"Pardon?" Said Kai with furrowed brows as he could not believe what he had just heard.
"I believe you have no need for hearing aids." Spat Morris, a displeased look etching His feature.
He quickly adjusted the expression on his face and heaved a sigh before he continued.
"I also believe you already know he is already engaged... having an affair outside marriage, and worse with someone of the same gender would tarnish his reputation. Not just his reputation alone... but mine as well."
He stepped forward and leaned closer to the boys height with an irking grin playing on his lips.
"As the knowledgeable boy I believe you are, I'm sure you do not want that for the person you love... or once loved.
Leaving the country would be the best option for all of us, don't you think?"
Morris took a step away from the boy, his smile still intact as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers.