Chapter 153 : "I'd like to formally request your blessing to court your niece."

Rafi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. A student? This was certainly unexpected. "An interesting choice. But a dangerous one, wouldn't you say? Tell me who is this student?

"You know her quite well, Rafi," Prof. Syed countered. 

"Oh, you're making this very interesting, Professor," he purred, "Do tell."

Professor Syed took a deep breath. He leaned in slightly, "Farah Ahmed, Your niece."

The bomb dropped. Rafi's smile evaporated faster than spilled water on a hot pan. His hand instinctively flew to his chest, as if to quell the sudden, violent pounding of his heart. For a moment, the only sound in the room was the ragged intake of Rafi's breath, "Are you saying you want to marry Farah? What?"

"Yes." Prof. Syed's voice left no room of doubt, "I'd like to formally request your blessing to court your niece."

Rafi threw his head back and roared with laughter, "Wait a minute, Professor! How can you even consider such a thing? This is ludicrous! Turning our business partnership into some kind of family affair? And Farah..." He shook his head, "she has a boyfriend. She would never agree to such a ridiculous proposal!"

"Love doesn't always follow a logical path, Rafi," Prof. Syed countered. "And perhaps Farah's feelings for this boyfriend aren't as strong as you believe." He leaned forward, "Besides, wouldn't a marriage between us be mutually beneficial?"

Prof. Syed reached into his pocket and pulled out a small photograph. He handed it Rafi. 

"This is Jessica," he stated calmly. "She's twenty-two years old. She's intelligent, capable, and knows how to please a man. Perfect for our cycle. Of course, nothing comes for free, Rafi. Jessica becomes yours the moment Farah agrees to the marriage. Not a moment before."

Holding the picture, Rafi stared down. The Professor's offer was undeniably tempting. Business always came before messy family ties in Rafi's world.

He studied the picture for a long moment, a considering frown creasing his brow. "What guarantees do I have that this Jessica will perform her duties? I've heard complaints from my clients about the... shortcomings of the previous women you've supplied. What if this girl named Jessica refuses to cooperate, like the others before her?"

Professor Syed, the cunning professor, knew the power of language, "I can't guarantee every girl will be perfect. But there are ways to address... shortcomings. Let the girls do a simple hymenectomy surgery. Clients get what they want – a virgin experience – and everyone's happy including us."

Rafi's face remained impassive. He studied the photo of Jessica again, "So, Jessica isn't a virgin then, is she?"

"Of course not, " Professor Syed replied smoothly. "Why would a virgin girl willingly enter this line of work?"

Rafi steepled his fingers, his gaze fixed on the photo of Jessica. "Well, I have to admit. Your suggestion isn't entirely without merit. In this market, virginity holds the highest value. A hymenectomy could do the job." He paused, 

"When can I expect Jessica to, shall we say, begin her training?"

Professor Syed's lips curved into a thin smile. "As I mentioned before once Farah agrees to the marriage."

A sigh escaped from Rafi's lips. Convincing Farah to marry someone like Professor Syed – seemed like an impossible act. The very thought of it sent a wave of irritation through him. But Professor Syed held the key to a steady stream of income through Jessica. The potential profit was a siren song, hard to ignore.

On the other hand Professor Syed wasn't simply motivated by financial gain. He'd already had his way with three women – Zeba, Mahi, and Noor. Unlike those women who submitted to him, Farah wouldn't just give in. He craved control over Farah, and marrying Farah seemed like the only way to achieve it. Marriage would give him a sense of ownership over her. He wanted to control her life, her choices, maybe even her body, all under the guise of marriage.

Both men were willing to manipulate and exploit women for their own gain. Rafi prioritised money, while Professor Syed wanted control. Their desires are dark and selfish, creating a dangerous situation for Farah and potentially Jessica as well. Neither man cared about the human cost of their transaction, the lives they were prepared to trample on to achieve their goals.

Rafi conceded. "Alright. I'll try to convince her." It wasn't a guarantee, but it was a concession Professor Syed had likely anticipated. 

They continued discussing the details of Jessica's exchange. After a moment Rafi came to the brightly lit parking lot to see Professor off. They were only a few feet apart, near Professor Syed's car parked in the building's lot. 

Suddenly, a deafening BOOM shattered the night's stillness. The ground lurched beneath their feet as a blinding flash of orange fire erupted from Professor Syed's car. A blinding white light engulfed them both, turning the night into a searing day.

The force of the explosion hit Professor Syed with the sledgehammer blow of a giant. It ripped through the air, shoving him backward with a violence that stole the breath from his lungs. He felt himself flying through the air, his arms pinwheeling uselessly, before crashing onto the unforgiving concrete of the parking lot.

A ringing filled his ears, a high-pitched whine that drowned out everything else. Dazed and disoriented, he struggled to see through the smoke and debris that swirled around him. His senses were overloaded – the metallic tang of blood filled his mouth, the acrid smell of burning rubber stung his nostrils, and a wave of heat washed over him, momentarily stealing his breath. He lay there, stunned and disoriented, his body a throbbing mass of pain. His ears slowly began to register the world again, the high-pitched whine replaced by the uneven rasp of his own ragged breaths and the distant wail of approaching sirens. Through the haze of pain and confusion, he just barely managed to see Rafi's form sprawled a few feet away.

Across the parking lot, Rafi was also thrown back with similar violence. The heat singed his clothes and hair, the smell of burning metal filling his lungs. He tasted blood in his mouth as he slammed against a parked car.

Prof. Syed pushed himself up on his hands and knees, forcing him to his feet. He stumbled towards where Rafi had been standing, his own clothes smoldering in several places. 

Through the thick smoke, he could see Rafi groaning on the ground, but the sight that truly horrified him was his own car. The windows were blown out, jagged shards of glass littering the ground like a deadly carpet. The hood was peeled back like a can. Black smoke poured from the mangled hood, flames licking hungrily at the exposed engine. Twisted metal groaned ominously, and the smell of burning rubber and gasoline was thick in the air. Scattered around the car were burning debris – charred fragments of plastic, singed upholstery, and what looked worryingly like melted wires and sparking components. The once familiar car was now a monstrous skeleton.

The world tilted violently and Usama's legs buckled beneath him as he couldn't stand for even a second. He collapsed onto the rough concrete beside Rafi with loud thud. 

Every inch of his skin felt like it was on fire. The heat from the explosion had licked at his exposed arms and face, leaving behind a burning sensation. A gasp escaped his lips as he gingerly touched his arm. Many of his body parts were injured.

If he hadn't been standing a few feet away from his car, the explosion would have surely killed him. Fortunately both men were alive. The force of the blast left Professor Syed deeply shaken and scarred, both physically and emotionally. He couldn't shake off the feeling that his car wouldn't explode like that on its own—it was clear to him that someone was behind it. One and only Ibrahim Rahman. 

After all, what had Prof. Usama Syed thought? That he would help Ibrahim's wife to escape, and Ibrahim wouldn't do anything? Would Ibrahim simply sit with crossed arms and watch the show unfold? NEVER. 

People from the building and neighbors rushed to the scene to offer assistance. The Ambulance had also reached. Finally the help was coming....