Chapter 84 : Anger.

The early morning sun in Malacca illuminated the room as Ava busied herself packing their suitcases. She was meticulous, making sure everything was organized. They came with one suitcase, but after Ava's extensive shopping spree, they now needed two. Ava had a penchant for shopping, and this trip to Malacca had been no exception. New dresses, shoes, accessories, and knick-knacks filled the space. 

As Ava carefully folded a new dress, the gold earrings gifted by her mother adorned her ears, shimmering in the sunlight that poured through the window. The delicate pieces held sentimental value, and Ava cherished them. She thanked Ibrahim numerous times for fixing them. 

 Tasha added a lively touch to the scene. She found joy in the chaos. Tasha pawed at the clothes and explored the newfound toys Ava had bought the night before. Small bells attached to the toys jingled softly as Tasha batted them around with her tiny paws.

On the other hand Ibrahim found himself submerged in a sea of tension. He was sitting on the bed with laptop and his attention was fixated on the screen. As Ibrahim delved into the digital intricacies of coordinating drug shipments, an ominous notification on one of the screens caught his attention. A truck, a crucial link in the chain, had lost its GPS connection to Kota Bahru, leaving its whereabouts uncertain. With the only access to the GPS information, Ibrahim faced the risk of significant financial loss, and the potential for legal repercussions if authorities were to discover the operation.

Amidst this high-stakes scenario, Tasha decided to explore the bed where Ibrahim was working on his laptop. Intrigued by the device, she approached over the bed cautiously, her delicate paws making barely audible sounds on the soft bedsheet. 

The warm sunlight filtering through the partially drawn curtains danced on her fur, giving her a radiant glow. Her curious eyes scanned the surroundings. She circled around Ibrahim, her tail held high with a natural grace. Her tiny, velvety paws left faint impressions on the fabric. Ibrahim, focused on the task at hand, remained unaware of Tasha's presence until the gentle swish of her tail brushed against his leg.

Captivated by the unfamiliar glow of the laptop screen, Tasha settled beside the keyboard. The rhythmic tapping of Ibrahim's fingers seemed to pique her interest. Her bright eyes, reflecting the glow of the screen.

 Tasha went behind the laptop, but there was no glow. With a daring jump, she ascended to the top of the display from behind, catching both Ibrahim and the unsuspecting laptop off guard. However, the abruptness of her movement caused her small body to tremble on the edge of the display.

 In the fraction of a second before Ibrahim could react or move Tasha away, the delicate display proved unable to bear the unexpected weight. Tasha's presence on the display caused it to tilt backward at a precarious angle, far beyond its intended range of motion.

The screen snapped backward under the pressure, making an audible cracking sound as it reached its limit. The once-functional device now lay in a shattered mess, leaving Ibrahim frustrated and dismayed at the sudden disruption.

Frustration boiling over, Ibrahim couldn't contain his anger, "Damn it, You reckless creature! What have you done?" Ibrahim's voice reverberated in the room, laced with anger. "I can't believe you broke it. This is important work, and you just ruined everything!"

The outburst not only startled Tasha, but also caused Ava to flinch in response. Tasha swiftly jumped from the bed with a meow and went towards Ava. She looked up at Ava with her big, innocent eyes, as if to convey that she didn't mean to cause trouble, but playful antics got the better of her. 

Ava questioned Ibrahim, "Why are you behaving like that with Tasha?" She extended her arms, and Tasha leaped into her hands. 

Ibrahim defended his frustration, pointing at the broken laptop, "Look at what she did! I was working on something important."

Ava glared at Ibrahim with disapproval. "Ibrahim, it's just a laptop. Why are you so angry with Tasha?"

Ibrahim, still frustrated, responded sharply, "Ava, it's not just a laptop. I was dealing with something crucial, and Tasha ruined it. Do you understand the consequences?"

Ava sighed, "I get it, but scolding Tasha won't fix the laptop. And she's just a kitten, not some intentional troublemaker."

"Ava, that laptop had important data. I need to resolve the problem immediately." Ibrahim tried to explain.

Ava was now visibly upset, "Whatever it is. You can't shout at her like that. She doesn't understand your work." 

"Ava, I... I didn't mean to upset you or Tasha. It's just frustrating when work gets disrupted." Ibrahim tried to calm though he failed. 

Ava was not coming slow, "Sort out your priorities. Finish your work, fix your laptop, or whatever you have to do. We won't disturb you."

With that, Ava took her phone, leaving the room with Tasha, leaving Ibrahim alone in the hotel room. Ibrahim sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He glared at his broken laptop, muttering a string of cursed words directed at Tasha.

Despite the urgency to go after Ava and mend the situation, he knew he had a more serious matter at hand. After two hours of relentless struggle with his phone, involving numerous calls to Faisal and Samir, he finally managed to retrieve the truck's GPS location. The mishap was caused by a technical glitch in the communication system, which was promptly fixed with the help of his tech-savvy contacts.

Ava sat cross-legged on the floor of the hotel roof, feeding Tasha her breakfast. Tasha was nibbling on a mix of kitten kibbles and a small piece of grilled fish. 

The hotel roof, typically exclusive, was opened for Ava upon her request by a staff. The view was stunning, with potted plants and comfortable seating arrangements. The morning breeze gently ruffled Ava's hair, and the atmosphere was calm.

Seated on the floor, she watched the clouds above, their ever-changing shapes dancing across the expansive sky. Though she was still angry on Ibrahim, not for scolding Tasha loudly but for his apparent neglect. The reason of the anger had changed. Two hours had passed on the roof, and Ibrahim hadn't come to check on her. She didn't even eat anything from the morning.

She thought about Ibrahim's work. He always picked business over her. She wanted to talk 'bout quitting the bad stuff, but she knew he'd deny easily as he denied the first time when she asked.

Shaking off those thoughts, she decided to enjoy the last moment in Malacca. She took out her phone and stood to capture the stunning clouds. They looked like wisps of cotton candy, spread out against the morning sky.

Lost in the dance of clouds, Ava suddenly caught an unexpected subject in her frame. It took a moment for her to register, and when she did, her eyes widened. There, against the vivid backdrop of the sky, was Ibrahim. The sunlight added a touch of radiance, highlighting the depth in his eyes and the faintest hint of a smile playing on his lips. The morning rays had cast a flattering light on him, revealing a side of him that, she might overlook.

Ava couldn't help but murmur, "Handsome." Zooming on his face, she clicked two pictures of him. It was the same Ava who once told Ibrahim was not handsome even 1%. And here she was looking at the pictures she clicked just a second ago.

She saw him approaching slowly towards her. When Ibrahim stood infront of her and gently took the phone from her hand. Despite the absence of physical contact, his mere proximity had Ava nervously gulping, a testament to the audacity Ibrahim possessed to make her nervous without laying a finger on her.

Trying to mask her unease, she asked, "Finished your work?"

Ibrahim, with a nod, playfully inquired, "Angry yet?"

With crossed arms, Ava responded, "What's the use of saying I'm angry? You should get it from my attitude."

Raising his brow, Ibrahim teased, "Oh, is that how it is?"

Ava told, "Ofcourse. It ..." 

Before Ava could elaborate, Ibrahim gently pressed his thumb against her lower lip, causing her words to taper off. Confused, Ava blinked multiple times....