A tense struggle

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"But if there's one thing I can still remember from that day, without a shadow of a doubt, it's the image of the Captain and the Winter Soldier fighting on the roof of a building."

Peter said, getting the others more and more interested in the story. However, the only people who didn't like the way the conversation was going were Natasha and Steve.

While Sam was getting more and more interested in the conversation, the only person who wasn't enjoying it at all was Steve, who was getting more and more uncomfortable with the whole situation. Besides him, there was also someone else. However, the right answer wouldn't be to say that this person wasn't enjoying it; on the contrary, they weren't even paying attention to anything that was going on around them. That person was Wanda, who was thinking about something else, or someone else.

"And after that, what happened?"

Sam asked, unable to hide the fact that he was really interested in the conversation.

"After that, the captain..."

Peter said as he paused briefly. In the meantime, however, he turned and began to stare at Steve.

After that brief pause, Peter continued what he was saying.

"You through your shield at him, but he managed to dodge it. Then he picked up your shield and threw it back. However, during that brief moment when you took your eyes off him to dodge the shield, he ended up escaping. When I saw that, I admit I was a bit taken aback, after all, I didn't know what to do in that situation. So, I decided to do what I thought was right at the time. I hid in an alley and put on my uniform to go after him."

As Peter recounted in detail what had happened that day, it seemed as if something very important was being told in that room, because no sound could be heard, so quiet was the atmosphere.

"Do you regret going after him?"

Rhode asked, while looking at Peter.

After asking that question, not only was Rhode staring at Peter, but the others, who had also become a little interested in the answer to that question, also began to stare at him.

"Yes, of course. If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I'd tell him not to go after him."

Peter replied, a little shiver running through his body after remembering the beating he had taken from the Winter Soldier.


Sam asked, a little confused.

"If I tell you now, it'll spoil the story. So, if I could say something in a few words, it would probably be: 'You'll understand'."

Peter's answer turned out to be so enigmatic that it even left an air of mystery in the air as those present tried to decipher the meaning behind his words.

"It makes perfect sense."

Sam said innocently, not really noticing that Peter had been a little sarcastic with his comment.

Pietro, realizing that Sam had failed to see the sarcasm behind Peter's words, decided to join in.

"Isn't that, right?"

Peter, realizing that the conversation was taking a different turn, decided to take control of the situation.

"As I was saying, it didn't take long for me to find the Winter Soldier, or rather, it didn't take long for him to find me. After all, when I entered that alley, there he was, standing in front of me, probably waiting for me."

As soon as Peter said that, everyone was shocked.

"I'll be very honest with you... If I could say, in one word, what happened to me after that, it would definitely be: 'If regret could kill, I'd definitely be dead by now'."

As soon as Peter said that, no one laughed, except Wanda, who let out a small giggle.

Because of that laugh, Wanda unintentionally drew everyone's attention to herself. Even Peter was a little surprised. After all, the redhead was usually quite reserved.

Deeply ashamed of what she had just done, Wanda decided to apologize. However, her face was still slightly pink from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, you can continue."

Wanda added, while trying to hide both her red face and the shame she was feeling at that moment from Peter.

As soon as Wanda said those words, all the attention that had previously been focused on her returned to Peter again.

Peter, taking this as a sign, decided to continue what he was saying before Wanda interrupted him.

"After I arrived in that alley and saw the Winter Soldier standing in front of me, he didn't even give me time to breathe, let alone think. The short time I had to try to open my mouth to say something was enough for him to come at me. He was so fast and so strong that one minute he was hitting me and the next I was getting hit, but I didn't let him off the hook either. At the same time as he was hitting me, I was also hitting him."

With every word Peter said, those present in the room didn't know whether to be impressed by what the young man had managed to do against a non-imposing opponent or traumatized by the barbarity of the things Peter was telling them. The only people who didn't like it at all were Natasha and Steve, who couldn't believe that their friend had done something so bad.

"But I have to agree on one thing: all the rumors about him were true. He really was all that and more; the guy was literally tough and completely ruthless. Every blow I hit him felt like I was hitting a concrete wall. But all good things are short-lived - and that's a good thing, because if it hadn't been for that, I certainly wouldn't be alive today to tell this story. As we continued our frantic exchange of punches, one ended up hitting me straight on, and the punch was so hard that it threw me against a wall."

Before Peter could continue his story, Sam interrupted him again.

"And after that, did you pass out? Did he keep attacking you?"

As soon as Sam threw that comment into the air, both Wanda, who had been worried about Peter, and Steve, who now wanted to know what his friend had done, fell silent.