ACCORDING to the doctors, it was a gastroesophageal reflux disease.

[And Neoma got it from eating too much sushi.]

Nikolai was relieved after the doctors assured them that Neoma could be discharged with medication later.

But to be sure, he booked a room for his daughter to stay the night in the hospital.

And now, Neoma was sleeping comfortably.

"Nikolai-ssi, this VIP room is too much since Neoma can be discharged later anyway," Mona said worriedly while looking around the luxurious VIP room that looked more like a hotel suite than a hospital room. "Let me pay at least half of the bill."

"You don't have to, yeobo," Nikolai said while shaking his head, speaking softly since he didn't want to wake Neoma. "I just want you and Neoma to be comfortable here. Please let me do this for you and our daughter."

His wife let out a sigh. "Alright."

"Thank you."

"Are you okay, Nikolai-ssi?"


"You look out of it," Mona said worriedly. "Neoma is already fine, but you still looked… scared."


[Mona saw right through me.]

As expected of his thoughtful wife.

"Nikolai-ssi, why are you crying?" Mona asked, obviously in a panic. "Are you hurt? Are you sick? Should I call a doctor for you?"


Nikolai touched his face.

And, much to his shock, he realized that his cheeks were wet.

[I'm crying…?]

"You didn't even notice that you were crying," Mona said in a slightly scolding voice, then she handed him a handkerchief. "What's happening to you, Nikolai-ssi?"

"Thank you," Nikolai said when he accepted Mona's handkerchief, then he used that to dry his tears. "I'm just… amazed by you, yeobo."


"Your apartment is close to a big hospital. It's also close to Neoma's school. It also has quick access to a supermarket, to a police station, and to the bus and subway station. Your place is generally a safe area to live in."

"What are you saying now, Nikolai-ssi?"

"I can imagine how much thought you've put in when choosing a safe and comfortable place to live in with Neoma," Nikolai said in a cracked voice. "But it pains my heart to think that you went through all that process alone."

Mona, who finally realized what he was trying to say, blinked as if she was trying not to cry with him.

"This is the first time that I've seen Neoma that sick, and yet I was already torn," Nikolai said, a lump forming in his throat now. "I can't imagine how many times you had to see Neoma get sick during the years we were apart– and you had to endure the pain alone. It must have been hard and yet, you persevered."

This time, his wife covered her mouth with her hands to muffle her sobs.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during those difficult times, yeobo," Nikolai said. This time, he could feel his tears streaming down his face. "You did well, Mona. Thank you for being strong for Neoma all this time."

"Did I really do well, Nikolai-ssi? I've constantly been worried whether I'm doing a good job as a mother or not."

"You did a good job raising Neoma alone," he confirmed, nodding. "Can I hug you, yeobo?"

Instead of answering, Mona just nodded– her entire face turning red once again.

Nikolai then gathered Mona in his arms as carefully as he could, then he hugged her tight– savoring the warm feeling that filled his chest.


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