Chapter 126 : Meeting with Aidan.

The warm aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries filled the air as Yusuf entered the cozy bakery, hand-in-hand with Aidan. Aidan bounced on his toes, his eyes wide with wonder as he scanned the rows of pastries.

"Daddy, cookies!" Aidan squealed, pointing excitedly at a tray of chocolate chip delights. "And that cake! And those cupcakes!" His tiny finger darted from one tempting treat to another, leaving Yusuf with a chuckle.

Reaching the counter, Yusuf knelt down to Aidan's level, his voice gentle. "What would you like? Tell me one by one." 

Aidan's eyes were wide with possibilities, "This one! And this one! And this one!" His tiny fingers landed on a selection of chocolate chip cookies, a strawberry cake adorned with colorful sprinkles, and a donut.

Yusuf was placing the order, on the other hand, Aidan's gaze wondered across the bakery, landing on a familiar sight - Ava. Aidan had previously seen her picture in Ibrahim's wallet and now, seeing her in person, he couldn't contain his excitement. With an adorable burst of innocence, Aidan exclaimed, "Pretty sister!" 

Yusuf was momentarily taken aback by Aidan's exclamation, turned to him with curiosity, "Who are you calling 'pretty sister ', Aidan?" 

Aidan's tiny fingers eagerly pointed towards Ava. Yusuf followed the direction and saw Ava and Farah. Near Ava's guard was standing. 

After the lunch in restaurant Ava and Farah came to sip coffee while Zeba, Noor and Mahi went back to their flat. 

And till now Ava and Farah didn't noticed Yusuf or Aidan. Though Ava didn't know this father - son duo but Farah knew. Yusuf didn't want Aidan to meet Ava especially in Ibrahim's absence.

"Aidan," Yusuf said gently, "remember what I told you? It's not polite to point at people."

He knelt down to meet his son's eye level, his grip on Aidan's hand tightening slightly. Despite Yusuf's best efforts, Aidan remained fixated on Ava. He mumbled, "Daddy, ask the pretty sister if she has Uncle Ibi's chocolate. I want them."

"She doesn't have Uncle Ibi's chocolate, little mam," he replied, "And remember, Ava will be your aunt, not your sister."

Aidan, however, seemed unconvinced. He tilted his head, his brow furrowed in confusion. "No, she's my sister," he insisted, "Pretty sister." 

"Listen little man," Yusuf explained patiently, "Ibrahim is my friend, so he's your uncle. And his wife, Ava, is your aunt."

Aidan shook his head, his voice laced with childish logic. "Ibi is Uncle. Uncle Ibi. He's so old and pretty sister is young."

Yusuf sighed, realizing that explaining the complexities of adult relationships to a three-year-old wouldn't be easy. He stood up to pay the bill. 

But Aidan, however, was not easily deterred. He stole another glance at Ava, then back at Yusuf, before making a dash for the table where Ava and Farah sat. His small legs propelled him towards Ava like a furry missile. 

But Ava's guard immediately intervened, blocking Aidan's path. The child's momentum sent him stumbling, his eyes wide with surprise. Ava and Farah, startled by the commotion, turned their attention to the child. 

"Uncle Ibi's chocolate… pretty sister has…" Aidan stammered looking at the tall figure of the guard.

Ava's perfectly arched brows furrowed. The child's words were nonsensical for her. Ibi? Who was the child referring to? Maybe this was just an overexcited child seeking a sweet treat.

On the other hand, Farah was confused too. She recognised Aidan but Aidan didn't recognised Farah. Aidan only had seen 3/4 times. And this toddler easily forgot Farah. 

Farah got that the Uncle Ibi .... That could only be one person – Ibrahim. How did Aidan know his name? 

"Who's this child?" Ava asked. 

Farah smoothly lied looking at Aidan, "I don't know. Maybe he's lost."

Frustrated by the guard's imposing figure, Aidan grasped at his leg with surprising strength for his small size. "Pretty sister!" he cried.

The guard, unfazed by the toddler's tantrum, remained a firm wall between Aidan and Ava. He knelt down, trying to match the boy's eye level. "Hey there, Kiddo," he said gently, his voice deep and calm. "Who are you? Where are your parents?"

Just then, Yusuf, who had been frantically searching for Aidan, spotted the commotion. He rushed...

 "Aidan" Yusuf exclaimed, scooping the child into his arms. "What are you doing?" 

His grip on Aidan was almost desperate," I apologize for the trouble." He said to the guard. 

With that he turned on his heel and marched towards the bakery exit with crying Aidan. The abandoned pastries which he paid for forgotten in the chaos, stood on the counter like silent witnesses to his abrupt departure.

Ava watched them leave. "Who were they?" she asked the guard.

The guard turned towards Ava and replied politely, "I have no idea, ma'am. The child seemed a little disoriented, that's all."

Ava nodded. The child's frantic cries and the man's hasty retreat piqued her interest for a fleeting moment, but it quickly faded. She wasn't one to pry into other people's business. And she wasn't fond of in general. 

Unaware that Aidan's cries of "pretty sister" were directed at her, Ava turned to Farah, "Let's go. I'll drop you off at your place."

Farah, finishing her coffee with a thoughtful frown, shook her head. "No thanks, Ava. I have some errands to do, actually."

Ava stood up, "Alright. See you later." 

As the they stepped outside the bakery, the comforting warmth of the bakery's interior gave way. Ava's car left pulled away, leaving the bakery behind. And Farah remained rooted to the spot. Her gaze followed the car until it disappeared into the traffic, a frown etched on her face. She pulled her phone out and dialled Yusuf's number.

Yusuf, driving with a heavy heart as Aidan's sobs echoed in the backseat, felt the phone vibrate. He pulled over to the side to answer the call. 

"Where are you?" Farah's voice was now laced with urgency.

"On the road, ma'am," Yusuf mumbled, "Heading home."

"I'm waiting outside the same bakery," Farah cut in. "Come here. Now."

Yusuf thought for a second before replying, "I'm coming."

In between 10-15 minutes he reached infront of the bakery. Farah flung open the passenger door before the car even came to a complete halt. She slid into the seat, her eyes immediately drawn to Aidan, who sat huddled in the backseat. Aidan, his chubby face streaked with tears, stared back at her with wide, unblinking eyes. 

"Aidan, sweetheart," Farah began gently, "Did you forget me already?"

Aidan, his eyes red and puffy, looked up at her with a frown. "Who are you?" he mumbled.

Farah shook her head in disbelief. She turned to Yusuf, "Yusuf, explain to me right now. How does Aidan know Ibrahim? Isn't it odd for a three-year-old to know a man like him?"

Yusuf flinched slightly at the question. He had no intention of disclosing anything about himself and Ibrahim. And He knew Farah was astute, and the slightest slip could unravel the carefully constructed web of secrets he so desperately wanted to shield. His mind raced for an explanation, any explanation, that wouldn't reveal the truth. 

Yusuf started the car, the engine's low growl filling the silence between them. As they pulled away from the curb, Farah's voice pierced the silence once more.

"Yusuf, I asked you a question," she said, "What's the connection between Uncle and Ibrahim? I was… honestly shocked when I heard about the cemetery incident from Ava."

Yusuf closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. "Ma'am, there are things… complicated things… between Rafi sir and Ibrahim. Old grudges, you could say."

Farah's brow furrowed. "What kind of grudges?" she pressed. 

Yusuf hesitated, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel. "It has to do with Rafi sir's… business ventures. An old feud related to Rafi sir's business." he muttered, his words carefully chosen.

Farah's eyebrow shot up. "Isn't that something uncle left behind before going to jail? I thought he cleaned up his act."

Yusuf met her gaze, his own heavy with unspoken truths. "No, ma'am," he said, "Rafi Sir never truly left. He… he just took a break for two years to stay his image clean." 

Farah's mouth fell open. Shock and disbelief painted her face as she stared at Yusuf, her mind struggling to process the information. "What… what are you saying?" she stammered, "Uncle didn't leave that line?!"

Yusuf nodded, "And Ibrahim.... He is trying to destroy it. That's where the animosity stems from."

Farah's mind reeled. A single word escaped her lips – "Unbelievable."

She slowly turned her head towards the window. After a long moment, Farah spoke again, "I'm trying to hide my identity from everyone. From friends, even from my boyfriend. Does Uncle even know why? Cause I never wanted to be known the daughter of a…."

She trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. And Yusuf knew exactly what she left unsaid. He knew her well. 

Looking at her, Yusuf asked, "Do you want me to take you home, ma'am?"

Farah just simply nodded.