Chapter 97 : "Don't you… want to live with me?"

The sunlight struggled to peek through the heavy drapes, casting dappled shadows on the polished marble floor of the Rahman Mansion dining hall. The air, still damp and chilly, held the lingering scent of rain and petrichor. Yet, a different kind of warmth emanated from the dinning hall. 

Ava sat comfortably on the sofa, her sky-blue knee-length dress flowing around her. Her long and black hair was secured by a simple hairclip. In the cool weather, she wrapped a black shawl around her shoulders for a little bit of warmth. In her lap, nestled amongst the folds of her shawl, was Tasha. 

Ava's fingers danced through Tasha's soft fur, tracing circles on her tiny head and scratching behind her ears. Tasha, in turn, responded with a contented purr, her tail twitching like a metronome to the rhythm of their play.

"Did you sleep well dear?" Ava cooed. And Tasha batted at a loose strand of Ava's hair, a playful gleam in her eyes. "You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, like a tiny panther." Ava chuckled.

Across the open space, Aziza, and Aliya worked harmoniously in the kitchen, busily preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked breads wafted through the air. As they worked together, Aliya glanced toward the dining hall, her eyes filled with happiness as she observed Ava and Tasha playing. She had always yearned for a daughter-in-law like Ava – graceful, intelligent, and with a touch of innocence. Aliya's dream had finally come true. Ava was the perfect match for Ibrahim and the couple had become inseparable. 

Despite the challenges Ava had endured, including Ibrahim's kidnapping and forced marriage, she had emerged stronger and more resilient. Now, Ava blossomed into a woman who exuded kindness and grace. Aliya recalled the days when Ava remained silent and isolated, sitting alone in the bedroom. But now, Ava had found her voice and her happiness.

"Ava, my dear," Aliya called out, stirring her coffee, "Ibrahim should be waking up soon. Come, call him for breakfast."

Ava looked up from her playful game with Tasha, a soft smile lighting up her features. "Sure." she replied.

Leaving Tasha in dining hall, Ava headed towards their bedroom. Her silent steps led her past the familiar oak door, but when she pushed it open, the room was empty. Where was Ibrahim? Perhaps he was in study.

Her steps led her to his study. There he stood, silhouetted against the rain-streaked window, the morning light highlighting the broad expanse of his shoulders. In his hand, a cigarette danced between his fingers, the red ember a defiant spark in the muted morning.

Ava's smile evaporated, replaced by a familiar furrow of her brow. She didn't like his smoking. She had told him, pleaded with him, to quit this habit. Yet, here he was..... Though Ibrahim had not made any promises to quit that time. For a while, it seemed like he had indeed given it up. This was the first time she has caught him smoking since then. 

Ava went near him with crossed arms, "Ibrahim, Didn't I tell you not to smoke?"

Ibrahim turned behind to face her, the cigarette frozen between his fingers. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned against the window grill, his eyes meeting Ava's, "Smoking is not a habit that can be discarded overnight, Baby Girl. It takes time."

Ava's brow found in sadness and anger. "Why don't you understand, Ibrahim?" she pleaded, "I cannot bear this habit of yours any longer."

"I know how much you dislike it, which is why I have refrained from smoking in your presence," Ibrahim explained in a soft voice. 

"So now you'll smoke secretly? How many cigarettes have you already consumed since this morning?" Ava demanded.

"Three," Ibrahim mumbled. He was acting like a husband who is scared by his wife. 

"Three?!" Ava sputtered, disbelief dripping from her voice. "Three cigarettes before breakfast? You call that a habit? Let me see how delicious they taste then."

In an attempt to snatch the cigarette from Ibrahim's grasp, Ava lunged forward, but he swiftly raised his hand out of her reach. Confused, Ibrahim asked, "What are you doing? It's not for you."

Undeterred, Ava lunged forward once more, her eyes locked on the cigarette. This time, her efforts paid off, and she successfully wrestled it from Ibrahim's grasp. Without a moment's hesitation, she placed the cigarette between her lips. 

Ibrahim watched her with his mouth agape, completely taken aback by Ava's unexpected action. 

Then, The smoke hit. 

And the cough was immediate, a harsh, guttural spasm that wracked her slender frame.

Ava stumbled back, clutching at her throat, eyes watering as the acrid smoke burned its way into her lungs. The taste was so different, so bitter. The taste was like a metallic tang that coated her tongue like poison. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the expelled smoke, creating a messy tableau of defiance and self-inflicted pain. 

Ibrahim rushed to her side, panic gnawing at him. He snatched the offending cigarette, tossing it out the window like a cursed object, "Baby Girl! Are you okay? Didn't I tell you it's not for you?" 

Ava's eyes, bright red and glistening, looked at him with a wounded innocence that tore at his heart.

Ibrahim rushed to the Mahgony table, grabbing a bottle of water. He held it to her lips, her gulps desperate and gasping.

When the coughing finally subsided, Ava looked up at Ibrahim. "Why?" she rasped, her voice barely a whisper. "Why do people smoke? There are so many good things in the world, so many delicious foods to eat.... why choose something that hurts? Why do people smoke? It's taste so bad..." Her face was flushed, her eyes red-rimmed.

Ibrahim chuckled in a low and husky voice. "It's a forbidden fruit, Ava," he said, "The more one try to stay away from it, the more it calls. A sweet poison, that's what it is."

He took her hand, pulling her into a warm embrace. Ava leaned into his embrace, finding comfort in the familiar scent of his cologne and the steady beat of his heart. Her head nestled against his chest. 

Ibrahim rested his chin on top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair. "I'll try," he murmured, his voice was thick with emotions, "I'll try to quit, for you."

Ava looked up, her eyes searching his. "Really? Do you really promise?"

Ibrahim met her gaze, "Yes, baby girl. For you, I am wiling to do anything."

Ava smiled. She nestled deeper into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his waist, "Can I say something?" 

Ibrahim, his hands tracing the outline of her waist through the fabric of her dress, smiled. "Anything, Ava." he murmured, "Why would you ask?"

Looking at his eyes Ava began, "I want to live. I want to enjoy life with... with ... with you. So if anything is bothering you, anything at all, please share it with me. Don't seek solace in those... those cigarettes."

Ibrahim froze. He felt as if the world had stopped spinning. Her words, simple yet profound, spoken with such earnestness, pierced him like a shaft of light. This wasn't just a plea; it was a confession, veiled in the guise of concern. She cared, more than she let on. She loved him.

Ibrahim had loved her, of course, from the moment he first laid eyes on her. But he had never thought, never dared to hope, that Ava would care for him in such a way. He never expected this raw authenticity. He didn't deserve her, not really. Yet, here she was, laying her heart bare, offering him the one thing he craved more than anything – a partner, a lover.

The silence stretched and they were just looking at each other. But Ava was unsure what was going on Ibrahim's mind.

Finally she asked, "Did I say something wrong? Don't you… want to live with me?"

Her question pierced through his euphoria like a shard of ice. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs tracing the soft curve of her cheekbones. "Ava," Ibrahim murmured, "Do you even know what you just said? Do you have any idea how much I cherish those words? You, my firefly, are the only woman who holds my heart, the only woman I can imagine spending forever with."

Ibrahim drew her closer, their bodies melding into one, "You, Ava Lim, are the air I breathe, the sun that warms my soul. You paint my world with colours I never knew existed, and without you, life would be a barren wasteland." 

Ava's heart swelled with a mixture of joy and regret. She silently cursed herself, yearning for the courage to express the depth of her love for Ibrahim. However, the words remained unspoken, lingering just beneath the surface of her thoughts.

Summoning her resolve, Ava took a deep breath and gently suggested, "Let's go. Breakfast is ready."

And Ibrahim felt his heart clench. Here he was, pouring his soul out, and all she could think about was breakfast? If there was another woman who could evoke such a nonchalant response after such a declaration, he wouldn't have believed it. But this was Ava Lim, his Ava, the woman who could turn his world upside down with a single glance, the woman who held his soul in her fingertips, the woman who danced in his dreams.

Ibrahim chuckled softly, shaking his head in disbelief, as their embrace continued. His breath stirred the loose strands of Ava's hair, and he spoke softly, "Ummm Ava, didn't I tell you about your second heart once? Before going to Malacca?"

Ava furrowed her brows, her mind drifting back to the memory. Nodding in affirmation, she replied, "Yes, yes. I almost forgot. Are we going to the doctor today? But it's raining, and there's a storm outside..."

Ibrahim smirked at her innocence. "Don't worry," his lips trailing across her cheek. "I'll handle your treatment."

Ava arched an eyebrow, "What? Are you a doctor?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But tell me will Elara come today to visit you? He was telling yesterday." Ibrahim asked. 

The mention of Elara cast a fleeting shadow across Ava's face, "No. Elara has gone for duty. There's a flood in the lower areas, so Elara went for a rescue mission."

Ibrahim sighed, "A blessing in disguise, then. Otherwise, Elara would be here, lecturing you about staying away from me, and ruining your mood in the process. It's good he's not coming."

Ava frowned. "Elara's my brother, he just.....he doesn't want me to get hurt. That's why he tells me to be careful around you."

Ibrahim took a deep breath and asked, "Do you know baby girl? .....Ahem.....Elara and Farah are dating?" 

"Yeah, Elara told me long ago." Ava replied.

And Ibrahim was surprised. This was unexpected. Ibrahim had assumed Ava was kept in the dark about Elara's relationship. He'd been trying to subtly hint that Elara, being happy in his own relationship, shouldn't interfere with theirs, but Ava already knew.

Ibrahim asked, "Elara told you? When? " 

Ava recollected the moment and replied, "It wa when Elara came here to visit me....then he and you had a fight because the previous day, you brought me to see the arm shipment." 

Ibrahim's mouth fell open slightly in realisation. So, on that day, Elara hdd already informed Ava about Farah. 

Ava clarified, "It's me who keeps lying to my brother, not Elara."

Ibrahim gently patted Ava's head, attempting to shift the conversation, "We can talk about Elara another time. Let's go now and eat." 

Ava pouted and asked, "What about my second heart?"

 Unbeknownst to her, if Ava understood what Ibrahim was referring to as her second heart, Ava wouldn't have asked the question. 

Ibrahim assured her, "After breakfast, baby girl."

Both withdraw from the embrace and made their way towards the hall.