Chapter 52 : Apology Letter.

Rafi Ahmed, dressed in casual daily wear, occupied a plush leather chair in his bedroom. The scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air. He took a sip of his coffee. Sofia was not living with him after their fight. Now he was feeling so alone in the house. He looked at the large window. 

In the meantime, a henchman approached with a sealed envelope towards Rafi. Rafi's piercing gaze shifted from the window towards the the impending message held in the henchman's outstretched hand.

Rafi took it. His fingers tore into the envelope. The pristine paper yielded to his touch, revealing the cold, impersonal words that heralded an impending cataclysm – a divorce notice from Sophia. Rafi's eyes scanned the lines of legal prose. His coffee, once a comforting companion in moments of contemplation, stood cold and forgotten on the table beside him. 

"Divorce? Sophia, how could you? After all these years?" 

"Ibrahim, you sly puppeteer, manipulating my life from the shadows. But mark my words, you won't escape unscathed. This... this is a declaration of war." Rafi's voice echoed in his room.

His fingers tightened around the paper, the subtle crinkling sound underscoring the emotions swirling within. His eyes burned with a tumultuous blend of rage and disbelief.

"How can she abandon me now, when I need her the most? After everything I've built, everything I've sacrificed! Sophia, do you not understand the implications of turning your back on me?"

He slammed the divorce notice onto a glass table. He rose abruptly, the chair scraping against the marble floor as he paced. "Ibrahim will pay for this. No one undermines Rafi Ahmed and escapes unscathed. I won't let him tarnish my life. I won't....."


The soft patter of raindrops on the window accompanied Ava's gradual return to consciousness from sleep. She stirred in her bed, a moment of disorientation gripped her. She glanced around, her vision adjusting to the morning calm. Ibrahim's bed, however, remained untouched. She surveyed her surroundings, searching for any sign of Ibrahim's presence. Confusion clouded her thoughts – did he not come home last night?

"Why am I even thinking about him?" she muttered to herself, dismissing the notion. Yet, a subtle concern lingered in her mind, causing her to cast lingering glances at the vacant bed once again. 

A quiet sigh escaped her lips. After all, why should she care?Shaking off the thoughts of Ibrahim, Ava shifted her focus to the clock on the wall. The time mocked her; it was already 10 in the morning. Ava's realization struck her. Her exam loomed just a month away, and here she was, lost in slumber. She questioned her own actions, wondering why she had allowed herself to sleep in so much.

Rising from the bed, Ava's bare feet met the cool floor. Her eyes shifted to the bedside table, where an unexpected addition caught her attention – a snow globe.The snow globe rested delicately on the bedside table, a crystalline masterpiece that held the essence of a winter wonderland within its glassy confines. Its sky-blue hue, reminiscent of a serene midwinter sky, captured the eye with a tranquil allure.

Ava held the snow globe, captivated by its intricate beauty. Her fingers traced the glass surface of the globe. "I never noticed it before." Ava whispered to herself.

Inside this miniature cosmos, a quaint cottage stood as the focal point, nestled within a pristine landscape of snow. The cottage appeared as if plucked from a storybook, its chimney releasing delicate trails of imagined smoke into the crystalline air. 

The snowflakes, suspended in the liquid medium, created a ballet of delicate motion whenever the globe was stirred. Each flake sparkled as if touched by the magic of the first snowfall. The flakes were suspended in midair, added a touch of magic to the scene. 

Ava found herself lost in the beauty of the snow globe. With each gentle shake, the snowflakes twirled and danced. Ava played with the globe, turning it again and again as if she was enjoying the scenery inside the globe.

As she attempted to return it to its place on the bedside table, her fingertips brushed against a small piece of folded paper. Unfolding it, she found herself holding a letter -

"My Beloved Ava,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of tranquility. There's something I need to express. I'm writing to apologize, sincerely and deeply.

The kiss we shared – forceful and misplaced, driven by a longing I failed to contain. I overstepped, and for that, I am genuinely sorry.

When you spoke of the possibility of hurting yourself, it cut through me like a knife. Your words - the threat of hurting yourself, struck a chord within me. The mere thought of you in pain is more than I can bear. Your well-being surpasses everything else in significance. I may be many things, but I cannot digest the idea of you in pain, especially if it's a consequence of my own doing.

I struggle to understand the depth of the pain that could drive you to such extremes. The darkness you hinted at is one I cannot let you enter. Your safety is paramount to me.

And you once spoke of painting a masterpiece for our room. I know you haven't started, and that's perfectly fine. Your promise is more cherished than any artwork. Still, I want to remind you that the payment for your art is ready. I eagerly waiting for the beauty you will create. 

Your strength, your resilience – they continually astound me. Each day, I find myself falling more profoundly in love with you. You've become a significant part of my life, and your well-being is of utmost importance to me. I never intended to cause you distress, and I promise to learn from this mistake. I respect the boundaries you set dear. And I respect you too. 

I may not be one to use many words, but I need you to understand these – I love you, Ava, more than words can convey. You are the light that brightens my darkest days. Forgive me for any moments of darkness I might bring into your life.

In an effort to bridge the divide, I extend to you a humble gift—a snow globe, a tiny world enclosed within glass. Accept it not just as a token but as a promise that I cherish every facet of our relationship. Let it be a reminder that amidst the storms, there is always a serene moment waiting to be discovered.

With sincere apologies and unwavering love,


Ava stood in awe. Her eyes widened as she absorbed the heartfelt words on the paper before her. Maybe he had come home last night and went early morning. But she was sleeping so she didn't notice. She never expected such a letter from Ibrahim.

"Why is he being so .... romantic?" she wondered aloud, her gaze fixed on the letter. The realization that Ibrahim had taken the time to pen down his emotions left her both perplexed and touched. She slowly sank back onto the bed, cradling the letter in her hands. She read it again. 

"Is this his way of trying to connect with me?" Ava mused. "If he keeps doing this," she thought, "I'll be gone mad soon." Ava took a deep breath. No, no she should not think about him. She should not. Ava set the letter aside. "No more thinking about him."

Ava grappled with the realization that, despite her attempts to maintain distance, Ibrahim had found a way to breach the walls she had carefully erected. "He can't keep doing this....He can't," she whispered to the silent room.