Chapter 65 : The Aftermath of the Kiss.

The dining table in the Rahman Mansion was adorned with an array of dishes, and Aziza placing tea cups and plates before Ava and Samir. The fragrance of breakfast filled the air and the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the dining scene.

Samir teased Ava, "So, sister-in-law, ready for the trip?"

Ava, savoring her cereal, nodded and replied, "I've never visited Malacca before, even though it's just a 2-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur."

Sipping his tea, Samir replied, "That's why Ibrahim chose Malacca for your trip." 

She stirred her spoon in the bowl, considering the thoughtful choice Ibrahim had made. How well he knew her preferences, even when planning a simple getaway. 

 Meanwhile, the quiet hum of the morning was interrupted by the arrival of Faisal's car, pulling into the mansion's driveway. Both Ava and Samir peered through the window, catching sight of Faisal stepping out of his car.

"Faisal finally remembered us after days." Samir remarked. 

Faisal, entering the dining hall, greeted Ava and Samir with warmth, engaging in a friendly handshake with Samir.

"Where have you been these days?" Ava asked while smiling. She last saw Faisal in the party. 

Taking a seat at the table, Faisal explained, "I went to visit my sister; she's studying abroad."

"Did you really go to see your sister, or was there something else? Are you busy dating someone?" Samir teased Faisal. 

Faisal shot Samir a serious look and retorted, "I don't have time to be busy with dating like you."

On the other hand, Ava was curious about Faisal's sister, asked, "Where is she studying?"

Faisal responded, "She is studying in London."

Ava's eyes lit up as she exclaimed, "London? I really love London! I applied for a scholarship at Manchester University because it's a step closer to London, but... no updates yet." She looked down at her bowl, her disappointment palpable. "I've only seen it in movies, you know? I've always dreamed of strolling along the Thames and exploring the city. Maybe someday," she added with a wistful smile.

Faisal and Samir exchanged a glance, an unspoken understanding passed between them. The weight of the impending revelation about Ava's scholarship cancellation was heavy on Faisal's conscience. He felt a pang of guilt, realizing that what he had done seemed more like a crime. It was like he not only cancelled one scholarship, he burnt one wish of a innocent soul.

Faisal started to pour a cup of tea. And on the other hand, Samir asked, by maintaining a normalcy, "Sister-in-law, aren't you and Ibrahim leaving? Is the packing done?"

Ava shook her head, indicating that it wasn't, and stood up from the chair. "I need to check on it before we leave."

As Ava exited the dining hall, the atmosphere shifted, and a shared exhale of relief echoed through the dinning hall.

Leaning back in his chair, Samir tried to downplay the situation. "It's Ibrahim's problem," he said, "He told you to do that. Don't overthink it."

Faisal leaned forward, his hands gripping the edge of the table. "You don't understand, Samir. I've never felt this much guilt, not even when I took the first life with my own hands. Ava is different. She's innocent, like a sister to us."

"We knew Ava's lifestyle would come with its challenges after marrying Ibrahim," Samir remarked. 

Faisal nodded, his gaze fixed on a point beyond the dining hall. "True, but Ava's innocence makes this harder to bear."

Ava entered the bedroom, and her eyes fell on the packed trolley standing beside the single bed. The sound of running water from the bathroom hinted that Ibrahim was taking a shower. 

She approached the trolley and opened it. And she was pleasantly surprised to find her clothes neatly folded and arranged. The trolley's one side was bearing Ibrahim's clothes and one side were filled with her clothes. Ava noticed carefully and found that Ibrahim had indeed packed all her stylish clothes, a thoughtful gesture that brought a smile to her face.

Yet, amidst the neatly arranged clothes, Ava noticed a missing item – her hairdryer. She headed towards the dressing table, intending to retrieve it. It was then that she spotted Ibrahim's phone. The phone's screen was on. 

Ava's brows furrowed as she examined the phone's display, revealing a cart on a food delivery app with two packets of chocolates. Chocolates? A perplexed thought crossed her mind – she didn't have a sweet tooth, so these couldn't be for her. Whose indulgence was Ibrahim catering to with those sweet treats? Does Ibrahim have a girlfriend? Is he sending chocolates to his girlfriend?

She was busy in her thoughts. "I was ordering chocolates for Aidan." She got startled when she heard Ibrahim's voice from behind. 

Ava looked behind. Ibrahim was standing behind her, wearing a bathrobe. His wet hair and body glistened in the ambient light. She gulped nervously, memories of the previous night's kiss on the roof resurfacing.

She divert her gaze him and took the hairdryer from the dressing table. She approached towards the trolley. 

Ibrahim smiled at her shyness. She was trying not to meet his gaze after the last night's kiss.

Packing her hairdryer in the trolley, she tried to focus, "I don't want to look at your phone. I don't have any habit of interfering in someone's private life."

 He was now casually drying his hair with a towel, "I'm not anyone to you, Ava. I'm your husband. And you have every right to interfere in my life, no matter how small or big the matter is. And Aidan is his friend's son. Don't think anything else." 

Ava, in the midst of packing, questioned herself – was she an open book? How did Ibrahim always seem to read her so accurately? 

She put the closed trolley aside. She sat on the single bed and observed him selecting clothes from the hanger. His figure adorned in a bathrobe. The fabric draped loosely over his broad shoulders, the contours of his back defined with subtle shadows. The gentle sway of the bathrobe as he reached for his clothes showcased a casual elegance that was hard to ignore. And his tousled hair and the subtle aroma of soap from the shower added to the overall appeal.

Ava found herself drawn to the image before her – a side of Ibrahim she hadn't quite noticed or, perhaps, hadn't allowed herself to see. 

However, her reverie was abruptly interrupted when Ibrahim turned around, catching her in the act. Their eyes locked, and Ava, momentarily struck dumb, felt her cheeks flush. She quickly averted her gaze, focusing on a random spot in the room. Would he assume she was admiring him?

Ibrahim shook his head slightly and told, "Change your clothes; we have to leave early, otherwise, there will be traffic."

Ava rose from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. However, Ibrahim playfully halted her with a teasing inquiry, "Are you going to change without clothes?"

Ava paused in her tracks. It was embarassing. She turned and came towards the closet. Ibrahim, beside her, observed her every move, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

He gently held Ava's forearm, guiding her to turn towards him. His touch was subtle yet firm, causing Ava's heart to flutter nervously. As she faced him, Ibrahim maintained a teasing smile, enjoying the effect he seemed to have on her.

Ava felt a mix of emotions – embarrassment, nervousness, and an undeniable anticipation. Ibrahim quirked an eyebrow, teasing, "Did I leave an impact on you with the kiss? It seems like you enjoyed it, and now you can't make eye contact with me."

 Ava, her nerves exposed, retorted, "There's nothing like that."

She quickly took her clothes and entered the bathroom. She puts her clothes on the hanger and switched on the water tap to calm herself down. She took deliberate deep breaths, attempting to regain composure.

Ava found herself sitting on the bathroom floor. Her hands covered her face. Was he truly affecting her with just a kiss? She shook off the thought.

Ava tried to convince herself that she shouldn't be affected, that it was just a kiss – a fleeting moment that held no significance. 

"Is he thinking I will accept if I enjoyed his kiss? No, never. I will never admit that in front of him." She murmured to herself.

But deep down, she couldn't deny the undeniable truth – Ibrahim's kiss had stirred something within her, something she wasn't ready to confront. His lips on hers replayed in her mind. Every touch, every moment, had left an imprint on her. She found herself replaying the moment over and over. It was as if he had cast a spell, stirring a dormant desire within her. His every touch felt like a gentle wave, stirring the calm waters of her reserved demeanor.

The realization hit her hard – Ibrahim wasn't just a good kisser; he was a master of igniting passion. Her body yearned for more, a desire that whispered promises of an intimacy she never thought she'd seek. She really wanted more and feel the man, her man, her Ibrahim.