Chapter 168 : The voice...

After taking off her helmet in parking lot earlier, Ava wore a black surgical mask. She ran her fingers through her bangs, smoothing them out before following Tanin towards a women's clothing store.

But as Ava stepped through the shop's brightly lit entrance, a sensation danced across her skin. An unsettling feeling, like someone was watching her. She darted a glance around the shop – the entrance, even behind her – but everyone seemed preoccupied, the other shoppers browsing with friends and family. Nothing seemed out of place. No one appeared to be paying her any particular attention.

"Hey, take your pick!" Tanin's voice boomed, snapping Ava out of her silent scan. 

With a forced smile under her mask, Ava made her way to a corner of the shop overflowing with women's clothing.

As Ava traced the soft silk of a blouse, a mental tug-of-war began. Maybe she was overreacting. Here, in this bustling clothes store, how could there be danger? She repeated the mantra silently, willing her racing heart to slow. Safe. Yes, she was safe.

⚪🤍Is that you watching? Can't you see I'm far away?

Followed me here too? This twisted chase won't end today.

I don't want to play by your haunting design.

Please, stop clinging to me, this fear is a tangled vine.

Stop it, stop toying with my fragile peace.

I know you find pleasure in the terror I release.

Stop it, this haunting game is a cruel display.

Go, vanish from sight, let me finally get away ⚪🤍

Two knee-length dresses caught her eye: a soft light green and a delicate peach. Choosing just one felt impossible. Back in Kuala Lumpur, Farah always had a knack for picking out clothes that flattered Ava. Now, without Farah's opinion, Ava felt lost.

She reached out to grab the peach one. Just as her fingers brushed the soft fabric, a voice – barely a whisper – seemed to brush past her ear. "The green one will look good."

Her heart lurched. She whipped around, eyes searching frantically for the source of the voice. But just like before, there was no one. The only person near her was Tanin, completely absorbed in his phone, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Tanin, did y-you just say something?" she stammered. 

Tanin, startled by her sudden question, looked up. "Huh? Now? What would I have said?"

Ava hesitated, then mumbled, uncertainly, "It sounded like.... the green dress would look nice?" 

She fumbled with her mask, pulling it back up to cover her nose. 

"The green one? You like that one? Well, then let's go pay for it!" He looked genuinely happy that Ava choose a dress in such a little time, completely unaware of her growing terror.

Reaching the billing counter, the friendly saleswoman offered, "Would you like to see some jewelry to complete the look?"

"Absolutely! Pack anything that goes well with the dress, please." Tanin told before Ava could answer.

He knew Ava wouldn't voice her own desires, so he took charge. Glancing at her tense expression, he offered a explanation, "Maybe it was those girls from the trouser section who gave you a suggestion?" 

Ava shook her head, "No, it was a man's voice."

This revelation made Tanin pause, "You know Ibrahim's voice best, right? Did it sound like him? Was it similar?"

Nope. How could she forget that deep, rumbling voice? It was a voice that could shift from a soothing murmur to a chilling growl in a heartbeat. It was a voice that was like warm molasses, smooth and rich, coating every word with a seductive charm. It was a voice that could disarm and control, a voice that still held a dangerous power over her even in her memories.

The way he spoke her name, a slow, possessive drawl, used to send a thrill through her, one she now recognized as dread. The voice from the shop, however, was different. It lacked that depth. It was lighter.

Shaking her head, she told, "No, that wasn't his voice."

The saleswoman presented the bag and credit card to Tanin with a dazzling smile, "There you go! All bagged up and ready to go. Don't forget to come back and see us again!"

Tanin thanked the woman and took the bag. As they exited the shop Tanin flicked Ava's head with the back of his middle finger. "Ouch!" Ava yelped, rubbing the spot. "Is that your hand or a metal rod?"

"You're scaring the living daylights out of me. You keep jumping at shadows. Maybe this little shopping trip wasn't such a good idea after all. All you do is think about Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim! It's like you're constantly on edge, waiting for Ibrahim to appear around every corner. Is he living rent-free in your head?" 

Their conversation dwindled into a low murmur as they continued walking.

🖤⚫I've unearthed you,

Yes, I relish the raw terror etched upon your face.

The quiver of your chin, a malevolent waltz.

Merely my gaze sends shivers down your spine.

I delight in haunting you.

Oh, you veil your visage with bangs and mask,

But let me glimpse, let me unravel your cute face.

Picture the day when I stand before you,

I shall rend you apart, flesh from bone,

For I fell in love when love was forbidden,

Do you think I'll release you?

Never, my captive, never.

Run, baby girl, run,

The sands of time trickle,

Hide once more, and I shall pursue relentlessly.

I'll stalk your every shadow,

I'll haunt your every heartbeat.

Run until you yield, surrendering to my abyssal darkness.

Where can you flee? 

When the night swallows the stars?

Inevitably, you'll return to me. 

You'll circle back. 

I am the end you seek.

I'll come, I'll come for you,

And paint your dreams in shades of nightmare. 

In the end, my sweet prey,

You'll surrender,

Drowning in my darkness,

For you are mine,

Forevermore. 🌑🖤


In Kuala Lumpur, the day had surrendered to the dark embrace of night. The city lights began to twinkle on, one by one. 

On Elara's apartment balcony, he and Farah nestled in comfortable wooden chairs on the balcony, their mugs of coffee sending wisps of steam into the cool air. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the soft sounds of the city – the distant hum of traffic, the melodic chirping of crickets.

Farah took a sip of her coffee, a contented sigh escaping her lips, "This has to be the 15th day I've had your amazing coffee, Elara."

"Just say the word. Even if it's 3 AM, you know I'd be happy to whip up a pot for you." Elara chuckled. 

Farah leaned her head against Elara's shoulder, "Having a boyfriend who can cook this well? Wah, I'm a lucky woman."

Elara hesitated for a moment, "There's something I've been wanting to tell you." 

She lifted her head to look at him. Her brow furrowed slightly. "Did something happen?"

He placed a comforting hand on the small of her back, his fingers brushing against the soft fabric of her shirt. "No, nothing's happened. It's just... I was wondering if maybe... it might be nice if you moved in here with me?"

A surprised smile broke across Farah's face. "Move in? Are you serious?"

Elara met her gaze, "Yes. I mean, if you'd like to, of course. It would be amazing to wake up to you every morning, and to have you here all the time, not just for coffee."

"Well, if you're sure..." she began, "Then I guess I could pack a few things tomorrow and…"

"Hold on, not tomorrow. How about after dinner tonight? I'll go with you to your appartment and we can pack up the things together, and then you'll be officially settled in here."

Elara's sudden urgency to move in together felt strange to her. Sure, he wasn't pressuring her, but the eagerness to have her move in right away felt…rushed, "Sure. Did you manage to speak to Ava today?" 

Elara took another sip of his coffee. "No, not today. I spoke with her yesterday when I went to Alam."

She nodded slowly. "When is Ava coming back? Our fifth semester starts on the 25th of January. It's surprising Ibrahim hasn't found a trace of her yet. Sometimes I wonder what he'll do if he does. What about if Ava gives him divorce, we can finally bring her back to Kuala Lumpur safely." 

Elara's expression turned serious, "Ibrahim can't divorce Ava."

Farah sat up straighter in her chair, "What do you mean 'can't'? We both know how obsessed he is with her, but wouldn't it be more accurate to say he 'won't' divorce her?"

No matter how hard Elara tried to hide something, Farah could see through his words, "Yeah, that's what I meant. Let's get dinner started. We've got a lot to catch up on."

He rose, collecting their empty mugs and heading towards the kitchen. Farah remained on the balcony, the cool night breeze no longer refreshing. Something wasn't right. There was a hidden layer to his words. What was Elara hiding?