The end of Ultron

Thor, realizing they had already destroyed almost all of Ultron's robots, decides to taunt the villain.

"So, is that the best you can do? Honestly, I expected more."

After Thor says those words, Ultron looks at him, not letting himself be provoked. In response, he simply raises his arms, and after doing so, hundreds of thousands of robots begin to emerge.

"No, this is the best I can do."

Ultron asserts, while glaring down at the Avengers.

"Thanks, Thor! You really had to ask. Look what you've done, just screwed us over. Thanks."

Peter says, still looking at the robots that keep appearing and then glaring at Thor indignantly.

"Kid, watch your language."

Steve warns, trying to reprimand Peter, who is behind them.

"Seriously, Captain, look at our situation. We're basically screwed."

Peter argues, pointing to Ultron's army of robots about to attack them.

Peter hadn't realized that his joke had managed to draw a smile from Wanda, who couldn't hide that she was becoming more fascinated by the boy. Even Pietro, who was trying to remain serious after Peter's joke, almost lost his composure.

"You still don't get it; this is exactly what I wanted. You there, in this small space, trapped, trying to face all of me, and still having to protect the core. And now I ask: how do you intend to stop me?"

Ultron says, starting to deliver a villainous speech.

"As the captain always says."

Peter intervenes, drawing everyone's attention.

"We'll do it together!"

Ultron, upon hearing Peter's determined response, lets out a sinister laugh while staring at the Avengers.

"Together? So be it. Then you will die together too."

Ultron mocks, as the robots around him begin to assume a more orderly formation.

After Ultron utters those words, several robots start heading towards the church with the simple goal of killing the heroes there. As our heroes were strong and brave, they didn't retreat; if they were to die, they would die fighting. And who could imagine that a sacred place, where people went to pray and make their prayers, would turn into a true coliseum.

While everyone was fighting, Wanda fails to notice a robot approaching her to attack, but Peter, who was attentive to everything, notices in time and manages to web-shoot the robot, throwing it to the ground and destroying it.

Wanda is taken by surprise by the robot crashing to the ground.

"Thanks, I was so focused that I didn't even notice it."

Wanda says, looking at the ground where the destroyed robot lay.

"No problem."

Peter replies, with a mini smile on his face.

Pietro, realizing that this mushy situation between his sister and Peter could turn into something more in the future, decides to intervene.

"Can you two stop this or is it too difficult?"

Pietro asks somewhat angrily.

"Dude, stop being jealous. They're not doing anything wrong."

Clint says, approaching Pietro still with his bow in hand.

"Stop meddling in other people's lives, old man."

Pietro says, leaving with a serious face.

Steve, noticing that the atmosphere between the three was starting to sour, decides to intervene.

"People, less talk and more action."

Steve says, going after another robot.

After the three realize that this situation was more important than their little squabble, they decide to put that fight aside and focus more on destroying the robots that keep coming, as everyone knew that if one of those robots managed to get close to the core, it would be the end of all of them. And that was already a big enough reason to motivate them.

Ultron, seeing that his army was being exterminated one by one, directs his gaze of pure hatred towards Vision. Unable to contain his anger, Ultron goes after Vision, who, upon sensing his presence, manages to easily dodge. After that, they start an insane exchange of punches right there; however, Vision was winning the battle. After Ultron opens a gap, Vision shoots a beam from the Mind Stone at Ultron, throwing him far away.

Peter, who was always observing the course of the battle, seeing what Vision had done to Ultron, has an idea.

"Mr. Stark, Thor, look."

Peter says, pointing in the direction of Vision and Ultron.

After Tony and Thor look in the direction indicated by Peter, they understand the message. Knowing what they should do, Thor starts by launching a lightning bolt at Ultron, while Tony fires a laser. Upon realizing that Ultron wouldn't give up, the three-start attacking with maximum force. When they notice that the villain's body had started to melt, they decide to stop the attack.

"I have to admit that you..."

Ultron tries to say something, but is interrupted by Hulk, who appears and punches him, throwing him far away. After Hulk throws Ultron to the other side of the city, he looks at the remaining robots, who run in fear towards the sky, trying to escape.

"Stark, they're trying to flee the city."

Thor warns, looking at Tony.

"We can't let any of them escape, Rhode is with you."

Tony says through the armor communicator.

"Leave it to me."

Rhode affirms, flying towards the robots trying to leave the city.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Rhode says, shooting several projectiles towards the robots.

"Today you will experience the true terror of the War Machine..."

Rhode says, not being able to finish his sentence, as Vision then appears, destroying all the robots.

"But what the..."

"Avengers, we have to get out of here as soon as possible. The air here is already getting thin. You guys go ahead and get into the ships. Meanwhile, I'll check if there's no one left behind. After that, I'll join you."

Steve says, starting to head towards the city, only to be interrupted by Peter.

"But, Captain, what about the core?"

"You can leave it to me, I'll protect him."

Wanda says, receiving a surprised look from Peter.

"It's the least I can do to pay for everything I've done."