Chapter 57: Wipe Them All Out

"What?! That brat actually obtained the Scroll of Earth so quickly?!" Upon hearing Yu's words, all the lower-level ninjas who had entered the Death Forest were in uproar.

"The Scroll of Heaven and the Scroll of Earth are both in the hands of that brat! Let's catch up quickly!" Another group of ninjas took the initiative and immediately rushed out.

"That direction is the endpoint. Do you think that brat might have set traps along the way?" A Rain Village ninja hesitated, looking at his comrades.

"What are you afraid of? That brat is just one person! There are so many of us!" The companion of the Rain Ninja gave him a disdainful look and rushed out.

"But... that brat only has two scrolls in his hands. How are we going to divide them among so many people?!" After catching up with his comrades' footsteps, the Rain Village ninja who hesitated earlier spoke up again.

"Idiot! Of course, whoever grabs it first gets it!" The companion of the Rain Ninja gave him a disdainful look. "And snatching scrolls from that brat's hands is better than snatching them from other Ninja groups, right?"

"Oh, right." Faced with his companion's scornful gaze, the Rain Ninja from earlier awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

A group of ninjas from different villages sprinted through the Death Forest.

However, will things really be as simple as they imagine?


The sunlight slanted as the afternoon approached.

Inside the Death Forest, with dappled shadows and dim light filtering through the trees, a figure swiftly maneuvered through the air.

Behind this figure, a large group of ninjas from various villages were frantically chasing after.

"Not bad for a group of weaklings..." Moving forward with unseen threads beneath his feet, Yu looked back at the forest where a group of pursuing ninjas caught up, revealing a playful smile.

Casually drawing the attention of the pursuing ninjas, Yu continued to head towards the endpoint, skillfully dodging shurikens occasionally thrown from below.

"Huff... huff... How is this kid so fast..." The Grass Ninja at the front panted.

"Stepping on air... How the heck did he do that? Can he really fly?" Another Grass Ninja, watching Yu swiftly move through the air, found it increasingly unbelievable.

"You guys hold on a bit longer. The endpoint is just ahead. Let's see how far this kid can run!" Several Waterfall Village ninjas, not willing to be outdone, charged forward.

"It should be around there!" Yu, effortlessly stepping and leaping through the air, glimpsed a tower not far ahead through the dappled leaves. His eyes lit up.

After a few breaths, Yu, the first to break out of the Death Forest, performed a nimble somersault, landing gracefully in an open space in front of the endpoint tower.

"We finally made it..."

"Excluding the one I just killed, there should be over 50 more ninjas."

Turning around to look at the group of ninjas continuously rushing out of the Death Forest and reaching the open space, Yu casually threw the two scrolls in his hands onto the nearby ground.

"Haha! Keep running! Why aren't you running anymore, kid?!"

Finally reaching the open space in front of the endpoint tower, the Grass Ninja who caught up with a triumphant laugh looked at Yu, who had nowhere to escape.

"After making so many of us chase you for so long, you're quite a runner, kid!"

Another Grass Ninja, slightly out of breath after crossing the entire Death Forest in one go, acknowledged the significant test of endurance.

"What? Are you scared now?"

Seeing Yu throw both scrolls on the ground, a Waterfall Ninja thought he had given up on the exam.

"He knows he has nowhere to run, so he obediently put down the scrolls. Looks like this kid isn't too stupid."

At this moment, a few other Konoha Genin ninjas hurriedly arrived, just in time to witness the scene.


Looking at the group of ninjas surrounding him like hungry wolves, Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

Having run all the way to the endpoint without breaking a sweat, Yu hadn't shown a drop of perspiration on his face. Throughout the journey, he had maintained a steady pace, leading them on.

"Alright, now that everyone is here..."

Seeing that almost all the ninjas were assembled, Yu finally revealed a harmless smile, "So, hand over all the scrolls you have!"

Yu said this with a serious expression, and all the ninjas present were completely stunned.

"Hahaha! What did he just say?!"

A Grass Ninja held his stomach, tears almost coming out from laughter.

"He said we should hand over all the scrolls..."

Another Rain Ninja also burst into laughter, looking with a playful expression at the Konoha ninja beside him, "I say, buddy... are all your Konoha Genin ninjas this arrogant?"

"Excessive praise can ruin a genius..."

Upon hearing this, the Konoha Genin ninja next to the Rain Ninja shook his head with regret and sighed, "This kid is a genius widely talked about in our generation in Konoha. Perhaps too much praise has made him start to become inflated."

"I think this kid might have been scared crazy by so many of us, starting to talk nonsense!"

Another Waterfall Ninja, however, sneered disdainfully, his gaze filled with murderous intent.

"Don't waste time talking!"

"Since you guys won't make a move, then I won't be polite!"

In the gap between the ninjas' words, the Grass Ninja from earlier had already taken the initiative. With swift steps, he rushed to Yu's front—his target was the two scrolls on the ground beside Yu!

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

However, at that moment, a fierce gust of wind whistled through the air. Yu executed a spinning side kick, unleashing astonishing Taijutsu. He sent the Grass Ninja flying like a cannonball, slamming into a nearby tree and fainting.

"Did I say... you were allowed to make a move?"

Kicking away the Grass Ninja who had attacked first, Yu glanced at the spot where he stood and calmly remarked.

"Be careful! This kid's strength is not simple!"

Witnessing Yu's powerful Taijutsu that took down a Genin ninja with just one move, the Waterfall Ninja nearby changed his expression. He, along with two teammates, immediately charged forward.

"If following the normal process, this survival exercise would probably take about three days to finish."

As the battle unfolded with ninjas approaching from all sides, Yu revealed a sinister smile. He raised the index, thumb, and pinky fingers of both hands, gently making a rhythmic motion.

"But since everyone seems in such a hurry, let's bring this game to an early close!"

Parasitic Threads!!

Countless transparent and invisible threads scattered in the air above everyone's heads. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared, swiftly piercing towards the bodies and skin of the approaching ninjas.



A crisp sound of breaking flesh, and blood splattered. The Waterfall Ninja who had charged forward first turned around in disbelief.

It turned out that his companion had used a kunai to pierce through his body from behind!