Getting to know the Avengers (1)



7:10 PM

"So, Miss Romanoff, could you share with us your experience of being a part of the Avengers?"

Peter asks while sitting at the bar counter.

"Well, it's fun and quite stressful at the same time. After all, having to put up with Stark almost all day isn't an easy task."

Natasha says, taking a short pause and looking at Peter before continuing.

"But despite all that, we still stick together as a team, always looking out for each other. And that also includes dealing with Stark's big ego."

Natasha adds with an ironic smile on her face.

"But how do you feel about being the only woman on the team?"

Peter asks, jotting something down in his notebook.

"I actually find it pretty cool, especially now with Agent Hill joining the team. However, I still surprise myself by realizing that I'm more skilled and smarter than all of them."

Natasha responds to Peter's question.

Peter listens attentively to everything Natasha says and, with a friendly smile on his face, replies:

"I understand... well, that was all, I don't want to take up too much of your time. And thank you very much for taking some time to do this interview."

"You're welcome, it's always a pleasure to help out a fan."

Natasha says, expressing her words while gently sliding her hand over Peter's arm. That unexpected touch caused a certain nervousness and shyness in the young man. He begins to feel a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time intrigued by Black Widow's actions.

"Oh, uh, that's nice..."

Peter says, expressing his words, his face turning red with embarrassment. He was caught off guard, something that rarely happens, and it made him a little uneasy.

With her perceptiveness, Natasha notices a subtle change in the boy's expressions. His words, which were previously full of confidence, now carry a tone of discomfort and nervousness. She sees the unease on his face, a clear sign that the play had gone too far. Understanding the situation, she decides to act. With a quick movement, she withdraws her hand from Peter's arm.

In an attempt to ease the boy's discomfort a bit, Natasha says:

"Peter, you seem like a nice young man. Anyway, I suggest you go interview the others before they consume too much alcohol and it becomes nearly impossible to conduct an interview."

"Thank you very much, Miss Romanoff. It was a pleasure to have met you."

Peter says, thanking Natasha for the time she spent talking to him.

"The pleasure was all mine."

Natasha says, watching Peter slowly walk away.

"Parker? Why does that name sound familiar to me? Where have I heard that name before?"

Natasha thinks, still watching Peter getting farther away.

As he leaves the area, Peter starts walking towards the other side of the room, where Hawkeye, one of Natasha's teammates, is currently comfortably seated on the couch. Hawkeye, absorbed in his own thoughts, is sitting quietly on the couch with a glass in his hand.

"Good evening, Mr. Barton?"

Peter asks as he approaches Barton.

"That's me. What would you like to know?"

Clint asks as he looks at the young man standing in front of him.

"Sorry for my rudeness, my name is Peter Parker, I work for the Daily Bugle. Would it be possible to grant an interview or maybe even a photo for our newspaper?"

Peter says with a friendly smile, extending his hand toward Clint.

Clint, who was comfortably seated on the couch, gives Peter a quick look, who is standing in front of him. He begins to analyze the young man's facial expressions, trying to determine if he could be a spy. However, upon noticing the sincerity in his face and the press badge hanging around his neck, Clint feels more at ease in the young man's presence.

"Peter Parker, huh?"

Clint says, getting up from the couch.

"Yes, Mr. Clint."

Peter replies respectfully. However, Clint intervenes gently, preferring a more informal approach.

"No 'Mr.' please, just Clint is fine."

Clint says with a friendly smile.

While the conversation between Peter and Clint continues, a figure approaches quietly, moving with graceful steps. His eyes are filled with curiosity to find out who Clint is talking to.

Upon noticing his friend's presence, Clint decides to call him.

"Hey, Bruce, come over here really quick."

Clint says, calling Bruce.

"What's up, Clint?"

Bruce asks as he approaches Peter and Clint.

"Could you take a picture of us here for the kid and the newspaper he works for?"

Clint points to Peter.

"Sure, what's your name?"

Banner asks, looking at the young man in front of him.

"My name is Peter Parker, and I work for the Daily Bugle. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Banner..."

Peter says, shaking Bruce's hand.

"Your work on anti-electron collisions is unmatched. I'm a big fan of yours, I can say I like Dr. Banner more than the Hulk."

Peter expresses his admiration to Banner.

"Ah, thanks..."

Bruce says as he takes the camera from Peter's hand.

"Actually, the photo I need to take is just of Mr. Clint. Unfortunately, I can't appear in the photo for professional reasons. Orders from my boss."

Peter says, looking at Bruce and Clint and then continues.

"But I can take a photo of you two together."

"Sounds good."

Bruce and Clint say together.

"So, it's all set."

Peter says as he takes the camera from Banner's hands and positions himself to take a photo of them. He adjusts the camera settings and frames both of them in the camera's viewfinder. With a nod, he signals to Bruce and Clint to get closer to each other. They comply, and Peter captures the moment with a click of the shutter.


Peter says after taking the photo, and he turns his attention to Clint and Bruce.

"This one's definitely going in the newspaper... Thank you for taking some of your time."

Peter continues, now focusing his attention on the camera lens.