Battle in Sokovia (5)

"Seriously, guys? We're on the same side"

Pietro says, not believing what had just happened.

After parting ways with Bruce, who was now transformed into the Hulk, Natasha had reunited with Steve, who surprisingly was struggling to destroy the robots. After coming together, the two began causing a real mess in the city as they destroyed the robots they encountered along the way. Meanwhile, Tony was still searching for a way to bring the city down.

"Boss, from my analysis, if we touch the gravitational axis of the device, it would cause a reverse effect; instead of the city descending slowly, it would result in a high-speed descent"

Friday said, conducting a quick analysis.

"What if Thor could hit the vibranium layer around the device without touching the axis?"

Tony asked, still analyzing the device. After saying this, Tony awaited the response from his suit's artificial intelligence with a mix of hope.

"It would lead to the rupture of the rock, and still wouldn't be enough; the impact would be devastating."

"And if we tried to reverse the circulation?"

Tony proposed while flying around the city.

"That wouldn't work either; we would disintegrate the entire city and all its inhabitants in the process"

Friday declared, with a serious tone.

While Tony searched for a solution to bring the city down without having to annihilate everyone in it, on the other side of the city, Steve, now reunited with the remaining members, was undertaking the difficult task of finding a safe place for people because where they were, nothing was safe.

"These robots seem like a swarm of bees; the more you destroy them, the more they sprout"

Steve says while escorting a family to a building and destroying another robot in the process.

"Stark, any idea to get us out of this situation?"

Steve asked, putting his hand on the communicator.

Tony, still hovering over the city, pondered for a moment before responding to Steve.

"So far, nothing. The only alternative I could come up with was to blow up the city, only then would we prevent it from crashing into the ground. However, you and the people in it make that plan impossible."

"I asked you for a solution, Stark, not a destruction plan"

Steve said with a more serious tone in his voice.

"But we have no other alternative. Every passing second, the city is going up, and the impact is getting bigger. We're running out of choices, Captain. I know it's a tough decision, but we'll have to choose."

Tony countered, making an expression of someone who had already done everything possible.

Meanwhile, Wanda was helping people find shelter in safe places. Natasha, on the other hand, was talking to Steve about Tony's plan. She agreed and disagreed at the same time about the plan.

"Captain, even if I don't want to, I agree with Stark. He's right; you can't always save everyone. If he really manages to find a way to blow everything up, I think we better be aware of it."

Natasha said while watching Steve, who was staring at those people running desperately in search of shelter.

At that moment, Steve said nothing; he just continued staring at those people. Until Peter appeared behind them, walking with some difficulty. His body was all bruised, and his uniform was almost torn apart. However, Peter still wore his mask; the only difference was a part of the eye that was destroyed. When Steve looked at that boy, he realized in Peter's gaze the determination of someone who hadn't given up yet.

"I refuse to abandon any of these people until they're all safe."

Steve asserted, determined not to abandon any of those people.

"Captain, it's a matter of basic math, just use logic: everyone up here against everyone still down there. I know it's a tough decision, but between one and the other, you know which one you should choose."

Natasha said, even though no longer wanting to, using a colder tone.

"It's no use; I won't change my mind. My decision will remain the same; I don't leave here until all the civilians here are safe."

Steve asserted, still refusing to abandon any of those people.

"And since when did I say we were leaving here... until this view isn't so bad, and there are much worse ways to die."

Natasha said while looking at that beautiful landscape of clouds moving slowly.

Peter, who was behind Steve and Natasha, decided to approach them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could have died as a nerd who just stays locked in his room, stuck in front of the computer, and has a boss who is the devil himself. But here I am, next to my idols and doing what I like and know is right."

Peter said, receiving a surprised look from both Steve and Natasha.

Natasha and Steve looked at each other and were surprised by those words being spoken by such a young person. After Peter spoke, the three began to look at that breathtaking view above the clouds.

"Tell me where we could see such a beautiful view as this one? But unfortunately, this will be the last."

Natasha asked, still staring at that beautiful view.

"Is it really going to be the last time, Mr. Romanoff? Since you liked this view, wait to see what's coming. I guarantee it's about to get better."

Said an unknown voice invading the communicator.

Peter, who also had the communication in his ear, also heard that voice.

"Hey, wait a minute, this voice isn't..."

Peter said but was interrupted by Steve.

"Yes, it's him... Fury."

Steve said.

After Steve uttered those words, a giant SHIELD aircraft carrier appeared right in front of them, gliding between the clouds. It was truly a spectacular and hopeful sight for the people observing it from afar; for them, that aircraft was like a colossus in the sky that could save their lives. Pietro, who was nearby, approached Steve, Natasha, and Peter. After Pietro and Peter met, both began to close their facial expressions, indicating that they really didn't like each other at all.