Life Altering Decision

Seeing his two officers step into the station, Ron Taylor, captain of the Tulsa PD, rushes to their side. He's a medium-sized man, but what he lacks in height, he makes up for with his hot, Irish temper and ruthless tongue lashings. He believes his firm hand is what keeps his department running so smoothly. 

Harry glances at his partner. "You didn't screw up the report again, did you, Bill?"

"I checked and double-checked that bad boy." He smiles. He even had the desk sergeant give it a once over before he left to make sure.

Harry looks back to find the captain a few feet away and gulps. He's been on the wrong end of his temper more than once, many of which he almost quit, and he sure didn't want to go through that again. "Why is he running toward us, then?"

Bill runs his fingers through his thick, black hair. Unlike his boss's fair skin and hazel eyes, Bill is dark-skinned with muddy eyes. "Maybe he wants to congratulate us?"

Harry's forehead creases, and his eyebrows raise. "For what?"

Bill shrugs. "Damned if I know."

"I need to talk to you about the arrest you made on Antonio Gonzales last night," the captain begins, stepping in front of them.

Fire shoots from Harry's eyes as he gives his partner a dagger stare.

Noticing the look, the captain quickly explains. "It's nothing bad, guys. I just wanted to tell you the guy you brought in is willing to plea bargain."

"My plan worked." Bill straightens his posture. A smile spreads across his face.

The captain glances at Harry and then at Bill. He raises his eyebrows and says, "I know I'll probably regret asking this, but what plan are you talking about, Bill?"

"I explained to Antonio that the two pages of charges Berryville has against him would send him away for a very long time, and the smart thing to do would be to make a plea bargain so he could see the outside before he croaks." He recalls their conversation and smiles. "I happened to mention a few other things, too." 

The captain crosses his arms in front of him. "And they are?"

"How a pretty boy like him will be popular in prison and that he needed a Big Bubba to protect him since Dominicans don't do well on their own."

 Scratching his copper hair, The captain tilts his head to the side and gives him a warning glare. "You didn't rough him up in your little scare tactic, did you?"

"Of course not, sir. We just had a nice long chat. Well, I talked, and Antonio listened." Bill chuckles. Our old pal Tiny helped clinch the deal.

"Tiny didn't hurt him, did he?" Tiny is an undercover narcotics officer known for his heavy hand.

"Of course not, sir." Seeing the look on his captain's face, he explains. Tiny elaborated on what I'd said.

"Since you and Tiny did so well, I think you two should also take a crack at his partner."

"His partner, sir?" Harry asks.

"Manny Abele He and Antonio are believed to be connected to the mob. The beat cops are bringing him in now. What do you say, Bill? You ready to try it again?"

It's nice to be on his good side for once. He smiles. "I'll give it a shot."

A dispatcher steps up beside them. "Captain, detectives, I thought you should know that a neighbor reported gunshots at Manny Abeles's residence. The EMTs transported an officer, the shooter, and his accomplices to the hospital. Both are in critical condition. Manny Abele and two unknowns got away."

He turns toward his detectives. "Harry, I want you to notify all public transportation to be on the lookout. Put an APB out on him too. Bill, I want you to pull all the security footage in the area and have patrol canvas the neighborhood."

"Copy that, captain."


The afternoon sun shines brightly through the colorless blinds. Joe and Max sit in the dark-paneled, hardwood-floored conference room. The detectives are on either side. The sparse furnishings consist of a conference table and twelve chairs. A flat screen hangs on the wall furthest from the door. A set of windows are behind them, another to their left.

The team watches Antonio tell them his part in Romero's business.

Joe's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped further with every word. All of this is happening in our quiet town, Joe thinks, in shock. He knew they had organized crime in the city, but he had no idea it was this extreme. Joe runs his fingers through his thinning hair while listening to the horrific details. He looks over to find Max; the assistant DA doesn't seem taken aback by the news.

"My client told you what he knows, so our deal is good, correct?"

"Not until I get a few names," Max says. He's been in the DA's office for twelve years. He was working on the police force while going to law school. He was in private practice for a year before being offered a job with the city. Being bored to tears in estate law, Max jumped at the offer.

Antonio slams his hands on the table as he jumps to his feet. "I never agreed to give you any names."

"How do you expect us to corroborate your story?"

"Check the facts." Antonio pounds the table again. His lawyer reaches up and pulls him to his seat, then gives him a warning glare.

"How can we, without any names?"

Antonio glances at his lawyer and then at the camera. "I agreed to tell you about Romero, and I did, but I won't rat out my friends," he hisses through gritted teeth.

"Then, you won't get your deal." Max stands. The detectives follow suit.

The attorney leans over and whispers in his client's ear. Antonio nods. "What if he gives you one name?"

"If he gives me five, I'll call the deal good, but only if you agree to testify against Romero and his crew."

The lawyer mutters a few words. Antonio shakes his head. "He'll give you the names."


I thought I was going to lose her. John sobs. Tears stream down his face as he paces back and forth in front of Elizabeth's hospital room. Call lights ding all around him. The hospital staff darts around. Housekeepers are busy cleaning the spotless area.

Discovering the intruder injected her with potassium chloride, the doctor sent her to dialysis. It was the most aggressive course of treatment, but after her near-death experience, he thought it was best to take the invasive route.

Memories of his and Elizabeth's conversations replay in his mind. John fell head over heels in love since her first hello. He can't figure out why he's fallen so hard, so fast for her. All he knows is that his feelings are real. I need to get my speech worked out before she returns.

He's rehearsing the words when he hears squeaky wheels. He turns to find Elizabeth coming down the hall. I'll have to do the best I can. Wiping tears from his cheek, he runs to her side.

"Hold it right there." An officer steps in between them. He's a tall man. His dark hair, brawny arms, and broad hairy chest give him an oversized gorilla appearance.

"It's alright, officer; he's the one who brought me in."

The cop glances at Elizabeth and then at John. "Go ahead." Giving John a warning look, the officer crosses his arms and steps to the side.

"Why are you crying?" Elizabeth wipes the moisture from his face.

"I... I thought I was going to lose you," he sobs.

She squeezes his hand. "The doctor said I should be fine now."

It's now or never. John takes her small hand in his. He gazes into her hazel eyes and says, "This will probably sound peculiar coming from someone you barely know, but I haven't thought about anything but you since we first met., imagining how wonderful it'd be if you and I were together. I don't know how to explain my strong feelings for you except to say that I've felt a deep connection, a bond from the moment I first saw you."

"John, I..."

He presses his finger against her lips. "Please let me finish before I lose my nerve. Elizabeth nods. "I know we promised to stay in touch, but I realize now a long-distance love affair will never do." John pulls a box from his pocket and gets down on one knee. He gazes into her eyes and says, "Would you do me the honor and be my wife." Seeing she's about to speak, he puts his finger against her mouth again. "I don't care where I live as long as you'll be by my side." John moves his trembling hand away from her mouth. His stomach balls into a hard knot. He holds his breath, waiting for her to reply.

A heavy stillness falls across the wing. Employees have gathered around them. The couple is too caught up in their special moment to notice.

After what feels like an eternity, through teary eyes, she says, "Yes, John, yes, I'll marry you."

They hear cheering in the background. John discovers a horde of staff close by when he turns around. Chuckling, he wipes away his tears. He then finds one of the orderlies videoing them. 

"I thought you'd want to remember this special occasion," he quickly explains.

John smiles. "Thank you."

"This calls for a celebration," her nurse says. The employees cheer again.