The Weight of Responsibility

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"How can you be so sure of that, Natt? Who's not going to tell me that Bucky was on some mission that day I met him?"

Steve argued, still with a worried look on his face, as he went back to pacing back and forth. But when Natasha tried to calm him down, she was interrupted by Steve, who continued what he was saying.

"I really want to believe that he was being controlled by Hydra, Natasha. However, I can't rule out the possibility that he did it of his own free will. Peter is only a child and yet he went after him with the intention of killing him, and I can't accept that at all."

Said Steve, turning to face his friend. Only this time, instead of pacing back and forth, he remained motionless where he was, but put his hand to his forehead, clearly showing his concern. A million possibilities of what could have happened to Peter ran through his mind.

After Steve said those words, Natasha let out a small sigh in response to what he had said. However, just as she was about to say something, Steve interrupted her again, as he had done a few minutes ago.

"And there's more Natt..."

Steve started to speak, beginning what he had to say. However, before he continued, he paused briefly.

"Just as I know, you're also well aware that if that fight between them had gone on any longer than necessary, the outcome could have been very different, with Peter clearly at great risk of losing his life."

As soon as Steve had finished saying those words, Natasha let out a deep sigh. However, this time, already anticipating that he might interrupt her again, she decided to be a little quicker than him.

"Steve, I understand that you might think that, just because Peter has that slow face, he would easily lose to anyone. However, we mustn't forget that the boy is also strong, and his actions speak for themselves. For example, he managed to take on the Hulk and it was quite a feat to come out unscathed. What's more, we can't overlook what he managed to do against Ultron and his robots. His help was crucial for us. Not to mention the fact that, in training, he managed to defeat Sam. Even after all that, do you still think he would have lost that fight against Bucky if it had gone the distance?"

Natasha asked, staring at Steve as she told him about all the feats Peter had accomplished since the day he joined the complex.

As soon as Natasha had said those words, Steve, still with a worried look on his face, took his hand away from his forehead and approached her.

"I know that, Natasha, but we're not talking about just anyone. This is the Winter Soldier we're talking about, and he's not just anyone. On the contrary, he's undergone intense training and, to top it all off, they've experimented on him, which has made him even stronger. We mustn't forget that Maximoff said he was considered a killing machine back in the day."

After Steve said those words, Natasha, still incredulous that her friend wasn't recognizing Peter's achievements up to that point, decided it was time to change the image Steve had of him in his mind once and for all. Natasha, determined, thought back to all the moments when Peter had shown courage and skill, recalling every detail to convince Steve. She knew she had to be persuasive and highlight the qualities that made Peter a true hero. With this in mind, Natasha took a deep breath and prepared herself for the conversation that could change Steve's mind about Peter.

"Steve, I know you don't have much confidence in the boy for difficult missions, but you have to agree with me on one thing: Peter has the ability and potential to defeat all of us here in the complex if he wanted to."

As soon as Natt said those words, Steve almost burst out laughing, still disbelieving what his friend had said.

"Natt, I know the boy is strong, but he's not that strong either. Even we've been through hard times when we only got out alive through sheer luck."

Natasha crossed her arms, her gaze firmly directed at her friend.

"No, Steve, I'm not exaggerating, and you know that. The only problem is that you don't want to admit it, simple as that."

Replied Natasha as she pointed her index finger at Steve.

"You may think that what the boy has is bravery, Steve. But Peter has something that few others have: he doesn't give up, no matter how difficult the situation."

Steve frowned.

"I'm not questioning his determination, Natt. But you saw what happened when he tried to take on Bucky. That was a disaster. He could have been seriously injured, or maybe even worse, he could even have died."

Natasha nodded, acknowledging Steve's point, but still determined to stand up for what she believed in.

"I know that. But that's exactly why we need to give him a chance to grow up and prove his worth. If we keep treating him only as a rookie, we'll never see the full potential he can offer."

Steve looked at Natasha, his expression slowly changing as he reflected on her words.

"Maybe... maybe I underestimated him. But that doesn't change the fact that he's still just an inexperienced child."

Natasha gave a slight smile, knowing that she had made some progress.

"We all start with no experience, Steve. And Peter is no different; he just needs a chance to prove he's ready. And believe me, he's already done more than enough to deserve that chance."

As soon as Steve heard Natasha's words, he let out a sigh and managed to calm down a little.

"I kind of understand your point of view, Natt. But do you realize that Peter ended up going on a suicide mission when he met up with Bucky?"

Steve asked, staring at his friend.

Natasha, using the same tone Steve had used, answered him.

"I know that, Steve. And I also know that no one more than the two of us knows that facing the Winter Soldier is asking to be killed. It's different from the others who wouldn't even think twice before running away. Peter, by trying to stop him even though he knew he had no chance of winning, only proves two things: either that he's incredibly stupid or that he's willing to do anything possible to protect the city, even if it ends up costing him his life."