Chapter 130 : "I wanna suck you so badly, baby girl."

Ibrahim chuckled, "Just a 'thank you,' baby girl? Mrs. Ava Lim Rahman, may I have the honor of taking my wife to a dinner tomorrow?"

Ava's laugh, light and melodic, filled the study room, "Will Mr. Rahman be able to escort his wife to dinner tomorrow with that sling?"

Ibrahim feigned a sigh, a playful glint in his gaze. "Challenge accepted," he declared, removing the sling with a swift motion. "Allow me to demonstrate the capabilities of this 'injured person.'"

Before Ava could reply, Ibrahim's right arm swept around her waist. He lifted her effortlessly and then deposited her gently onto the cool surface of the mahogany desk.

Ava gasped, "What are you doing?" she exclaimed, worry laced with her voice. "Your stitches will open again!"

Ibrahim leaned closer, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Then don't struggle," he whispered huskily, "If you're worried about my arm, simply relax and let me celebrate my beautiful wife the way she deserves."

Ava's heart skipped a beat. She clenched the edge of the desk, her fingers tightening instinctively, "What are you planning?"

A slow smile spread across Ibrahim's face as he saw her surrender, "I wanna suck you so badly, baby girl."

Ibrahim dipped his head, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck. And Ava held her breath, anticipation trembling in the air like the heat shimmer above a desert road. The first touch of his lips was like the first rays of the sun caressing the dew-kissed petals of a rose, gentle yet awakening a hidden sensuality.

Ibrahim trailed kisses down the smooth column of her neck. The kisses were like gentle raindrops on parched earth, quenching her thirst. Some were like soft snowflakes, melting against her skin and leaving behind a tingling coolness. 

Ava closed her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as his presence became an undeniable warmth against her skin. It was like the sun peeking through a cloud, momentarily banishing the cool dusk of the room.

As his exploration deepened, his lips transitioned from gentle kisses to something more intimate. Ibrahim lingered at the sensitive hollow between her collarbone, his tongue flicking out like a playful flame, sending shivers dancing across her skin. It was a dance of heat and moisture, his kisses leaving behind tiny constellations of goosebumps. 

Then he began to lightly suck at the sensitive skin, creating tiny love bites. He sucked gently at the delicate skin just below her ear, drawing a gasp from her lips. The sensation was intoxicating, a delicious ache that spiraled down her spine and pooled in the pit of her stomach.

Suddenly, he withdrew. And Ava opened her eyes too.

"You're so beautiful, Ava," he whispered looking into her eyes, "So beautiful, I want to kiss you until you're breathless, begging for more."

Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. The words, spoken in a low rumble that vibrated through her very core, sent a thrill through her body.

With gentle hands, Ibrahim spread her legs slightly, creating space for him to move more closer to her. Then, he cupped her face, his thumbs brushing against the soft skin of her cheeks. With a growl that vibrated in his chest, he claimed her lips.

This was no sweet, tender kiss. It was a clash of hungry passion, a torrent of emotions unleashed. His kisses were urgent, demanding, leaving no room for hesitation. He devoured her lips with a fervor that mirrored the fire burning within him, his tongue seeking hers in a heated duel.

Ava's hands, which had been clenched around the edge of the desk, found their way to his shoulders, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as if to anchor herself to him.

Ibrahim sucked on her lower lip, drawing a gasp from her depths, the sound swallowed by the deepening urgency of their kiss. It was as if he was tasting her very soul. And Ava closed her eyes tighter, surrendering to the intoxicating sensation.

His hands roamed her back. He traced the smooth fabric of her dress, teasing at the edges with his fingertips. His caress lingered on the small of her back for a moment, then his fingers found the clasp of her dress. It was a simple knee length black dress. His touch was claiming her as his own while simultaneously worshipping her. 

Ibrahim's fingers brushed against the delicate chain nestled there on her back. He unfastened the clasp. Ava's black dress seemed to sigh in relief, the fabric loosening around her form.

He gently lowered her arms, the dress following their descent until it settled softly on her waist. In the flickering lamplight, Ava's figure was illuminated. She was adorned only in a strapless bra of the softest beige. 

Ibrahim paused the kiss, his gaze tracing the delicate lines of her collarbone and the gentle curve of her shoulders and then lower. He reached out, his thumb brushing against the clasp at the front of her bra. "Don't you usually wear undergarments that match your dress? Why the different color today?"

Ava met his gaze. "This dress is thicker material. Usually I wear the same color, but with this one, it wouldn't be noticeable."

"Hmm, understandable," he murmured, his gaze lingering on her exposed shoulder. Then, with a slow movement, he unfastened the clasp of her bra. The bra slipped away, leaving her bare to his gaze.

Ava closed her eyes as the cool air touched her skin, a shiver of anticipation running down her spine. Ibrahim wasn't looking at her with the lustful gaze but with the profound appreciation of a man who cherished every detail of her.

The sight wasn't a museum exhibit, cold and static. It was a living piece of art. The gentle swell of her breasts with each inhale, the gentle descent with each exhale, painted a picture more beautiful than any masterpiece he could ever encounter.

As he cupped her breasts, a soft gasp escaped Ava's lips. It wasn't a gasp of pain or fear, but a gasp of surprise and perhaps a hint of pleasure at the unexpected touch. His fingers began to knead a skilled baker working dough. His movement was purposeful, designed to elicit a response, to draw her even deeper into the intimacy.

Suddenly, a question broke the spell. "Your university is sending your department on a trip, Baby Girl?" Ibrahim's voice, though low, startled Ava. She opened her eyes, momentarily confused by the abrupt shift in conversation. Though he didn't stop kneading her bosoms.

Ava managed, "Yeah, but I'm not going."

Ibrahim paused, his fingers hovering for a moment before returning to their gentle exploration. "Why?" he asked.

"Because if I go," Ava explained, "you'd send a guard after me. And honestly, the idea of having a bodyguard following me everywhere is a little... suffocating."

Ibrahim, understanding her desire for independence, simply smiled. Without a word, he leaned more forward to her and captured her nipple in his mouth. His lips closed around her nipple, creating a tight seal that allows him to draw it into his mouth with just the right amount of suction. He starts off gently, savoring the taste and texture of her skin, before gradually increasing the intensity of his sucking.

Ibrahim's tongue swirled and flicked around her nipple, teasing it and causing it to stiffen and harden in his mouth. He revelled in the feeling of her nipple against his tongue, the delicate texture and the way it responds to his touch. 

Ava gasped loudly, surprised by the intensity of the sensation. Her body arched back instinctively, seeking more of his touch, urging him to take more, to give her more. One hand reached up, her fingers tangling in his hair, a silent plea for him to continue. The other hand rested on the cool surface of the desk, balancing her weight so that she wouldn't fall back. Her both bosoms were busy - one with his hand, another with his lips. He uses his lips to create a gentle vacuum, drawing more and more of her breast into his mouth. 

Ibrahim had captured her breast, not with his mouth, but with his lips, his tongue, his teeth and his hands. He sucked and released, sucked and released, creating a rhythm that drives Ava wild with desire. At the same time, he used his teeth to gently nibble and tug on her nipple. His lips created a gentle vacuum, drawing more and more of her breast into his mouth. 

But the moment, however intense, couldn't last forever. Ibrahim pulled back, "I won't send any guards. Go on your trip, enjoy it." He stood straight infront of her. 

However, Ava knew his words held a double meaning. "You're not that nice. And it's not your nature. I know you'll still send someone to watch over me, even if it's in secret."

Ibrahim was caught off guard. She was right. He had indeed planned to discreetly deploy two female guards to follow her, their presence disguised as tourists. He hadn't expected her to see through his charade so easily.

In a second Ava got fully dressed. She hopped off the desk with a playful jump, "Did I leave you speechless, My Mafia Husband?"

"Guards are for your safety, baby girl," he insisted. "I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Ava sighed, "I don't want to be the center of attention with guards following me around like a shadow in the trip. Inside of university it's different cause there are many people, many students. But in the trip only her department is going. So...I decided not to go."

"It's not just me," she continued, her voice taking on a serious tone. "Farah isn't going for me, and that cancels the trip for her roommates as well. You see, it's a domino effect. If one doesn't go, the others follow suit. Girls' maths. But if you let me go freely, I'll be happy to join the trip."

Ibrahim ran a hand through his hair, frustration gnawing at him. He had donated a hefty sum to her university specifically to organize this trip, hoping it would provide Ava with a much-needed respite. Now, his plan seemed to be falling apart at the seams.

He wasn't concerned about who was attending the trip; his sole focus was on ensuring Ava's happiness and well-being. After a moment of deliberation, he spoke, his voice resolute.

"Alright," he conceded. "No guards. But I'll speak with Farah tomorrow. I'll instruct her to look after you, to ensure your safety."

A wave of relief washed over Ava. "Okay," she agreed readily, a genuine smile lighting up her face. "The thought of Langkawi Forest has been on my mind ever since I heard about the trip. I was dying to go but....." She trailed off. 

Ibrahim reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "But then the thought of guards dampened your spirits," he finished for her. 

Ava nodded, "Yes! But now, I'm happy again!"

Ibrahim nodded, "Go shopping for the trip tomorrow. You leave the day after tomorrow, after all. As for continuing tonight's... unfinished business."

Ava's gaze dropped to his left hand. "we can continue when the stitches come off," she replied.