Chapter 60 : Another Day of Teaching Her.

Jessica stood at the front door and the group turned their attention toward her. Zebi, Noor, Mahi, and Farah exchanged curious glances, not expecting Jessica's unexpected visit. And the main fact was, Jessica wasn't a familiar face among their close-knit group.

Jessica inquired, "Can I come in?"

Everyone looked at each other again, a silent agreement passing between them that they didn't have much of a connection with Jessica. They were silently questioning how Jessica, a classmate with whom they didn't share a close bond, ended up at their doorstep.

"Sure," Mahi added, gesturing for Jessica to come in. After all, it wasn't their style to turn someone away.

Once inside, Jessica looked around at the somewhat chaotic scene of cleaning. She raised an eyebrow, "Am I interrupting something?"

Farah, still holding the mop, shook her head, "No, just our weekly cleaning. So what brings you here?" She gestured Jessica to sit on the stool and Jessica accepted the offer. 

Maintaining an air of confidence, Jessica explained, "Well, my room owner dropped a bombshell and asked me to vacate the place. Apparently, they're moving to another city, and I need to find a new place quickly."

 "That's quite sudden. Do you have a place to stay?" Mahi asked. 

Jessica told, "Not yet, that's why I'm here. Can I crash with you guys for a few days until I figure something out?"

The quartet exchanged hesitant glances, clearly unsure about inviting someone they didn't know well into their living space. But the idea of turning away someone in need didn't sit well with them.

Zebi voiced their collective uncertainty, "I mean, it's a bit unexpected. Are you sure you'll find a place in a few days? It's not easy to secure housing in Kuala Lumpur on short notice."

With a confident demeanor, Jessica tossed her curly hair back and responded, "Trust me, I've got this. I don't plan on being a burden. Just need a temporary spot until I figure things out."

Noor chimed in, "Are you sure about this? We don't want any awkward roommate situations."

Jessica smirked, "Don't worry. I'm low maintenance. You won't even know I'm here."

With a collective nod and a sense of cautious acceptance, the group agreed to let Jessica stay for a few days. Zebi, Noor, Mahi, and Farah exchanged glances, silently contemplating the unexpected turn of events.

Zebi spoke up, "Alright, Jessica. You can stay for a bit. But, you know, it's a student apartment, not a luxury hotel."

Jessica chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not expecting room service. I just need a place to crash temporarily."

"So, when are you planning to move in?" Farah asked.

Jessica tilted her head and replied, "I'll bring my stuff tomorrow. Hope that works for you all."

Noor nodded, "Sure, tomorrow it is. We'll make some space for you."


Ava meticulously went through each shopping bag, unfolding the clothes with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. She couldn't fathom how Ibrahim managed to find the exact replicas of her previous clothes, from the color to the size. Her bed was now adorned with bags filled with these new clothes. 

Ava couldn't help but express her amazement, "Ibrahim really did it. How on earth did he find the exact same pieces? It's like a magic trick."

In the midst of her thoughts, Yasmeen, the maid, entered the room, visibly flustered. Ava noticed her heavy breathing and questioned, "Yasmeen, why are you breathing so fast?"

"Mr. Rahman ordered me to organize the closet, but I got caught up with other tasks and forgot about it." Yasmeen explained somehow. 

"You know what, Yasmeen? I can handle this alone. You can do other works." Ava offered.

Yasmeen replied, "But if I don't complete my tasks, Mr. Rahman might dismiss me from work."

Shaking her head in resignation, Ava relented, "Fine, go ahead. Organize the closet."

When Yasmeen started arranging the newly acquired clothes in Ava's closet, Ava went towards the the study room. Entering Ibrahim's study, Ava found him, engrossed in a book, sitting on a chair with various books scattered on the desk. He wore a light brown full-sleeved t-shirt paired with black pants, his focused demeanor catching Ava's attention.

Moving closer, Ava noticed the book Ibrahim was reading, and it was one from her syllabus. She questioned him, "Are you reading my book?"

Upon seeing Ava, Ibrahim motioned to the chair beside him, inviting her to join. And Ava settled into the chair.

Ibrahim replied, "Yes, I promised to help you complete your syllabus before our weekend getaways. So, I need to read too."

Ava nodded in understanding and then shifted the conversation, "How did you find all my clothes? They were exactly the same, and street markets usually follow current trends; they don't keep stock of previous items."

Wearing a mysterious smile, Ibrahim responded with a nonchalant "Hmm..." He playfully remarked, "You asked for it, and I brought it. If I start explaining how I managed, we'll need to climb mountains of details, and it might hurt my ego. A man should maintain some mystery, shouldn't he?"

Ava furrowed her brows, "Tell me," she insisted.

Shaking his head with a smirk, Ibrahim decided to keep the mystery alive. "Let it be a mystery. Today, let's start a new chapter."

Ava didn't ask further. "Which topic are we diving into today?" Shr asked.

"So today, we're delving into the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku." Ibrahim responded.

The lesson unfolded, Ibrahim provided detailed insights into the design principles, structural innovations, and the architect's vision behind the Heydar Aliyev Center. He tried to make Ava understand everything in a simple way. As the one-hour session concluded, Ibrahim closed the book and shut the laptop. 

Turning toward Ava, he declared, "Now, it's time for a quiz. Let's see how much you've absorbed."

Ready to showcase her understanding, Ava said, "Sure, I'm ready."

He intentionally moved Ava's chair slightly closer to his own, a movement that caused their shoulders to gently brush against each other. 

He initiated, "Tell me about the unique structural elements employed in the Heydar Aliyev Center."

Ava pondered the question. She looked upward, attempting to recall and responded, "Um, the... the fluid forms, right?"

Ibrahim prompted further, "Yes, but can you elaborate on how those forms challenge traditional architectural norms?"

"Well, they kind of... break away from straight lines and... stuff." Ava struggled a bit. 

Ibrahim simply placed his right hand on her left thigh as he continued, "Good effort, baby girl. Now, what about the material used in its construction?"

Feeling the unexpected touch on her thigh, Ava looked down in surprise and asked, "What is this?" Ava looked at him with her furrowed brows. 

Ibrahim shook his head, "I want answers of my questions, baby girl. Don't let distractions break your concentration."

Inside Ibrahim's mind, a myriad of thoughts and intentions swirled, creating an enigma that even the closest observer would find challenging to unravel.

Caught between the challenge of answering Ibrahim's questions and the distracting sensation of his touch, Ava hesitated for a moment before answer. Her gaze momentarily escaping toward the desk as if seeking refuge from Ibrahim's gaze. In a nervous reflex, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, a subtle attempt to regain composure.

However, the tranquility of the study room was disrupted by the gentle circles Ibrahim traced on her thigh. Despite the barrier of her jeans, the sensation of his fingertips against her skin sent a subtle shiver through her entire left leg.

But Ava was determined to prove to herself that Ibrahim's touch held no sway over her but the reality proved challenging – a battle between willpower and the undeniable effect of his caress. She summoned her courage and responded, "Uh, it's something... innovative?"

Sensing her vulnerability, Ibrahim allowed a smile to grace his lips. He also wanted to see her reaction - the more, the better.

"Innovative indeed, baby girl. But What is the main material?" He lightly pinched the flesh of her thigh. The sensation was neither painful nor unpleasant but rather ticklish, prompting Ava to place her hand over Ibrahim's in an attempt to move his hand away from her thighs. 

But Ibrahim was being Ibrahim. He skillfully resisted her attempts.

"F... Fiberglass?" she hazarded. Her hand was guardian his hand not to do anything. 

"Very close. It's reinforced concrete," he disclosed and his hand ventured higher on Ava's thigh....