Chapter 39 : Invitation from Enemy

The sun had just begun to cast its warm glow across Kuala Lumpur, signaling the arrival of a new day. Faisal was inside his car, staring at Kuala Lumpur University's entrance. He glanced at the clock, realizing he had been waiting for an hour. 

Tapping his fingers nervously on the steering wheel, he stared at the sealed envelope in his hands - the rejection form for Ava's scholarship. He tried to submit Ava's rejection form earlier but he got busy with Ibrahim. But he couldn't delay otherwise Ava will come to know about her scholarship. The University has already started the process for the final list of students who had applied for scholarship. Yet, he found himself stuck in a moral quagmire, torn between loyalty to Ibrahim and the genuine desire to see Ava succeed.

In the meantime, his phone buzzed, shattering the silence. Faisal received. 

"Hey, Faisal. Where are you?" Samir's voice crackled with urgency.

"I'm just... around. I'll be there soon," Faisal replied. 

"Come here bro. The party preparations are in full swing. We need works to do." 

Faisal sighed, I know, Samir. I'll be there shortly."

Samir insisted, "Hurry up. We've got a lot on our plate."

Closing the call, Faisal took a deep breath.


Under the scorching noon sun, Rafi Ahmed stepped out of the airport, the shimmering heatwaves distorting the surroundings. The bustling activity of arrivals surrounded him as travelers hurriedly moved to their destinations. Rafi's piercing eyes scanned the area, and his tall figure stood out in the crowd, dressed in a charcoal gray long coat that billowed slightly in the light breeze, paired with a meticulously buttoned jeans shirt and black pants.

 There he noticed Yusuf, his 'loyal' assistant. He was waiting outside the airport. 

Rafi approached and Yusuf, with a polite nod, opened the car door for Rafi. He settled into the plush leather seat, the car smoothly pulled away from the airport. 

"Sir, how was your flight?" Yusuf asked. He was sitting on the driver's seat. 

Leaning back, Rafi gazed out of the tinted window, "Good."

While maintaining focus on the road ahead, Yusuf told, "Mr. Ibrahim Rahman sends his regards, sir."

A quizzical arch of Rafi's eyebrow prompted Yusuf to delve into the details.

"He's hosting a party tonight, sir. An invitation was sent for you to attend," Yusuf explained, stealing a momentary glance at Rafi.

Rafi's lips curled into a bemused smile. "Ibrahim Rahman extending an invitation to his sworn enemy? That's an intriguing development."

Yusuf nodded, steering the conversation carefully. "It seems he wishes to set aside differences, at least for this evening."

Rafi reclined in his seat, the leather creaking softly. "Ibrahim Rahman and I – we're not accustomed to breaking bread together. What game is he playing?"

Yusuf's expression tightened, a hint of uncertainty clouding his gaze. "I can't say for certain, sir. Mr. Rahman's intentions remain known only to him."

Rafi sighed, idly drumming his fingers on the armrest. "Well, attending won't do any harm. It's been a while since I witnessed the grandeur of Ibrahim's gatherings firsthand."

The car was going the city's lively streets and Rafi closed his eyes for some moments, as if he was thinking something. But after sometimes, 

"Yusuf," Rafi inquired, his gaze shifting from the passing buildings to his assistant, "I've noticed you haven't been bringing Aidan to the office lately.

Yusuf's grip on the steering wheel tightened subtly. His three years old son was not near him. These Rahmans...

"Ah, yes, sir. Aidan has been a bit too energetic these days. It's becoming a challenge to manage him at the office."

Rafi raised an eyebrow, "Energetic or mischievous?"

Yusuf chuckled, "Well, you know how toddlers can be, sir. Always exploring, getting into everything."

Rafi's piercing gaze lingered on Yusuf for a moment, "Is that the only reason, Yusuf? I've always found the presence of your son to be a pleasant addition to our workspace."

Yusuf hesitated, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "There have been some changes in Aidan's routine, sir. He's been more comfortable spending time at home recently."

"Very well, Yusuf. Family comes first," Rafi conceded, "But I did bring a few toys for Aidan. Make sure he gets them."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Aidan will be happy too." Yusuf replied.


Ava stood before the floor-length mirror, captivated by the reflection staring back at her. The teal gown draped elegantly over her figure, its V neckline adding a touch of allure. The intricate embroidery adorned the dress, creating a mesmerizing pattern. Her long, flowing hair added an extra layer of glamour, framing her face in a cascade of waves. 

But things took an unexpected turn when Ava turned her attention to the back of her gown. The delicate chain that held the dress together had become entangled with her hair locks.

Ava attempted to free her hair with subtle tugs and twists, but the strands remained obstinately entangled. 

"Why did I let my hair fall like this?"

The more she tried to extricate it, the more ensnared it became.

In the midst of her struggle, a knock echoed through the room. Ibrahim's voice resonated from the other side of the door. "Ava, open the door. We don't have all night."

Ava huffed, her fingers delicately tracing the stubborn chain. "Just a minute, Ibrahim. I'm almost done."

Ibrahim persisted, "You've been in there for ages. Open the door."

Ava, now slightly flustered, replied, "Just another minute, Ibrahim." Beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Feeling defeated, she finally decided to call for help. "Ibrahim, bring Aziza or Yasmeen.

Ava waited. She looked her back in the mirror. She really needed help. After a short while, Ibrahim's voice returned. "Aziza is here. Open the door." 

She felt relieved. She approached the door, carefully clasping the back of her gown to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions. As she opened the door, expecting to find Aziza waiting outside, she was met with an empty hallway just Ibrahim was standing there in front of her. Ibrahim had deceived her.

"Ibrahim, where's Aziza?" Ava demanded, her irritation evident.

Ignoring her question, Ibrahim stepped into the room uninvited. "Why are you taking so much time? We need to leave."

 "Ibrahim! I said just Aziza. I need her help." She clutched the back of her gown protectively. 

Ibrahim smirked and closed the door behind him, "Well, Aziza is busy, so you'll have to make do with me."

Ava gulped. She would never took Ibrahim's help. "Leave, Ibrahim. I'm not ready yet."

But Ibrahim already have noticed her hand on her back. His eyes glinted mischievously as he closed the distance between them. "The chain, huh?" Taking a step closer, he added, "Let me help."

"No, Nope, Never. I'll manage. I..... I will manage somehow." Ava insisted and stepped back.

Ibrahim's authoritative tone cut through the air, "Ava, there's no time to waste. We need to reach the hotel soon. Guests are waiting." 

Ava sighed. She had no other ways now. She cursed under her breathe, infront of him she always had to surrender, "Fine."

"Turn around," Ibrahim instructed. Ava complied and her internal conflict was palpable. The faint sound of her hesitant gulp underscored the room's charged ambiance. Her open back was inviting his gaze.