Consequences of the Battle

"Great, that's all I needed to make it good"

Peter said ironically as he checked his web shooters.

"Ready, no more webs"

Peter continued, disbelieving his bad luck.

Meanwhile, Hulk and Stark were still fighting, or almost, as it was Hulk who was beating the armor or crushing the Hulkbuster. Every time Tony tried to punch Bruce, he became even angrier and started destroying the suit, piece by piece.

After suffering severe damage, the AI in the suit displayed a warning on the screen indicating that the armor had received too many critical hits. "Veronica!" Tony said, calling the AI, which launched some pieces for the armor's repair, but Hulk ended up destroying all of them.

"Is there still time to buy that building?"

Tony said as he approached a building that was still under construction.

"Sorry, big guy"

Tony said as he dropped Bruce from a height.

Without wasting time, Stark activated the suit's thrusters and launched himself at full speed toward Bruce, throwing him into the building and destroying it in the process.

Meanwhile, Peter tried to save people who hadn't found a safe place to hide. However, a metal bar fell on him, causing him to faint.

About 10 minutes later, the army arrived amidst the wreckage and debris. Hulk rose from the wreckage, but this time he was calmer, having freed himself from Wanda's mind control. He began to look around, seeing the injured people and the massive destruction he had caused. Looking down, he noticed Peter lying unconscious under an iron bar. Hulk removed the iron bar and then turned his attention to the army. But before he could do anything, Tony appeared and punched him in the face, knocking him out.



Hawkeye, with a lot of effort, managed to free Steve, Natasha, and Thor from Wanda's mind control. After everyone regained consciousness, they met with Stark, Bruce, and a battered Peter.

"What happened to the kid?"

Steve asked, still a bit dazed and concerned, looking at Peter with his torn suit and bruises all over his body.

Tony Stark took a deep breath before answering, concerned about the boy's condition.

"He was trying to save people in the midst of that chaos. An iron bar fell on him, and he passed out."

"But he's very injured"

Clint said, looking astonished at the scene.

"Did you do this to him, Bruce?"

Nattasha asked, looking at Banner.

"I... I don't remember"

Bruce replied with a worried expression.

"You don't need to feel guilty. He didn't get hurt facing you; he got hurt trying to save people. He'll be okay, I think"

Tony said sincerely, trying to alleviate Bruce's guilt.

"We'll take him to a safe place as soon as we find one"

Tony continued, not knowing exactly where they could go.

"But that's the problem; we can't go back to the city. So, where do we go?"

Steve asked.

Clint, who had been quiet until now, stood up and said:

"I know a safe place."

Tony looked at him with a curious expression and asked.

"Alright, but where is this place?"

"Trust me, I know a place, and believe me, you'll like it"

Clint said, with a little smile.

"Then let's go to this place"

Thor said quickly and seriously.

After leaving the ship, they headed for the Quinjet and took off with Clint at the controls. Bruce was sitting in a corner, still shaken by everything he had done, the people he had hurt, and the buildings he had destroyed as the Hulk. Steve and Tony were in the front of the jet, with Clint. Thor looked out the window, and Natasha was tending to Peter's injuries. Peter woke up and looked at her.

"Where am I?"

Peter said with some difficulty as he sat up.

"Nobody kissed me while I was unconscious, right?"

Peter continued hastily, eliciting laughter from those on the jet due to his innocence.

"Relax, kid. We're inside the Quinjet, heading to a safe place"

Steve said calmly, looking at Peter.

"Oh, and where's the Hulk?"

Peter asked, looking around and not finding Bruce.

"Is that one over there enough?"

Tony said, pointing to a somewhat shy Bruce in the corner, with a sad expression.

"Don't worry; the Hulk won't be appearing anytime soon"

Nattasha said, looking at Peter.

"Man, I'm hurting allover"

Peter said, touching his ribs to check if any were broken.

"Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?"

Peter continued with a pained expression.

"Watch your language"

Steve said, looking at Peter.

"Sorry, Captain"

Peter said, bowing in apology.

"You were hit by a metal bar while saving people"

Tony said, turning his head and looking at Peter.

"And, as always, this spider-sense only works when it wants to"

Peter mumbled softly.

"You can relax now; you're safe"

Natasha said, gently patting Peter's hair.

"Where are we going?"

Peter asked while still sitting, looking at Steve.

"Clint is taking us to a shelter"

Steve said, pointing to Clint.

"Yeah, to a shelter far away from here"

Clint said with a little smile.


Peter muttered, but was soon interrupted by Nattasha.

"What's wrong? Any problem?"

Nattasha asked, looking at Peter with a worried expression.

"It's nothing; I just forgot to tell my aunt that I wouldn't be able to come home now"

Peter said with a worried expression before continuing.

"She's going to kill me."

"We'll figure that out later"

Steve said, placing his hand on Peter's shoulder, trying to calm him.


Peter said, nodding his head.

After the brief conversation inside the Quinjet, the group headed for the shelter suggested by Clint. As they flew, Peter tried to straighten up as best he could, still feeling the pain in his body. He looked out of the window, observing the landscape that passed quickly below them. The worry about how to explain his absence to his aunt continued to bother him.

"Kid, I've been curious since the day you dodged Thor's hammer and now, you're unaffected by the little witch's mind control. How did you do that?"

Clint says, a little curious, looking at Peter.