Chapter 108 : "I never said anything about his children."

The night sparkled with a gentle glow from the streetlights, illuminating the calm road. In front of the well-lit playschool, Ibrahim's car stood proudly, like a watchful "guardian". Its smooth, dark grey exterior seemed to meld with the surrounding shadows, creating an atmosphere of quietude. Inside the car, an air of restlessness filled the space, creating a striking juxtaposition with the peaceful scene outside.

Ibrahim sat on the passenger seat, his brown eyes, were fixed on the iron gates of the playschool, where, like moths drawn to a flame. 

Though it was not the only car there, nearby, a few other cars were parked, occupied by restless parents who sought solace in each other's company. Their hushed conversations carried on the night Breeze, filled with whispers of concerns and shared worries about their children's night education. This playschool was different from the rest, as it flourished during the late hours to accommodate the energy and enthusiasm of active children. However, for Ibrahim, it held a darker purpose. It was nothing more than a stage for his sinister play, a trap baited with innocence. Among the children who were taking classes inside the playschool, were Omer and Harith, Rafi's twin sons.

Faisal occupied the driver's seat and in the back Samir was working with his laptop.

"Which school runs at night?" Faisal's broke the silence.

Samir, his gaze momentarily unglued from the laptop screen, offered a curt explanation. "This one. It's like a night-time tuition center, designed for kids. Special breed, these fellas. Keeps the little firecrackers busy, you know?"

Faisal glanced at Ibrahim, his brows furrowed. "But Ava specifically told you not to touch Rafi, didn't she?"

With a predatory smile Ibrahim's eyes met with Faisal's with unsettling calmness. "Hmm, promises, Faisal," he drawled, his voice as smooth as polished steel, "they're meant to be broken, aren't they? I promised Ava I wouldn't touch Rafi, but I never said anything about his children."

"Your brain, brother," Faisal sighed, shaking his head, "runs on a logic all its own."

Ibrahim leaned back and his smile widened, a predator savoring the anticipation of the hunt, "What can I say? Marriage changes me into a responsible man. It makes me… judicious. I have to take care of things differently." He winked at Faisal, "You'll know what I mean when you will marry." 

Samir chimed in with a wicked chuckle. "Oh, the fun we'll have today when Rafi starts freaking out about his missing sons!"

Another smirk stretched across Ibrahim's face but it was villainous as chilling as the night air itself. His fingers tapped a rhythm on the dashboard, his impatience simmering beneath the surface. He waited... for the end of the class.

Suddenly, Samir's phone buzzed. Yusuf, Rafi's loyal assistant, was calling. Samir extended the phone to Ibrahim. 

"Yusuf," Ibrahim answered.

"Hello Boss, How are you?" Yusuf's voice crackled through the receiver, "I'm following your instructions. Delaying things as much as possible to pick up Omer and Harith. Right now, I'm feeding Aidan. Afterthat..."

Ibrahim grunted, "I don't care about your son's bedtime routine. Leave your house in ten minutes. No excuses."

Ibrahim cut the call and gave the phone back to Samir. The plan was that, Ibrahim would take Omer and Harith before Yusuf. It was Yusuf's duty to pick up and drop Rafi's children. And Ibrahim told, Yusuf to be late because it would use as a excuse. Yusuf could tell he reached school late so the kids - Omer and Harith were lost or..... kidnapped?

Samir's curiosity piqued. He leaned forward, "So brother, where will Omer and Harith be staying after the abduction?"

Ibrahim turned to Faisal. "There's a place. It's known and unknown, both."

Samir pressed further, "But where, brother? Tell me too."

"Some things are better left unsaid, Samir. The thrill lies in the unknown." Faisal replied.

Samir, though not entirely satisfied, relented, returning to his laptop screen.

"How long on the cameras, Samir?" Ibrahim asked. 

"Almost there," Samir murmured while looking at the laptop, "Not just the school, I'm hacking neighboring shops and malls. Won't be a single trace left in the records."

"Good job," Ibrahim growled, "Faisal, reverse the car. I'll come back with Omer and Harith from the second gate."

Faisal nodded curtly. He put the car in reverse, the tires whispering against the asphalt as they melted back into the shadows.

With a practiced ease born of years of darkness, Ibrahim pulled a black mask from his pocket and donned it, the fabric swallowing his features and plunging him into anonymity. He opened the car door, the night air cool against his heated skin, and walked towards the playschool with the measured gait of a wolf approaching its prey.

He moved slowly, deliberately, through the throng of waiting parents, blending into the crowd like a chameleon. Inside the playschool, the dim hum of fluorescent lights painted the empty spaces in an eerie twilight. The playground, usually abuzz with childish laughter, lay silent as most of the kids were inside the class.

Ibrahim stopped near a pillar, the same spot where Yusuf habitually stood. It was a fixed position for Yusuf so that Omer and Harith quickly noticed Yusuf. But today, Ibrahim stood there. He was Ibrahim, the masterminding puppeteer, and he rarely indulged in a gamble without meticulously arranging the stage. Every detail, every move, had been meticulously orchestrated, leaving no room for error.

The silence stretched taut, punctuated only by the distant hum of traffic and the soft rustle of leaves outside. Then, like a burst of sunshine in the gloom, the children began to spill out of the classrooms. Some ran, filled with the boundless energy of youth, while others sauntered out, already lost in their own little worlds. Finally the class came to end.

Ibrahim's brown eyes scanned the scene, his gaze seeking out his targets. And there they were - Ibrahim noticed them. Omer and Harith, two tiny figures mirroring each other in their twinness, were coming towards Ibrahim. But this tall, masked figure wasn't their Yusuf uncle. Yusuf wasn't this handsome, this imposing.

Ibrahim knelt before them, lowering the mask just enough to reveal a smile, "Hello, kiddos. Yusuf's friend, here. He's busy today, so I came to pick you up."

Omer and Harith, their brows furrowed in confusion, exchanged a silent glance. "Dad said not to go with strangers," they chorused, their voices small and cute.

A flicker of annoyance flitting across Ibrahim's face, quickly masked it with another smile. "Nonsense. I'm not any stranger. I'm a good friend of your Dad and Yusuf. See?" He fished out a worn photograph from his pocket, displaying it for them to see. It was a picture which was clicked by media when Ibrahim shook Rafi's hand during the party. 

The action seemed to work. Omer's apprehension softened, "Wow. Dad looks handsome there."

Harith parroted his brother, "Our Handsome dad."

And hearing this Ibrahim wanted to spat. Rafi? Handsome? Huh...

"Candy please." Omer and Harith requested, extending their palms towards Ibrahim. It had become their routine, as yusuf always gave them candy before and after class. 

"Ofcourse, I have candies but in the car ," Ibrahim smiled knowingly, "lots and lots of them. But only if you come with me."

Omer's eyes widened. "A big car? Do you have a big car?" 

Harith chimed in, "What kind of car do you have? Which model?"

Ibrahim leaned in conspiratorially. "Not just any car, Omer. I have many. Where do I even begin, my friends? I have a sleek black Lamborghini Aventador, a roaring red Ferrari F8 Tributo, and even a classic Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse! … you name it, I have it!"

Harith bounced on the balls of his feet. "Bugatti? The one that goes super fast?"

Ibrahim winked, "Faster than the wind." Though he was caught momentarily off guard, wondered how these little boys, barely out of diapers, seemed to have such discerning taste in automobiles.

"Can we see them? Please?" Omer and Harith pleaded together.

"See them?" Ibrahim told, his smile broadening. "We'll ride in them! Let's go!"

The word "go" was all it took. Omer and Harith, their faces alight with a child's unadulterated trust, jumped with glee. "Yeah!" they chorused, their voices echoing in the dimly lit hallway.

Ibrahim stood and extended his index finger towards Harith, who instinctively grasped it. Omer held Harith's hand. Then Ibrahim led them towards the school's second exit. Ibrahim settled the mask back in place. 

"Why aren't we leaving through the main door?" Harith asked. 

"The car is waiting this side," Ibrahim replied while walking. 

"Bugatti?" Omer questioned, his face tilted upwards with anticipation.

Ibrahim chuckled, "Today, we take the Lamborghini Aventador for a spin!" 

They walked through the corridor. There were teachers, students, and parents around, oblivious to the silent drama unfolding before them. No one noticed the predator slipping into the night with his prizes, no one suspected the man walking calmly with two five-year-olds wasn't their rightful guardian. 

Ibrahim knew all too well the art of blending in, of using violence when needed and sweet words when not. Afterall He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

They came to the road. Reaching the car, bathed in the soft glow of the streetlamp, Omer and Harith gasped. Their small faces crumpled in awe, eyes wide as saucers as they beheld the magnificent car before them. The Lamborghini Aventador, its sleek Italian lines glinting in the darkness, looked more menacing than luxurious under the cloak of night. 

Omer and Harith were busy with praising the car. And Ibrahim didn't waste any time. He opened the back door, beckoning them inside, "Hop in. Samir's got all the candy waiting for you."

Samir greeted the boys, "Welcome, little adventurers." 


Ibrahim slid into the passenger seat, Faisal already behind the wheel. 

Ibrahim told Faisal, "Drop me in front of Elara's apartment. Ava is there."

Faisal chuckled, "So, now that half the work is done, you start remembering your wife, huh?"

"Handle the rest. It's your duty now." Ibrahim smiled while looking outside.