Chapter 124 : Karma


Warning : Violence and Rapē Scene ahead. Read at your own risk.

Night had fallen, cloaking Kuala Lumpur in a blanket of darkness punctuated by twinkling lights. Jessica fumbled with her keys, relief washing over her as the apartment door clicked open. Living on the first floor meant no long elevator rides.

Stepping inside, she kicked off her high heels, their pointed tips clicking against the tile floor. She was tired and all she craved was a refreshing drink. She went to kitchen. Pulling a carton of orange juice from the fridge, she poured a generous amount into a glass.

Carrying the glass, she walked towards the dining area. But her blood ran cold. Four towering figures emerged from the darkness of her bedroom, their muscular frames casting long menacing shadows. Their faces, distorted and horrifying, sent a shiver down Jessica's spine. 

The glass slipped from her grasp, shattering on the floor with a crash. Terror choked Jessica's voice. 

"W-Who are you?" she stammered, "How did you get in? Why are you here?"

One of the men, taller than the others and seemingly the leader, took a step forward. "You know exactly why we're here, Jessica," he said, his words laced with a dangerous undercurrent.

What did she know? Who were they? Her apartment was locked, the windows shut tight. How did they get in? Her mind started to ask different questions. But one thing was sure that they did come to hurt her. She could read their body language. They were like something out of a nightmare - broad-shouldered, their features obscured by thick stubble and menacing frowns. Scars crisscrossed their arms - a reminder of violence.

She turned to flee, her mind set on reaching the safety of the main door. But before she could reach the handel, two of the men were upon her, their large hands wrapping around her arms. Panic choked her scream, turning it into a strangled gasp.

"Let go! Let me go!" Jessica's pleas reverberated through the apartment, but her cries fell on deaf ears as the two men held her in an unyielding grip. The struggle echoed, a symphony of fear and resistance.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be, doll," the leader growled. He approached her. With a swift, forceful motion, he seized Jessica by her curly locks, yanking her backward. Pain contorted her features as she winced.

"Remember what happened with Zeba, Noor, and Mahi?" The leader's voice cut through. 

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The four men laughed, the sound sending shivers down Jessica's spine. The sound echoed through the room. Their laughter was haunting, like the howling of wolves on a dark night.

"We'll make you remember," the leader said, his eyes gleaming with malice. "We're going to eat you tonight."

Jessica's heart pounded in her chest as she pleaded with the men to let her go. But they were relentless, dragging her towards her bedroom. It had wooden windows. No one could help Jessica tonight. No one could see what was going to happen in the bedroom. She was alone, trapped with four monsters who wanted to hurt her...

In a realm where echoes fade,

A girl condemned by choices made.

Her past deeds, a haunting score,

Consequences knocking on her door.

Alone she stands, no savior near,

No sanctuary for her fear.

Among four shadows, dark and cruel,

A twisted dance, a vicious duel.

No mercy granted, no reprieve,

As consequences tightly weave.

The air is thick with weighted sin,

A dance of shadows about to begin.

Jessica was there, her body a playground for the four men who had claimed her. In the center of the bed, she was surrounded by their dominance, their power, their lust. She had been with countless men before, but none had ever forced her in this way, none had ever tortured her body with such intensity.

The leader was positioned beneath her, his powerful thrusts filling her from the inside. His movements were rough and unyielding, causing her to wince in pain with every push.

The second man was holding her tightly, his strong arms enveloping her as he entered in her asshole from behind. She could feel the weight of his body pushing against hers. The pain was intense, but the man's harsh movements made it even more unbearable.

No plea can halt the ruthless hand,

No escape from the shadows' demand.

In the silent night, she writhes and weeps

A soul condemned to shadows' keeps.

The third man had his face buried in her chest, his mouth latched onto her nipple, causing her to wince in discomfort. The rough feeling was foreign, and it only added to her distress.

To make matters worse, a fourth man was in front of her, his hand wrapped around her head, guiding it towards his lower body. She could feel his hard member pressing against her lips, forcing her to open her mouth. She tried to resist, but the man's grip was too strong. Jessica could feel the weight of his body as he pushed against her, forcing her to submit to his will. The man's movements were rough, causing her to gasp in shock and discomfort.

Tears streaming down her face but she was powerless to do so. All she could do was submit and endure the pain and discomfort. She wanted to escape, but she was unable to break free from the grip. But no was here to help her.

Zeba, Mahi, and Noor had once cried out in the silent darkness, their pleas for help falling on deaf ears. The darkness that once enveloped Zeba, Mahi, and Noor now closed in on Jessica. Now, the scales sought balance.

 Jessica had danced with malevolence, her actions leaving scars upon the hearts of the three victims. The men, silent guardians of the retribution, became the instruments of fate, a force seeking to restore the equilibrium cruelly. Jessica was paying the price for the sins she had sown.

Jessica tried to move her mouth to breathe. And the third man slapped her. "How dare you, bitch?" he said with a harsh tone. The pain from the slap was intense, and it only added to her sense of powerlessness.

The man's grip on her head was firm, and he forced her to continue with the act of blowjob...


The first rays of dawn crept through the window. Jessica lay on the bed, her body aching in a hundred different places. The events of the previous night still played behind her closed eyelids – the rough hands, the mocking laughter, the searing pain. Tears traced silent paths down her cheeks, mingling with the dried blood caked around her knuckles. Bruise bloomed on her exposed skin, each a testament to the brutality she had endured. The four men who had turned her haven into a nightmare were gone. 

With trembling legs, she pushed herself off the bed, her muscles screaming in protest. She stumbled towards the dining area, her gaze falling upon the shattered glass that lay like fallen stars on the floor, each shard reflecting the dawning light and the darkness that had just passed.

Reaching into her purse, her hand trembled as she fished out her phone. She dialed the number of Prof. Syed. 

Professor Syed's voice, gruff and laced with sleep, filled the speaker. "Jessica? What is it? It's barely dawn."

Jessica took a shaky breath. "Do you believe me?"

"Believe what, child?" Prof. Syed asked. 

"What happened to me... It was because of you," Jessica choked out, "Because of the cameras you told me to put in Farah's apartment. They did this because of you."

Silence stretched, thick and heavy, before Professor Syed spoke again. "What exactly happened, Jessica?" His voice was now alert, the sleepiness gone.

Tears welled up in Jessica's eyes, blurring her vision. She described everything to him. Professor Syed listened intently. When Jessica finished, a long pause ensued, broken only by her ragged breaths.

Finally, he spoke, "Wait there, Jessica. I'm coming."

....An hour later....

Prof. Syed entered the apartment. He also had extra key of Jessica's apartment. He saw her as Jessica sat huddled behind the sofa, her eyes downcast, the remnants of fear clinging to her like a shroud. Prof. Syed, despite the lack of genuine sympathy, knew the charade had to continue.

Jessica looks up, "I will apologize to those girls.... I want to tell them it was me, the cameras..."

Prof. Syed sighed. But his sigh wasn't a sigh of relief. It was the exhale of a man staring into an abyss, one he himself had helped create. He couldn't let the truth crawl out from under the rug, not like this. Jessica, with her naive confession, was a loose thread, threatening to unravel the entire tapestry of his twisted game. Though those girls knew it was him. He was the mastermind. But the girls had no proof. He had to tread carefully. He had to silence Jessica, but not in the way she expected.

No tearful apologies, no public shaming, no hollow redemption. Jessica's world wouldn't be shattered by whispers and pointed fingers; it would implode under the weight of something far more primal, far more terrifying. He had something else in his mind. 

He knelt down before her, "There will be time for that later, Jessica. Right now, you need to focus on yourself. Rest for a few days, recover. Then, you can apologize to whoever you need to. Come with me, let's get you out of here."

His words were soothing. But Jessica was oblivious. Little did she know, her path wouldn't lead to catharsis, but to something far more unsettling. She had no way of knowing the chilling truth – that her apology would never be uttered, her world forever altered by the darkness that awaited her. She was about to step into a hungry embrace.