Chapter 70 : Cockroach

Prof. Syed lounged in his office and an unsettling grin stretched across his face. Jessica had carried out her assignment with precision – planting hidden cameras in the bathroom of Farah's shared apartment. Now he sat in his leather chair, swirling a glass of liquor as he prepared to savor the fruits of his devious plan.

With a deliberate click, he initiated the laptop and revealed the intimate lives of Zeba, Noor, Mahi, and Farah. Each clips captured their intimate moments. Sipping from his glass, Prof. Syed couldn't resist the temptation to replay the videos on his laptop. The scenes unfolded before him, revealing the unsuspecting individuals going about their daily routines—showering, an act usually reserved for the utmost privacy, now laid bare on the screen.

The distorted satisfaction on his face intensified as he immersed himself in the invasive footage. Droplets of water, falling down their bare skin, became a twisted form of pleasure for him.

Now, he contemplated the various sinister paths he could tread with the compromising footage. "Blackmail," he whispered to himself, relishing the word. The idea of manipulating their lives, forcing them to dance to his whims, brought a sadistic pleasure. Prof. Syed imagined the fear in their eyes as he dangled the threat of exposure over them, each move dictated by his sinister commands.

"But why stop there?" he pondered, his mind spiraling into more sinister territories. He could take a more sinister route by uploading the videos onto adult websites, exposing their privacy for the world to see. 

"Ah, the sweet taste of control," he murmured to himself. The sheer thrill of ruining their lives, their reputations tarnished forever, fueled his dark desires. Imagining the fallout, the shattered reputations, and the public disgrace fueled his twisted pleasure. He was not looking like a normal person at that time. It was like - he was a alien or someone else. 

Then, another devilish idea struck him – why not both? A devious smile played on his lips as he considered the ultimate concoction – a dual assault of blackmail and public humiliation. "The perfect storm," he whispered.


The hotel room embraced the tranquility of a rainy day, with the curtain-draped window blocking the sunlight's attempt to infiltrate. The soft glow of lights added a touch of warmth. Raindrops tapped gently on the window, adding a rhythmic melody to the room.

Ava, stirred from her sleep, felt a twinge of pain in her injured hand. Slowly opening her eyes, she found Ibrahim sitting on the bed. He was tenderly changing the bandage.

In front of Ava, Ibrahim was looking so calm and soft - as if nothing happened last night. As if, he didn't kill a person last. There was no guilt in his face. Though Ava didn't know any activities of last night. 

As Ibrahim worked on the bandage, he spoke to Ava with a soothing tone, "Wake up, baby girl, it's noon."

Ava blinked, adjusting to the awareness that it was already midday. She inquired, "It's noon now?"

Ibrahim replied, "It is, dear. Now wake up; you didn't eat dinner last night."

Once the bandaging was complete, Ava sat up while yawning. Her gaze wandered toward the sofa. But it was seemed was not broad enough for Ibrahim's tall frame. Ava looked at Ibrahim. He was dressed in - white shirt and black trousers. 

She asked, "Did you spend the night on the sofa?"

Ibrahim smiled, "Yes, baby girl.... But if you have no objections, then I can sleep on the bed with you starting tonight."

And Ava's mouth fell open, "Yes, yes. I have problems. I have many problems. I'll take the sofa tonight; you can claim the bed."

Ibrahim smiled at Ava's playful response. He rose up from the bed and placed the first-aid kit in the drawer. Under his breath, he mused, "Don't know when the day will come when I can sleep with her in one bed."

He leaned against the world and saw Ava was rising from the bed. But a sudden dizziness overwhelmed her. She fought to stand straight.

Ibrahim quickly approached her side and gently grasped her arms, "Are you alright?"

He guided her back to the bed, recognizing it as a side effect of the Somnolence Elixir he had injected the previous night. Ava blinked and shook her head, as if resisting the lingering dizziness.

Ibrahim checked on her carefully. The dizziness was subsiding slowly now. Ava mumbled, "Don't know why my head spun a bit."

"Maybe you rose up too quickly," Ibrahim suggested.

Ava responded, "Maybe." 

Ibrahim inquired, "Are you okay now?"

Ava nodded slightly, and Ibrahim poured a glass of water, handing it to her. "Drink it," he instructed.

Taking the glass, Ava drank the water, "I'm okay now." She again stood up and approached the trolley to take out her clothes, stating, "I need to change."

"We're not going outside today. It's raining." Ibrahim remarked.

Ava nodded, "I'm not feeling well too, and my hand is hurting."

Ibrahim questioned, "Then why are you taking clothes? No need to change." He was looking puzzled. But his main concern was he didn't want Ava to go to bathroom as she just had felt dizzy. 

Ava furrowed her brows, "I've been wearing this dress since yesterday, and there's blood on it from my wound."

Ibrahim approached her, "Change here in the room. What if your head spins again in the bathroom? I won't even know."

And Ava was in disbelief," "Have you gone mad, Ibrahim? Do you even know what you're saying?"

Ibrahim insisted, "Yes, change here. I won't look at you. At least if something happens, I can help."

Ava, now with a hint of exasperation, headed toward the washroom. However, Ibrahim trailed behind her, making a gentle plea, "Baby Girl, please listen to me."

As Ava closed the door, Ibrahim gently pushed against it. Ava asserted, "Let me close the door."

In a soft yet firm tone, Ibrahim proposed, "Then don't lock the door, at least."

Ava managed a smile despite her frustration, "If I feel dizzy, I'll call your name."

With that, she closed the door, leaving Ibrahim outside. Inside the bathroom, Ava started changing her clothes with a feeling of frustration and amusement at Ibrahim's protective nature. Meanwhile, Ibrahim, on the outside, couldn't help but worry, calling out to Ava, "You okay in there, Baby Girl?"

"Ibrahim, I'm fine. Can you please stop worrying so much?" she replied. 

"Just making sure. You felt dizzy earlier." Ibrahim insisted. 

Rolling her eyes, Ava muttered, "It was nothing. Now, let me change in peace."

He sighed audibly. He might be overreacted but unable to shake off his worry. However, as Ava removed her clothes and turned towards the hanger, she was met with a sight that sent shivers down her spine – a cockroach, bold and unabashed, perched comfortably on the outfit she was about to wear. Panic and fear gripped her, and an involuntary scream escaped her lips, echoing in the bathroom.

On the other side of the door, Ibrahim's worry heightened. He urgently pleaded, "What happened? Open the door, Ava!"

But how could she possibly open the door in her current state of undress and with the uninvited insect on her clothes? What she should do now? She heard Ibrahim's voice but her mind was thinking for options. 

Ava reached for a nearby towel, wrapping it around her naked form securely. She quickly opened the door, "There's a cockroach inside."

However, Ibrahim, who had been calling and banging on the door, didn't seem to hear her words. He froze. The sight of her, wrapped in that piece of fabric, stirred an Involuntary appreciation within him. His eyes traced the curve of her chest, the lines of her body, down to her legs. He couldn't help but notice the appealing contours of her chest, the gentle curves of her body, and the smooth lines of her legs.

Each day seemed to amplify his longing, and Ava's presence only fueled the growing intensity of his desires. It was really hard to deny the attraction he felt toward her.

On the other hand, Ava focused on the the cockroach from outside of the bathroom not to lose its track. She realised Ibrahim's lingering gaze.

Following his line of sight, she noticed he was fixated on her chest. She thought internally - Ibrahim never missed a chance to steal glances at her. Ava, quickly secured her towel, "Why are you looking at me? Handle the cockroach!"

Ibrahim gulped nervously. He wasn't nervous because Ava caught his gaze. He was nervous as he was trying to control himself. He towards the bathroom. With a slipper in hand, he swiftly dealt with the cockroach, flushing it down the toilet.

"Check the whole bathroom, what if there are parents or siblings of the cockroach in there." Ava suggested. 

Ibrahim sighed and checked the entire bathroom. He checked each corner, each wall, "There are no family members of that cockroach."

Ava felt relief but hesitated to wear the dress on which the cockroach had sat. However, she was wrapped in a towel, making it uncomfortable for her to kneel and choose a new outfit from the trolley. 

Ava asked, "Ibrahim, can you bring another piece of clothing for me?"

Ibrahim nodded and agreed, "Why not? But I want something in return." 

Ava inquired, "What?" 

Ibrahim came out from the bathroom and stood infront of her. With a mischievous smile, he suggested, "What about a kiss?"

And Ava was stunned, "What?"

Ibrahim nodded, implying his request.

"Fine, she doesn't need his help. She'll take her clothes on her own." Ava declared. 

Ibrahim saw her moving towards the trolley. He quickly told, "Okay, okay, I'm getting them, but no need to get angry."

Ava told, "Then Hurry up."