Legs. 2

The butt naked figure laid face flat on the wet tiled floor after his unsuccessful attempt to walk when he had heard the door infront of him click open, he rose his head and instantly shot a sharp glare to the man who just walked in.

The glare that Aiden received now wasn't even what bothered him, what bothered him was the fact that this person who had a very pretty looking tail before he left now had legs...

so the shape shifting myth about mermaids were true! He thought

"What the fuck..." he muttered under his breath still staring at the boys pale slender legs in total disbelief.

He took a step forward to take a better look but paused when he noticed the boy trying to push himself up with his hands to stand on his two feet the boy slid back to the ground before he could even get on his feet.

A smile played on his lips seeing this and he decided to watch the epic fail that would follow the boys attempt. It was obvious that he had never used his legs before so he would love to see this play out.

He leaned on the door frame and folded his arms across his chest still with his smile intact as he watched the boy. He stood on his feet successfully and moved his gaze from his feet to Aiden who stood by the door. Aiden raised his hands and gave the boy a thumbs up, praising him.

Maybe the boy wasn't happy with this gesture as he tried taking a step forward towards him with a scowl. As expected, it was an epic fail. He slipped and fell back into the pool but quickly resurfaced.

Still in the water, he stared at the tiled floor with a pout as if it was it's fault that he fell.

"Pfftt..." Aiden couldn't help but laugh at how adorable the boy looked. Still engrossed in his joy, he suddenly got drenched in water... it was the boy who splashed him. Aiden glanced at him with wide eyes, obviously surprised that the boy who had tried killing him minutes ago just splashed him water as punishment for laughing at his effort. He still had a hateful look in his eyes but Aiden didn't heed it. Rather, he humoured the thought.

Taking his chance, he pulled something out of his pocket and strode to where the boy was... the merman hissed and retreated, still weary of him.

Aiden squatted when he was close enough and stretched out the lollipop he was given in the hospital to the boy. The mermans eyes narrowed upon seeing the candy as if he had never seen such a thing before and Aiden smiled at his adorable reaction.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna give you this."

The boy raised a brow as if to question his sincerity.

A flashback of how he had tied the others hands with his belt played in Aidens head and he laughed awkwardly, he hurried to say trying to defending himself,

"That was just because you were throwing a tantrum- and look..." he stretched out his injured leg for the other to see "...you got your revenge and here I am giving you a lollipop for making me invalid."

The merman remained still with an expressionless face.

"Hey! We're is my belt anyway?" Asked Aiden when he glanced round and didn't see it anywhere around the pool...

The other dived back into the pool and resurfaced after a few seconds with the drenched black belt in his hands,

"Hey! That's leather it's gonna get spoilt. Come on, give it back."

The merman hissed fiercely at Aiden like a predator ready to attack would do, this made the golden eyes boy weary.

The merman rolled the belt into a ball and, with a swift swing of his hand, he threw it at the other with much force aiming for his head.

Aiden was lucky enough to dodge the flying belt before it would hit him and instead it hit the wall behind him. The sound that reverberated on the wall was so loud he wondered what would have happened if it had actually hit him, no doubt it would send him back to the hospital.

Aiden turned to look at the merman with wide eyes, "What the...?! Are you trying to kill me? What if that actually hit me? That's it! I was being nice, no lollipop for you."

He stood up and slipped the lollipop back into his pocket.

As he was about to leave, a small stomach growl from the merman reached his ears. He turned around, staring at the boy who's face now burned red. He looked cute that it made Aidens heart race.

"You're hungry right? I'll give you something to eat." He said, the words coming out before he could even think them through.

The merman still retreated, his frown intact. Aiden averted his gaze and cleared his throat trying to get his composed demeanor back and perhaps calm his racing heart, "I can help you learn how to walk if you want," he added in a small voice as if he were embarrassed.

The mermans scowl finally eased, giving a glint of hope to the other boy.

"But no running away." Aiden added but the merman didn't reply, instead he frowned again,

Aiden sighed.

"Are you really gonna run away? I thought we were on good terms now... I'll give you the lollipop if you don't." He tried to bargain and the other just started back at him blandly.

"You're not gonna run away?" He asked again and the boy nodded hesitantly without eating his features.

Gleefully, Aiden sprang up to his feet and stretched out his arm so the other could take his hand.

The boy who was at the other end of the pool slowly moved closer and Aiden noticed that the boy was swimming moving his legs the same way he did his tail, "I guess you'll need swimming lessons too." He said.

When the other slipped his hand in his, he noticed how cold and small it was... his skin was soft and slippery, probably because of his true form.

He placed a wobbly feet on the floor once again and tried balancing his weight on it. When he was sure it was okay, he placed the other one while still holding Aidens hand for support. He was shaky at first but when he had successfully balanced his weight on his two feet, he tried taking a bold step forward but it was another fail. He slipped once again but this time Aiden slipped his hand around his waist and held him up so he wouldn't fall but ended up falling together with him.

'Wow, he is really thin' was the first thought that played in his mind as only one hand held his entire bare waist. It wasn't just the mermans hands that were cold, his entire body was. Using his thumb, Aiden caressed the bare skin and the boy shivered.

His eyes widened say first, surprised by the sensitive reaction then a smile spread across Aidens face.

Wanting to tease the other and feel more of the smooth slippery skin under his touch, his hand drew circles on his lower abdomen causing the merman to tremble. His hand slipped down and paused when he felt something thin and small in his hold,

"Mmph..." The merman let out and Aiden rose a brow and suddenly, the realisation dawned on him.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed and stepped away, letting the boy fall to the ground as he wiped his hands on his black shirt.

The merman tilted his head and raised a brow wondering what had caused the other to behave the way he did. He moved his line of sight to the spot between his legs were Aiden had touched wondering.

He slowly moved his hand and touched his part, the contact making him shiver... he didn't like it

"Don't touch that!" Aiden yelled out but the merman just stared at him blankly with his big round eyes. The trickling sound of water drew Aidens attention and his eyes moved to the others part. Immediately, the colour in his face drained... did he just... pee?!