Chapter 100 : "The gold- digging Leech!"

Kuala Lumpur was under siege by a monsoon of epic proportions. The rain, relentless for three days straight, pummeled the city with a fury that echoed the turmoil within Rafi Ahmed's office.

 Inside the office cabin, Yusuf, sat hunched over a mountain of paperwork, his brow furrowed in concentration. The silence in the room was thick, punctuated only by the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of his keyboard and the occasional rumble of thunder outside.

The divorce between Rafi and Sofia had finally been finalized, leaving a trail of wreckage in its wake. Rafi hadn't weathered the storm well. The terms of the settlement were a bitter pill to swallow. Fifty percent of his property, built brick by brick over years of hard work, was now to be handed over to Sofia. It was a financial hemorrhage, a constant reminder of what he'd lost, not just in terms of assets, but in terms of his future.

Fifty percent..... 50% of his life, his sweat, his blood, handed over to the woman who had once vowed to share it all. His real estate empire, the foundation of his success, now felt like a crumbling castle, half its stones ripped away. Yet, amidst of the wreckage, there were shards of hope. The custody of their twin sons, five-year-old Omer and Harith, had been awarded to Rafi. 

Yusuf's pen scribbled on the margin, noting the distribution: the opulent beachfront villa in Langkawi, the sleek penthouse overlooking Petronas Towers, the sprawling palm oil plantation in Borneo. Each crossed-out parcel felt like a fresh wound, a gash in the pride of a man who had always measured his worth in concrete and cash.

The silence in the office was shattered by the abrupt sound of the door slamming open. Rafi stormed in with a angry face. His phone was pressed against his ear.

"Get this right, Azim," Rafi growled into the phone, "Fifty percent? You call that a damn victory? I put my blood, sweat, and tears into those projects, and you hand half of them over on a silver platter!" Azim was Rafi's lawyer. 

Rafi paced the length of his office and continued, "I lose half my property, and you tell me it's the best I could hope for? Best for whom? Sofia and her fancy lawyer, who probably swims in swimming pools filled with my hard-earned cash?"

Yusuf couldn't help but notice the tension etched on Rafi's face as he spoke to his lawyer. At 45 years old, Rafi had always been a well-built and confident man. However, the toll of the divorce case had left him visibly exhausted. Fatigue weighed heavily in his eyes, overshadowing the strength that once radiated from him. The weight of the proceedings had taken its toll, leaving him drained both physically and emotionally.

Deep down, Yusuf had always harbored a sense that something bad would befall Rafi. However, he had never anticipated the extent of the damage. And Yusuf knew who is the mastermind behind all - one and only Ibrahim Rahman. 

Ibrahim went great lengths to prevent Rafi from obtaining ap competent lawyer, even going so far as buying off influential attorneys and law firms, ensuring that Rafi's chances of a favorable outcome were slim. Azim, unfortunately, proved incapable of going through the treacherous legal landscape, resulting in Rafi's significant losses. 

And on the another hand Yusuf had been working for Ibrahim all along, keeping him updated on Rafi's case. Yusuf's loyalty was to Ibrahim, and he had received a good sum of money to carry out his duties. Ibrahim's scheme had succeeded in causing immense harm to Rafi, leaving him not only divorced but also stripped of his property. 

Rafi screamed on the phone, "I told you, play dirty! Get the dirt on her, expose her manipulations! Instead, you sat there like a spineless jellyfish, letting her walk all over me! What were you thinking, Azim? Were you sipping lattes instead of doing your job?"

His anger was palpable in the clenched fists and the tremor in his voice, was both frightening and heartbreaking.

Azim on the another side of the phone tried to say something but Rafi was in no mood to hear. With a guttural roar, he ripped the phone from his ear and flung it across the room like a projectile. It slammed against the glass window, cracking under the impact. Yusuf flinched, but Rafi barely registered it. 

Rafi stood by the window, his eyes staring blankly at the rain - soaked cityscape. "Papers ready, Yusuf?" he asked. 

"Almost, sir. Just a few documents need your signature, then I can hand them over to Azim." Yusuf replied with calmness. 

"Give Sofia what she wants," Rafi growled, the bitterness twisting his features. "I can't even stand the sight of the woman. The gold-digging leech!"

Rafi approached the desk and slumped into his black leather chair infront of Yusuf.

 A sigh escaped from Rafi's lips, "This Ibrahim.... All because of him." Rafi spat the name like a bad taste in his mouth. "My whole damned scandal, it all started because of him. If I hadn't gone to his damn party, hadn't touched that cursed drink, I wouldn't have woken up next to that woman. All because of Ibrahim. He framed me! He planted that woman next to me! He destroyed my life!"

Yusuf remained silent , well - aware of Rafi's nature. Rafi has cheated on Sofia numerous times. And Yusuf had witnessed Rafi's infidelity more times than Yusuf cared to remember. Now, Rafi played the victim, painting Ibrahim as the villain, conveniently erasing his own misdeeds. The situation was a classic case of tit - for - tat. 

And why should Ibrahim stay silent after getting threats from Rafi. Afterall he was a man of power where vengeance was exacted swiftly and ruthlessly. The orchestrated scandal, the planted woman, the public humiliation – it was all Ibrahim's answer to Rafi's arrogance. Ibrahim planned Rafi's downfall so well.

The anger in Rafi's eyes ignited again as he slammed his fist on the desk, the force of the blow making Yusuf flinch again. "Ibrahim took it all! He stole Hashim, my elder brother. Eight years ago , Yusuf, Eight years ago... I watched Hashim die. Ibrahim, with a smile, put a bullet through Hashim's heart, right in front of me..... It was slow, excruciating. He tortured him first, made him beg for mercy before silencing him forever with just one bullet....just one." 

Memories flooded back, The crimson staining the marble floor, Hashim's eyes wide with disbelief as Ibrahim's laughter echoed through the room.... Rafi's eyes blazed with unshed tears as he was remembering Hashim's death.

"Farah, Hashim's daughter, was only 16 years old when Hashim died...." Rafi continued, "She doesn't know, Yusuf. Doesn't know how he died, who took him from her."

"Farah is a strong girl sir, she is doing well on her own. She's mature for her age." Yusuf replied. 

Rafi nodded, eyes blurring. "She reminds me of Hashim. He would be proud of her."

A moment passed. Both of them were silent. Rafi sighed, exhaustion finally settling over him. "Tell her to come here oneday. I need to see my niece. It's been so long."

Yusuf nodded, "Of course, sir."

"Ibrahim" Rafi murmured with closed eyes, "His time will come. I'll make sure of it."