in a way that left him searching for an explanation. He finally responded to Samir's question, "I don't know."

Ibrahim watched as the girl took a seat at a nearby table. She appeared to be in the company of a group of other girls. 

Samir leaned in and whispered to Ibrahim, "Those girls over there are Mia's university friends. They've known each other for years."

Ibrahim simply nodded. He turned his gaze to Faisal and issued a command, "Do a thorough background check on her. I want every detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem."

Faisal hesitated, "Ibrahim, the girl seems so young."

Ibrahim's lips curled into a slight smile. He fixed his gaze on Faisal and calmly inquired, "So?"

Faisal sipped his champagne, choosing his words carefully. "I've never seen you like this before, Ibrahim."

Ibrahim took a deep breath, his gaze returning to the girl in green. He admitted in a rare moment of vulnerability, "I don't know why, Faisal, but there's something about her that I find... interesting. I like her."

Faisal and Samir exchanged surprised glances, their eyebrows raised in disbelief. It wasn't every day that the stoic and unyielding mafia boss expressed an attraction so openly. 

Samir leaned in, "Ibrahim, it seems like you've found your kryptonite, my brother."

Faisal chimed in with a grin, "Who would have thought that beneath that tough exterior, there's a heart that can be swayed by a young woman in a green dress?"

Ibrahim replied in a measured tone, "I'm not sure, but I want to know more about her."

Faisal added, "We'll look into it, Ibrahim. But what do you intend to do once we have the information?"

Ibrahim's expression hardened, his usual steely resolve returning. "We'll see then."