Chapter 79 : "Daddy Material."

Ava resumed treating Ibrahim's scratches, and as she did, she noticed another scratch that seemed older, caused by a nail. It was evident that Ibrahim had received this scratch a few days ago. Ava asked, "When did you get this scratch?"

Ibrahim glanced at his hand and recognised the mark. It was from the day he killed Daniel. Ava didn't notice before he was wearing full sleeves to hide the mark. But today Ava saw. 

Ibrahim lied, "I don't really remember."

Ava pressed further, "How can you not remember? It's clear someone scratched you with nails."

Ibrahim pretended to recollect and said another lie, "Oh, it was the day when Daniel pushed you, and I grabbed his collar... I got the scratch that day."

Ava's expression turned to an 'O' as she understood, "You really did a good job by scaring Daniel this time by involving the police. I thought you'd beat him like the man who flirted with me a long time ago."

Ibrahim smiled at her innocence, keeping the harsh reality of Daniel's fate hidden. Now as their relationship grew stronger, Ibrahim wanted to shield Ava from certain truths, especially given his involvement in the darker aspects of life as a mafia. The less she knew, the better.

He set the first aid box aside and took Ava's hand into his. "Help me take off my T-shirt," he requested with a teasing smile.

Ava's eyes widened. "What? I can't," she exclaimed nervously.

Ibrahim couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "It's not like you haven't seen my body."

Ava felt a rush of heat to her cheeks. She muttered, "It's.... it's different."

Ava had seen his upper body countless times when he emerged from the shower, but taking off his T-shirt was an intimate act she hesitated to perform.

Ibrahim pretended as if his hand was in so much pain, making it challenging to raise it. His acting skills seemed innate. He looked at her with an expression that seemed to say, "Can you resist helping me?" In reality, he had no pain, just a desire for Ava to come closer.

Ava bit her lip. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating what to do. Finally, she decided, "Let me help you."

She hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and scooting closer to Ibrahim. Her hands slowly ventured towards his T-shirt. With a slight nervousness, she began to untuck it from his pants. Ava's breath caught as the shirt revealed more of Ibrahim's well-defined six-pack abs and his sculpted upper body.

Ava couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight. It was the first time she had seen his body so up close, and the reality surpassed any fleeting daydream she might have had. The play of shadows accentuated the lines of his toned muscles, creating a captivating display. Internally, she marveled, Why is he so undeniably attractive?"

The shirt, now lifted over his shoulder, revealed more of Ibrahim's chest—a canvas of strength. Her eyes were captivated by the raw masculinity before her. Ava found herself stealing glances at the broad shoulders and chiseled chest that lay exposed before her.

Finally, the shirt slipped off completely, leaving Ibrahim's upper body exposed. The tousled strands of Ibrahim's hair fell across his forehead, adding an untamed allure to his appearance. He did a subtle stretch, causing his muscles to flex. Ava, caught off guard by the unexpected display of strength, felt her cheeks grow warmer. She observed as he ran his fingers through his hair, a casual yet enticing gesture. 

Ibrahim couldn't help but notice her reddened cheeks. He leaned, teasingly whispering in her ear, "Why so shy, my love?"

He turned his face to see her reaction. Ava lowered her eyes. She was looking anything but Ibrahim. 

Ibrahim continued to tease, "I thought my baby girl has seen me without a shirt many times." He chuckled softly, enjoying Ava's shy demeanor.

Ava mumbled, "It's different when I... when I have to..."

Ibrahim lifted her chin with a gentle touch and looked into her eyes. "Different when you have to undress me, huh?" He playfully winked, making Ava's blush deepen.

Ava stammered, "I-Ibrahim, it's not like that."

Ibrahim grinned, "Relax, Ava. I'm just pulling your leg." He kissed her forehead, appreciating her innocence. "You're cute when you blush, you know that?"

Ava, trying to hide her embarrassment, playfully pushed him, "Stop teasing me."

Ibrahim chuckled, "Okay, okay. I'll behave... for now. But you should also give me the opportunity to take off your clothes; I'll do a good job."

Ava's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Shameless man!"

Just then, the kitten meowed, drawing their attention. It stared at Ibrahim with a glare, seemingly jealous of the attention he was giving to Ava.

"Look how it's glaring at me, forgetting that I rescued it." Ibrahim told. 

Ava smirked, "Tasha is telling you to stay away from its owner."

Ibrahim looked at Ava in amusement, "Who is Tasha?"

Ava pointed to the kitten, explaining, "Tasha is the kitten's name."

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow, "So you even gave it a name?"

Ava nodded, "Now you're going to sleep on the bed, and Tasha and I will sleep on the sofa. The sofa isn't big enough for you."

Ibrahim asked in disbelief, "The kitten gets to sleep with you? That's not fair, Ava."

He couldn't fathom the idea of the kitten sleeping with Ava when she didn't even let him sleep next to her. The unfairness of the situation bothered him.

Ava insisted, "Of course, Tasha can sleep with me."

But Ibrahim pretended to be indignant, "Never! I won't allow you to sleep with this kitten."

Amused by his reaction, Ava asked, "Is someone getting jealous?"

Ibrahim admitted with a grin, "Yes, I am jealous. If the kitten can sleep with you, so can I."

 "What? You're out of your mind. We don't sleep together." Ava clarified.

Without saying a word, Ibrahim smoothly turned and leaned his head back on Ava's lap, stretching his legs beyond the sofa. 

Ava looked down at him, "What are you doing?" 

""Just making myself comfortable. Why? Is it bothering you?" Ibrahim asked.

 "Of course, it is. Put something on!" Ava retorted. 

Ignoring her request, Ibrahim continued, "I thought you'd appreciate the view. After all, not everyone gets to see this."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Ibrahim, seriously, you can't sleep like this. Wear something or find another way to sleep."

Ibrahim closed his eyes, "You worry too much."

Ava couldn't help but gaze at his face. Her feelings for him were intensifying, and there seemed to be no limits. No matter how hard she tried by listening Elara's warnings, she couldn't resist falling more and more for him each day. 

Her eyes went towards Tasha who again involved in playing with imaginary friends. Her eyes lit up and her face bore a smile. Tasha's joy made everything feel lighter. Absentmindly, Ava's hand gently found its way into Ibrahim's hair, fingers weaving through the strands as she enjoyed the scene on the bed. It was like watching a happy dance, and her heart warmed at the sight.

Ava wasn't just touching it or running her fingers through it; she was lightly pulling his hairs almost as if she was savoring the texture. 

Ava looked down at Ibrahim. his eyes peacefully closed. And her gaze then shifted to his Adam's apple, a little bump in his throat that moved up and down with each breath. It was like a small hill moving gently, and she found it strangely fascinating, like a sleepy ocean wave.

Returning to his bare upper body, Ava's eyes observed the rise and fall of his chest also. She briefly entertained the notion of touching it. However, she restrained herself.

Her eyes traced down to Ibrahim's sturdy thighs, encased in black pants. The thought crossed her mind—they must be strong too. It was a fleeting observation, one that added to the growing awareness of the man whose head rested on her lap.

Ava bit her lower lip nervously, her thoughts swirling with a new worry—how would she handle Ibrahim's weight during intimate moments? Clenching her fists, she rested her head on the sofa's headrest.

Ava questioned herself silently. Was she truly thinking about intimacy with Ibrahim? "What am I thinking? No, Ava, you can't think like that." She told herself.

Ava closed her eyes. Her internal thoughts played out in her mind, a tug of war between rationality and burgeoning desires. She again mused, "I might lose my temper one day, but... I'll also lose my sanity if Ibrahim doesn't touch me."

Each time Ibrahim attempted to get closer, she pushed him away, creating a self-imposed barrier to deny her own longing. It became her way of maintaining control, convincing herself that she was the one pushing him, even if deep down, a part of her wished he wouldn't stop.

Ava sought refuge in the darkness behind her lids. Meanwhile, Ibrahim, unaware of her thoughts, gently opened his eyes. He expressed a desire in a soft whisper, "I want to be called 'daddy' by you." 

Ava's nervous gulp echoed her internal conflict. She acknowledged his "daddy material" quality but decided that the time wasn't right. Internally, she resolved to call him 'daddy' someday, unsure of when that day would come.