"I told you to take it out! Damn it!" Yelled Kai on top of his voice, his icy blue eyes staring daggers at the confused Aiden.
"What? I thought you were just feeling good."
Aiden felt lost for a moment, trying to digest what the merman was talking about until he finally understood what he was saying.
His confused expression was immediately replaced with an uninterested look. He let out an exasperated sigh and raked his fingers through his black hair, messing it more than his night in bed had done.
"Mating season is just around the corner, What is wrong with you?! Why would you do something like that?!"
"I don't get it." Cut Aiden, a frown settling on his face. "What's so bad about me mating with you, anyway? You know I didn't do it intentionally, and besides, isn't it the same as being together forever?"