Chapter 120 : "Have you ever thought before killing?"

The clock struck midnight, casting a veil of darkness over the city. Rafi sat in the passenger seat of the car, his mind consumed by worry and longing. Beside him, Yusuf focused on the road ahead, their destination unknown. But one thing was clear. They're searching for Omer and Harith.

The silence within the car was palpable, broken only by the soft hum of the engine and the distant sounds of the sleeping city. 


Rafi couldn't shake off the haunting words that Ibrahim uttered: "Back where they belong." The phrase echoed in his mind, a riddle begging to be solved.

"But what does it mean? It's as if he's taunting us, leaving us with more questions than answers." Yusuf broke the silence. 

Rafi clenched his fists, his heart heavy with anger towards Ibrahim, "Maybe it refers that my sons have been returned to a place which is their proper position. But where it could be? You don't believe Yusuf, Ibrahim behaved infront of his wife like he didn't kidnap them my sons." 

In the midst of their conversation, Yusuf abruptly brought the car to a stop in the middle of the road, causing Rafi to jolt forward in surprise. Alarmed, Rafi exclaimed, "Yusuf, what are you doing? Park the car on the side, at least. It's dangerous to stop in the middle."

Responding swiftly, Yusuf skillfully maneuvered the car to the side of the road, ensuring their safety amid the passing traffic. 

Curiosity piqued, Rafi questioned Yusuf about the sudden halt. "What's going on? Why did you stop the car like that?"

Yusuf's eye fixed on Rafi with a sense of urgency. "Sir I think we need to think in a different way. It feels like a puzzle."

Rafi sighed deeply. "I've been racking my brain for nearly six hours, but I haven't found a single clue."

Then suddenly a clue came inside their mind at the same time. Their eyes locked, a glimmer of hope igniting between them. Both asked each other, "Are you thinking the same what I'm thinking?"


The Next morning. The soft golden sunlight crept through the cracks in the curtains. It painted stripes across Ava's closed eyelids. She stirred, a tremor running through her body like a memory of a distant earthquake. The events of the previous night flooded back in a dizzying rush. The sharp crack of gunfire, Rafi's guards crumpling to the floor – the images replayed in her mind.

 She gasped, clutching the sheets to her chest as if seeking refuge, her eyes snapping open. She was in their bedroom, lying on the familiar expanse of white sheets. She looked around.... 

The air was thick with the scent of her sleep and faint antiseptic from the dressing on Ibrahim's left hand. His left hand rested on his bare torso. He was sleeping beside her, his face relaxed. A wave of nausea washed over her.

She bolted upright. Awakened by her sudden movement, Ibrahim opened his eyes. He saw the raw fear etched on her face. Her panicked breaths echoed in the room. 

Guilt coiled in his gut, a heavy stone settling amidst the throbbing ache of his bandaged hand. His right hand reached out hesitantly, his fingers brushing the air between them. "Ava," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep and the remnants of pain.

Ava flinched back, her breath coming out in ragged gasps. "Don't touch me," she whispered, her voice barely a tremor. "Please don't."

Ibrahim froze, his hand hovering awkwardly in mid-air. He knew this would happen, but seeing it unfold before him was a different kind of pain altogether. He sat up, ignoring the throbbing of his left hand, "Ava, listen to me first."

But the words fell on deaf ears. Ava couldn't listen, couldn't think straight. All she could imagine was the blood on his hands. She scrambled back, creating a distance both physical and emotional. Her eyes, wide and terrified, held the accusation of a thousand unspoken words. 

"I won't stay here," she whispered, her voice hoarse with unshed tears. "I won't...I want to go to Elara… I want to go anywhere but here."

Samir was right last night. Right now all she could think of was escaping. How could she share a bed with someone who had taken two lives so casually? Though it was second time she saw him killing but the trauma was still the same.

Ava rose up from the bed, her legs wobbly with fear. Now she was a stormcloud in human form. When Ibrahim saw she was leaving the room. He rose. He couldn't let her go, not like this. He had to make her understand. He quickly rose and went towards her before she could open the door. His hand closed around her wrist with a firm grip, "You're not going anywhere until we talk."

Her fear morphed into anger, hot and sharp. "What's there to talk about?" she spat, her voice trembling with barely controlled fury. "How can you just… kill people? How can you even sleep after killing like that? I don't want to talk with you."

Ava attempted to wrist her hand free. Her words tumbled out, a mix of frustration and Disbelief. 

"They had gun in their hands Ava. I didn't shoot them, they would have shot us," he asserted.

A surge of frustration propelled Ava to push against Ibrahim's chest with all her might, causing him to stagger backward. "Have you ever thought before killing?" she accused, "Doesn't your hand tremble for a second before pressing the trigger? You took their lives! Two lives, Ibrahim! Don't you feel anything?"

Ibrahim drew in a deep breath, "Yes, I don't think before killing. I killed them because it was needed, and I have no regrets."

Ava was taken aback by Ibrahim's blunt admission. She couldn't believe he could say such a thing so casually. Her hand clenched in anger. She got that she didn't truly know the extent of Ibrahim's capabilities of what he was capable of doing, "Don't come... don't come near me. Stay away." 

Ibrahim tried to convey his perspective. "I told you the truth. Rafi is my enemy."

"If Rafi is your enemy, then finish this Enmity once and for all." She retorted. 

Ibrahim sighed. How could he make her understand? He tried to explain, "Baby Girl, Enmity doesn't end in oneday."

Ava confronted the human cost. "Then how many more people will have to die? Huh? The two people who died last night... They could be anyone's brother, husband, father, or the only breadwinner in a house. Have you even considered their lives?"

Ibrahim's gaze softened, "I know it's hard for you to grasp. But there are things that I can't change. I wish it were that simple, but our enemies don't play by the rules. Sometimes you have to become what you despise to protect the ones you love. Please try to understand me." His words were punctuated by a ragged sigh, escaping from lips pressed thin in frustration.

Ibrahim gestured towards his left hand, "Last night, the guard even shot at me, but you didn't even notice." 

He winced slightly, as if to emphasize his point.

Ava's eyes followed his bandaged hand for a moment. Her lips pursed, and a low murmur escaped them, barely audible. "Tit for tat."

Then, a spark of memory ignited in her mind. Last night, Rafi had questioned Ibrahim about his sons. A prickle of unease ran down her spine. "Wait a minute," she pressed, her voice sharper now. "Why was Rafi asking you about his kids? Did you .... Did you do something to them?"

"I don't know anything," Ibrahim said, his voice firm. "I don't even know why he was accusing me."


But Ava wasn't convinced. "Tell me the truth, Ibrahim. Rafi was saying you kidnapped his sons. Is it true?"

Ibrahim met her gaze head-on. "I don't even know what his sons look like. If you don't believe me, ask Samir."

Ava studies his face, searching for any flicker of guilt or deception. But Ibrahim maintains his facade, his expression carefully blank. She murmured, "I'll ask Samir. I will get to the bottom of this." 

Ibrahim watched her leaving the room. He reached for a shirt that lay on a nearby chair and hastily put it on, his bandaged hand causing him slight discomfort. He followed Ava followed closely behind.