A special dinner

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Pietro was still a little annoyed by the whole situation between his sister and Peter. He was thinking of saying something, but decided it was better not to create a fuss about it at the moment. Still with a serious expression on his face, he approached his sister and Peter, who could see the discomfort and anger evident on the boy's face.

"What's up, web head!"

Pietro greeted, while holding out his hand to Peter in a friendly gesture, but with a touch of embarrassment in both his voice and his face. However, the heavy atmosphere didn't go unnoticed by Peter, who chose to remain silent.

"Hey, easy!"

Peter replied, also without humor, but not letting it show.

Natasha, noticing the tense atmosphere that had formed in the group, let out a short sigh. And, with a serious face, she asked a question that, although it was laden with sarcasm, did not lose its poise.

"Can we sit down, or do you want to continue with this?"

Natasha asked, her voice full of sarcasm.

After Natasha's brief, unfriendly comment, the awkward silence returned. It didn't last long, however, as Wanda broke it with a question.

"There's someone missing here. Where's Vision?"

Wanda asked, without any obvious malice. However, someone else didn't like that at all.

When Wanda said Vision's name, Peter's expression changed for a moment. He knew why, he just didn't want to admit that he was jealous of an artificial intelligence.

After Wanda mentioned Vision's name, Peter felt a knot forming in his stomach. He knew he shouldn't let himself be swayed by irrational jealousy, after all, Vision was just an artificial intelligence and posed no real threat to him. However, a part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity.

(Why is it that every time she says his name, I get angry?)

Peter thought to himself, while trying to disguise his serious expression. He looked away for a moment, avoiding facing the others and hoping that his reaction wouldn't be noticed. After all, it wasn't fair on Vision or himself to let himself be shaken by unfounded thoughts that might not even be true.

After Wanda asked about Vision's whereabouts, Steve, who had momentarily retreated to the kitchen, returned in a split second with some plates and cutlery in his hand. With a calm expression on his face, he answers the young woman's question quite naturally.

"He told us that since he doesn't feel hungry, there would be no reason for him to join us. So, he preferred to stand guard."

Steve explained, his voice calm as he approached the dining table with utensils in hand.

"I see."

Was the last thing Wanda said before approaching the table and sitting down.

After Wanda's brief conversation, Steve decided to follow her example and also sat down. Then dinner began.

"Well, since you're all here now, except for Vision, I think we can serve ourselves."

After Steve said those words, Rhode and Sam, who were on the sofa watching TV, went over to the table and sat down, as did Peter, Wanda and Pietro, who were sitting on one side of the table. On the other side were Natasha, Rhode and Sam. Meanwhile, Steve, the host, was sitting at the head of the table as if he were the head of the family.

Peter, realizing that Steve had sat at the head of the table, remembered an old expression and couldn't help himself.

"He who sits at the head, pays the bill."

Peter said, in a relaxed manner, while looking at Steve.

Peter's joke turned out to be so out of the blue that it even managed to elicit a few smiles from everyone at the table, creating a relaxed atmosphere for dinner. Steve, already used to the young man's humor, responded with a light tone of jest:

"I wouldn't mind paying, as long as everyone was happy."

Steve replied with a sincere smile, reflecting the calm and generosity that characterized him as Captain America.

"Dinners served, everyone."

Natasha announced, with all the kindness in the world, pulling the lid off the pot and, inside, showing the typical and tasty macaroni and cheese, which was also Peter's favorite dish. Seeing Natasha's thoughtful gesture, Peter was a little taken aback, grateful for the consideration shown by his friends. He thanked her with a sincere smile on his face.

"Thanks, guys."

Peter thanked them, with a small, somewhat lopsided smile on his face. He kind of knew they were going to do something special, but he hadn't expected it.

"I hope you really enjoyed it..."

Steve said in a relaxed tone, as he paused briefly before continuing, but without taking his eyes off the young man.

"As you're still new here at the complex, we kind of wanted to do something special to welcome you, as a sort of welcome. And we also can't forget the enormous help you gave us by saving the city while we were away. So, thank you in advance."

Steve's words were not just his, but represented the whole group, including Natasha and Tony, who was absent at the time. Peter, not knowing quite how to react to that emotional moment, just responded with a shy, grateful smile.


Peter murmured, scratching the back of his neck in a gesture of slight discomfort, but with a warm gleam in his eyes.

"I don't even know what to say, but thank you so much, guys."

Natasha smiled warmly at Peter, expressing genuine affection.

"No need to thank me, kid. You're now part of our team, and we're very happy to have you with us."

After Natasha said those words, it was Steve's turn to say something else, only this time to say that everyone could help themselves.

After Steve announced that everyone could help themselves, the atmosphere became more relaxed. As everyone helped themselves to the delicious macaroni and cheese, silence soon began to overtake the group, until Steve decided to break it.

"Is the food to your liking, Peter?"

Steve asked, as he put his hand on the young man's shoulder.