Mind in Conflict

"I hope you can fix them. Well... I just came here to see how you were doing."

Said Steve, now getting Peter's attention.

"I'm okay, Cap."

Replied Peter with a forced smile that went unnoticed by Steve.

"Alright then, if you need anything, just reach out to me."

Said Steve as he turned and headed toward the door, but Peter called him before he could open it.


Peter got Steve's attention, who turned to face him.

"Is something wrong?"

Steve asked, looking at the young man with a curious expression.

"It's nothing, it's just that I heard Tony say I might have to leave. Is it true that you guys are going to send me away?"

Said Peter with a downcast expression, looking at Steve.

"I saw what happened yesterday, and I appreciate it."

Steve said but was interrupted by Peter.

"So, why can't I stay? You saw, I'm strong."

Peter said as he looked into Steve's eyes, who stared back at him seriously before continuing.

"I saw that you're strong and a responsible kid, but... you nearly died yesterday, and I can't allow that, especially seeing a kid almost getting hurt by getting involved in matters that we should handle."

Steve continued speaking as he looked at Peter with a serious face.

Peter nodded, understanding Steve's concerns but still feeling apprehensive.

"I admit that what happened yesterday was my fault."

Peter said with a serious face, pausing before continuing.

"I should have just stopped them from doing what they did yesterday, but instead, I tried to act like a moralist with them."

"I understand that you tried to do the right thing, kid, but we have to ensure the safety of citizens who can't defend themselves. We wouldn't forgive ourselves if a child got hurt by getting involved in our affairs."

Steve said as he looked at Peter before continuing.

"But I'm not a child anymore; I'm almost 16."

Peter tried to change Steve's opinion.

"For me, it doesn't make a difference; I still see you as a child."

Steve continued with a serious face, still looking at Peter.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have meddled in this story, I even tried to avoid getting involved, but it was stronger than me."

Peter said with an embarrassed expression.

Steve looked at Peter with a gentler look, recognizing the young man's sincerity. He knew that Peter had good intentions, and in a way, his involvement had also been beneficial.

"You don't need to apologize, kid. I should be thanking you now. If it weren't for you, Ultron would probably have killed Dr. Cho. I also owe you some apologies for getting you into this mess."

Peter looked surprised at Steve, not expecting this kind of response from Captain America. He felt relieved but was still worried about the possibility of being removed from the team.

"Thank you, Captain. This means a lot to me."

Peter said with a grateful smile before continuing.

"Do I really have to go? I really wanted to stay."

Steve sighed once again, weighing the situation. He didn't want to take the kid off the team, but he also didn't want to risk his safety.

"I understand that you want to help, kid. And believe me, I would love to have you with us. But we need to ensure that you're safe."

Steve said before continuing.

"We've already decided, tomorrow we'll take you back home..."

Steve was about to finish his sentence when he noticed the disappointed look on Peter's face. The young hero had become attached to the idea of being part of the team, and the prospect of going back home was disheartening.

Steve continued to look at Peter and spoke again.

"So, you can have your peaceful life as a vigilante again."

"Of course, if nothing goes wrong."

Steve whispered this last part in a way that Peter couldn't hear.

Peter lowered his head for a moment, looking resigned, but then raised his eyes to Steve with determination.

"Alright, but I wanted to thank you for letting me help you, even if it was for a short time. Thank you, Captain. It was an honor to have been able to fight alongside you."

Steve squeezed Peter's shoulder with a comforting smile, appreciating the young hero's mature attitude.

"The honor was ours, kid. You showed great courage and determination. Be responsible and keep training. Who knows, one day, when you're more prepared, you might be able to join us again."

After saying those words, Steve, with a smile on his face, began to slowly move away from Peter, heading towards the door, and then opening it and leaving the room. Peter stood there, deep in thought about what he should do, whether he should stay and help the Avengers with this problem or go back to his life as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

When Steve left the room, Peter was left with mixed emotions. He understood Captain America's concerns and the need to prioritize his safety, but it was still difficult for him to accept leaving the Avengers, even if it was only a temporary arrangement. Peter was torn between his sense of responsibility and his desire to continue fighting alongside these incredible heroes.

"What should I do? Should I just leave, or should I stay like this?"

Peter thought as he paced back and forth in the room.

After pacing around the room and not getting any answers, he starts walking towards the window. There, he looks down and sees Tony and Steve chopping wood. In fact, Tony was talking more than chopping wood, while Steve wasn't even using an axe; he was using his hands to split the logs in half.

"How could I compare to these two? They're incredible, and what they've achieved is surreal... Who am I kidding? I'll never be their equal; one is a super soldier and the other is a super genius and billionaire, while I'm just a little boy from Queens."

Peter said these words to himself while still watching Tony and Steve through the window.