Chapter 122 : Did you marry him for the money?

The air of the room crackled with anger and tension as Rafi's frustrated calls go unanswered by Sofia from last night. He slammed the phone on the table, the force making the antique vase beside it wobble precariously. His face contorted in rage, veins pulsing on his forehead. "Bloody leech," he spat, the words laced with venom. "Thinks she can flaunt my sons around like trophies after taking everything from me?"

He paced the room, phone clutched tightly in his hand. Memories of the heated courtroom battle, the judge's final pronouncement, Sofia's triumphant smirk - they all swirled in his mind, fueling his fury.

Taking a deep breath, he tried Sofia's number again. This time she received the call.

"I've been calling you all night!" Rafi roared, "Sofia! You haven't been picking up my calls."

Sofia's voice slithered through the phone. "Rafi, darling," she purred, "remember that little detail about being divorced? It means I don't answer to you anymore."

Rafi practically choked on his own outrage. "Get my sons back to Kuala Lumpur! Now!"

A tinkling laugh filled the airwaves. "How sweet, suddenly remembering you have children? Well, newsflash, Omar and Harith are having a blast at Disneyland. Don't bother us anymore, alright? When our vacation's over, I'll graciously return your kids."

"Bitch!" Rafi spat, voice laced with venom. "Get back here in a day! Do you hear me?" 

Sofia's voice turned sharp, "Why were Omer and Harith outside my house that night? They were shivering, waiting for hours until I opened the door. Couldn't you even manage a doorbell before leaving?"

Rafi's anger faltered, replaced by a flicker of confusion. "I didn't! It was Ibrahim, he did it all. I thought someone took them; they were kidnapped. That Ibrahim left them off infront of your house and left! You don't believe he sent me bloody shoelaces of Omer and Harith just to disturb me." 

"Don't try to pin everything on Ibrahim again, Rafi," Sofia's began, "Whenever something goes wrong, it's his fault? It's your go-to excuse whenever things go wrong. Stop this childish behavior. Take responsibility for your actions."

Rafi slammed his fist on the desk, the sound echoing in the silence that followed. "Why don't you believe me? Why are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking anyone's side, Rafi. Why would I? I don't even know Ibrahim properly. I don't believe you because you've given me no reason to trust you." Sofia replied. 

And the line went dead, leaving Rafi fuming. "Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim," he muttered, "What the hell am I going to do with you?"

Just then, a knock on the door caught his attention. Yusuf entered the room, his young son Aidan clinging to his hand.

Rafi sank onto the edge of the bed, exhaustion etched on his face. "Yusuf," he sighed, "this constant stress.. My mind is a mess. Sometimes I think it would have been better not to marry at all."

Yusuf chuckled, gently settling Aidan on the bed beside Rafi. "Sir, Omer and Harith are safe with their mother. There's no need to worry excessively. And Ibrahim wouldn't harm the children."

Rafi nodded numbly. He beckoned Aidan closer, the little boy's innocent smile tugging at his heartstrings.

"The caretaker didn't show up today," Yusuf explained, "so I brought him along."

Rafi's lips curved into a faint smile. "It's been a while since he last visited."

Aidan giggled, his chubby arms wrapping around Rafi's neck. "Rafi uncle, Egg!" he declared, "Want egg!"

Rafi smiled. "Eggs, huh? Sounds like a good breakfast. What else would you like, little man?"

"Banana! Bread! Cookies! Milk with chocolate!" Aidan exclaimed, each item punctuated by a happy giggle.

Yusuf sighed. Only he knew how many hours he had to give lecture to Aidan not to talk about Uncle Ibi's chocolate...


The classroom buzzed with a restless energy, the air filled with the murmur of hushed conversations of students. Two lectures had flown by and the students were waiting for next lecture.

Zeba, Farah, and Ava was sitting together on a bench by the window. Ava, however, remained glued to the window, her gaze fixed on the distant trees swaying gently in the breeze.

On the other hand, Zeba and Farah were writing notes from Ava's meticulously organized notes. Sharing her notes was second nature to Ava; generosity was woven into her very fabric.

Zeba nudged Farah with her elbow. "What's up with Ava? She's been staring out the window like a lost puppy since the last lecture."

Farah continued copying while offering a succinct explanation. "She is not feeling well today." 

 Earlier, Ava shared everything happened in cemetery to Farah. Farah had no idea about the ongoing tension of her uncle and Ibrahim. She was literally shocked to hear when Ava shared. But she knew how to keep secrets even from her roomates. Keeping it under wraps was crucial, for rumors spread like wildfire in their close-knit college community and she vowed to protect Ava's trust. Farah had to meet her uncle and asked everything what was happening.

Zeba hummed thoughtfully. Just then a figure caught Zeba's eye. Jessica, with her signature bouncy curls cascading down her shoulders, was sauntering towards their bench, her every step infused with an exaggerated confidence. Her hips swayed with a practiced rhythm, her smile plastered on like a poorly applied mask.

"Can't believe she still thinks anyone finds that act appealing," Zeba hissed to Farah.

Before Farah could reply, Jessica had already reached them, her smile widening impossibly further.

"Hey guys!" Jessica chirped, her voice a shade too high. "How are you doing?"

Zeba offered a tepid "good," while Farah's response was a curt nod, her eyes still glued to the notes.

The tension was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken dislike they harbored towards Jessica.

Farah couldn't resist a dig. "Didn't you move to a new apartment, Jessica? I saw you entering inside your old place recently."

Jessica's smile faltered for a brief moment, her hand nervously fiddling with a strand of hair. "Oh, that.....that," she stammered, "The owner decided not to leave after all, so I'm still there for now."

Her explanation felt rushed, leaving an awkward silence in its wake. Zeba and Farah exchanged skeptical glances. They knew Jessica well enough to recognize the lie in her words.

"Actually, I came to see Ava," Jessica continued, "I feel so bad about the scholarship. You totally deserved it, Ava. I know how much you wanted it. I was shocked when I found out I got the scholarship. Manchester, next month! Can you believe it?"

Ava finally turned from the window, her face pale but composed. "Congratulations, Jessica," she said softly. "You deserve it. You did well."

Jessica's smile seemed to falter again. "But aren't you... jealous? I mean, a normal student like me getting the scholarship? While you are a genius..." 

"Why would I be jealous, Jessica? You earned it. Keep moving forward. And besides, maybe it wasn't meant to be for me this time" Ava replied calmly.

Jessica's tone shifted, "After all, you have Ibrahim to take care of everything, right? Rich husband, fancy life... You don't need scholarship. Your husband easily send you to Manchester. He can afford all the expenses." Her eyes narrowed, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Did you marry him for the money, Ava? I was thinking if Ibrahim Rahman was your sugar daddy before marriage." 

"Jessica," Farah said, her voice firm, "enough. You crossed a line." 

Ava's hand tightened around her pen. "Come closer," she said, her voice low and dangerous.

Jessica, momentarily surprised by the sudden shift in power, hesitantly stood before Ava.

Ava's gaze met hers, her eyes blazing with suppressed anger. "If you want to talk about my flaws, I'm happy to listen. But if you ever badmouth me or my husband again, I won't hesitate to expose your little secret from last semester's exam hall. I saw you while you were cheating. Professors might be interested in hearing that story firsthand."

The threat hung heavy in the air. Jessica's face paled, the blood draining from her cheeks. The memory of her cheating escapade The memory of her cheating during exam flooded back, sending chills down her spine.

Ava held her gaze, her anger slowly receding. "Consider this your first and last warning."

With a mumbled apology, Jessica scurried away, her bravado shattered in a second.

Farah, impressed by her friend's courage, clapped her hands. "Oh, bestie, you were like fire! Jessica deserved that."

Zeba chuckled. "Agreed. Serves her right."

"Okay, no more gossip," Farah declared, "It's not like the next lecture's going to happen anyway. Speaking of which," she rummaged through her bag, finally pulling out a bright red lunch box, "who's ready for some burger therapy? I brought burgers today." 

Zeba wasted no time. She gathered their scattered notes and books, expertly packing them inside bag. 

With a flourish, Farah opened the lunch box, revealing a juicy burger nestled amidst a bed of crisp lettuce and fluffy fries. She reached for a packet of red chili sauce and squeezed the red chilli sauce over burger. 

But the act, mundane as it seemed, triggered a chain reaction within Ava. The sight of the red sauce, dripping and glistening, inexplicably transported her back to a scene far more chilling. The scene of the cemetery flashed before her eyes.....