Chapter 26 : Saving Her From The Fire.

Between her hurried breaths, Yasmeen managed to convey, "Ibrahim sir's room caught on fire. The... the room is locked. Ava ma'am is inside."

Shock gripped the room. Time seemed to warp as panic seized Ibrahim's thoughts. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards his room, his every stride fueled by the fear that Ava was ensnared in the unfolding disaster. 

Samir also followed Ibrahim. On the other hand, Faisal diverted towards the fire extinguisher.

Upon reaching the room, Ibrahim's desperation increased as he discovered the door locked from the inside. Frustration echoed in his shout, "Why is it locked from inside?"

Samir tried to calm Ibrahim down, "Calm down, Ibrahim. Ava will be safe."

However, Ibrahim's focus was singular — Ava's safety. Ignoring Samir's words, he directed his energy towards forcefully pushing against the stubborn door. The repeated impacts resonated in the room, each collision a symbol to the fear that gripped his heart. 

The maids, drawn by the commotion, gathered outside the room, their faces etched with concern and confusion. Aliya, too, arrived, her eyes widening at the unfolding chaos.

With each attempt to break the door, Ibrahim's frustration grew. Samir lent his strength to Ibrahim's efforts. Together, they became a force against the door. 

Finally Ibrahim unleashed a powerful blow that shattered the door. Wood fragments scattered, and the room revealed itself in a whirlwind of chaos. Smoke filled the room, making it hard to see. The smell of burning things hung in the air. Flames flickered, casting strange shadows.The bed, curtains, and various elements in the room were caught in a fierce blaze.

Amidst the roaring flames, Ibrahim spotted Ava unconscious on the floor, dangerously close to a large blaze. Ignoring the imminent danger, he rushed towards her. 

The air thick with smoke, the heat unbearable, he reached her side. Ibrahim attempted to wake Ava, "Ava, wake up! Please, Ava!"

Aliya, standing at a safe distance, urged him to be careful, "Be safe, son."

Meanwhile, Faisal returned with the fire extinguisher, aiming it at the raging flames. The hissing sound of the extinguisher trying to quell the fire mingled with the crackling of burning wood.

Ibrahim gently lifted Ava into his arms and stepped out of the room. Ibrahim screamed, "Someone call an ambulance. Hurry Up!" 


Ava slowly opened her eyes. The harsh brightness of fluorescent lights above made her squint, causing a dull ache in her head. 

The sterile scent of disinfectants filled in the air, and the beeping of machines nearby filled the room. As her surroundings came into focus, she realized she was in a hospital room. 

She tried to move, but a dull ache spread through her body. It was a discomfort, not pain, and she soon noticed the gentle beeping of a heart monitor beside her. Tubes connected to an IV were attached to her arm, evidence of medical care.

A nurse, clad in a crisp white uniform, approached with a warm smile. "Good evening, dear. How are you feeling?"

Ava's voice was hoarse as she replied, "Thirsty."

The nurse nodded and poured water into a plastic cup with a bendy straw. She handed it to Ava, saying, "Take it slow."

Ava sipped the water, the cool liquid soothing her parched throat. After a moment, Ava mustered the strength to ask, "What happened? Why am I here?"

Nurse adjusted some equipment by the bedside and then explained, "You were involved in a fire. You inhaled a significant amount of smoke. But don't worry, you're in the hospital now, and we're taking care of you."

Ava remembered the fire. She asked, "Yes. The fire... What about the others? Is everyone okay?"

The nurse replied, "You're the only one admitted here. You're going to be fine, but you need some time to recover. The smoke you inhaled caused irritation in your airways, so we're monitoring you closely."

Ava nodded, "How long have I been here?"

The nurse consulted the medical chart. "You've been unconscious for a day. I'll be back to check on you in a little while. If you need anything, just press the call button."

Once the nurse left, Ava closed her eyes. She wasn't feeling good. 

After 15 minutes, the door opened again, and the nurse returned, accompanied by Aliya, Ava's mother-in-law.

Aliya's eyes welled with relief upon seeing Ava conscious. She hurried to the bedside, gently embracing Ava. "My dear, I'm so glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"

 "I'm okay." Ava replied. 

Aliya sighed, taking a seat beside Ava. "There was a fire in your room. It was a terrible accident. But you're safe now, and that's all that matters."

As they talked, the door opened once more, revealing Samir and Faisal. Samir held a bouquet of flowers. 

"Glad to see you awake." Faisal replied. 

Samir grinned while giving the bouquet to Ava, "A little something to brighten up your room."

Samir and Faisal settled into chairs by Ava's bedside.

Samir added, "And speaking of visits, we've already told Elara that you're awake. She'll be here soon."

Ava's eyes lit up at the mention of her brother. "Elara's coming?"

Faisal nodded, "Yes, he should be here shortly."


The day neared its end, the clock striking 11 at night. The private hospital room, where Ava rested, bore witness to the well-wishes and tokens of care. Colorful bouquets and baskets of fruits adorned the space. Elara, Farah and Ava's two classmate Nurul and Hafiz visited her earlier.

She was engrossed in a book when the door opened. The doctor and a nurse walked in, ready for the routine check-up.

"How are you feeling?" the doctor inquired with a warm smile.

Ava returned a nod, setting the book aside. "Better, I suppose."

 The doctor began to examine Ava. The nurse efficiently assisted the doctor. 

As this was happening, the door opened once more, and Ibrahim entered, his presence immediately catching Ava's attention. Dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, he was looking handsome as always. Ava sighed and averted her gaze. 

Internally, she mumbled, "Thought I could sleep peacefully without him, but here he is again."

Ibrahim approached and asked, "How is she, doctor?"

The doctor finished the examination and turned to address Ibrahim. "Physically, she's improving. However, I must emphasize the importance of taking good care of her. Ava's immunity is quite weak, likely due to the smoke inhalation. It's crucial to ensure she rests and receives proper care."

Ibrahim nodded, "I'll make sure she gets everything she needs."

The doctor continued, "She should avoid exposure to any pollutants or smoke for a while. Additionally, a healthy diet and plenty of fluids will help in her recovery." 

The doctor and Ibrahim talked for a while. Then the doctor and the nurse left, leaving Ibrahim and Ava alone in the room.

Ibrahim settled into a chair beside Ava's hospital bed. His gaze quietly fixed on her as she immersed herself in a book. But Ava struggled to find comfort in the words on the pages as Ibrahim kept looking at her. 

Closing the book, she couldn't help but ask, "Why are you watching me like this?" 

Ibrahim, playing the innocent, responded with a casual "Like what?"

Ava replied, "If you keep watching me, I can't read," 

In response, Ibrahim suggested a change of focus. "Then talk with me for a while," he proposed. 

With a hint of mock in her smile, Ava asked, "So, what does my husband want to talk about?"

Ibrahim sighed and retrieved a ring from his pocket. He approached Ava, "Why aren't you wearing the wedding ring nowadays?"

Taking Ava's hand, he gently slipped the ring onto her finger. Ava responded, "The ring doesn't hold any value for me, and I don't like wearing jewelry every day."

Ibrahim returned to his chair, "At least wear it when you go outside. I don't want people to think you're not married.

Ava sighed and muttered, "Jealous Old man... huh."

But Ibrahim overheard her murmur, "I may be 35, but I have enough strength to make you please, Baby girl."

Ava's mouth fell open in disbelief, "Don't you have any shame? Do you even know what to say in front of a girl?"

Ibrahim, with a playful smile, remarked, "The girl is my wife."

Ibrahim enjoyed Ava's blushed face. Then he changed their conversation in more serious way. "How did the fire start in the room?" he questioned, his eyes probing for answers.

Taking a moment, Ava reached for the water bottle on the side table. She countered with a question, "Why should I know?"

Ibrahim maintained his gaze on Ava, "You were alone in the room at that time. You should have seen how the fire started."

Ava sighed before explaining, "I saw the fire after coming back from the bathroom."

 "Then, after seeing the fire, why didn't you leave the room? The door was locked from the inside; you could have easily left." Ibrahim asked further. 

Ava took a sip of water. Some beads of sweat formed on her forehead, "I don't remember."

Ibrahim, leaning forward with a serious expression, rested his hands on his knees. "You don't even have any burn injuries. Isn't that odd? Unless... unless you started the fire?"