Learning day

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For a brief second, we were in that position, so close that we could almost feel each other's breathing, trapped in an instant that seemed to last much longer than it actually did. because we were so close, I could feel the warmth of her waist under my hand.

"Are you all right?"

I asked in a low voice, my concern genuine, but my tone almost playful, as I tried to lighten the awkward mood that had hung in the air.

"I'm fine, I just lost my balance. Thank you."

Wanda replied, her voice soft and almost vulnerable. She looked away for a moment, as if she didn't know how to deal with the sudden closeness.

As soon as I noticed the discomfort on her face, I put her down. But before I could say anything, we were interrupted by a voice coming from the kitchen. However, my senses were a little altered by the situation, so I couldn't perceive the approaching presence with my Spidey-sense.

"Am I disturbing something?"

asked the mysterious voice, laden with a slight irony, as it approached us.

As soon as we turned around to see whose voice it was, we discovered that it was Natasha, who was standing in the kitchen doorway, staring at us with a little smile on her lip.

"No, we were just... talking."

I tried to explain, although the words sounded empty even to me. Wanda still looked a little shaken, but she recovered quickly, assuming a neutral expression as she moved a little away from me.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, still with that smile on her lips.

"Sure, chatting."

Natasha said, in a mischievous tone, as she stared at us.

(Shit, from the look on her face, she must not believe a word I'm saying.)

I thought to myself as I tried to find a plausible way out of the awkward situation.

Still not believing a word I was saying, Natasha crossed her arms and, with a defiant look on her face, turned from me to Wanda and back again.

"If you need a more private moment, I can leave you two alone."

Realizing that my advances weren't working, Wanda tried to help me resolve the misunderstanding.

"There's no need to leave."

Wanda said, trying to sound calm, but her voice betrayed a hint of nervousness.

"What Peter is saying is true, nothing happened. I just slipped and he held me so I wouldn't fall with the plates, that's all."

As soon as Wanda said that, I could tell by the look on Natasha's face that she still didn't believe a word of it. However, as if it were divine help, for some reason that I didn't know, she decided to change the subject.

"Tell you what: I'll pretend I believe you weren't doing anything and, to help me, you'll forget it ever happened. What do you think?"

Natasha asked with a wry smile on her lips as she winked in our direction.

As soon as Natasha said that, both Wanda and I glanced at each other, and probably came to the same conclusion. But before I could say anything, she interrupted me.

"So that's all settled. Anyway, let's get down to business. You're probably wondering what I'm doing down here at this time of night, and the answer to that question is very simple: tomorrow you're going to start a new training program. To be more specific, the three of you will be training."

Said Natasha, emphasizing that ending while looking at me and Wanda, and at the same time referring to her brother.

When I realized that I had the perfect chance to change the subject, I didn't hesitate for an instant. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up; the timing was perfect and the conversation had already drifted onto a less personal subject. So, with a clear idea in mind, I threw myself into it, determined to redirect the conversation to something more interesting and comfortable for all of us.

"What time will be training start?"

Wanda, realizing what I was getting at, decided to help me.

"Yes, what time?"

Natasha, who was no fool, with a calculating look, understood our attempt to escape from the previous conversation. However, she decided not to intervene and continued following the new flow of conversation. She quickly checked her wristwatch, as if she had only just considered the time.

"Your training will start early, at 6am. And don't worry, it'll be pretty intense."

Natasha replied, her tone a mixture of seriousness and a hint of teasing.

"Oh, and before I forget..."

Natasha continued, now more firmly.

"Be here in the kitchen at 5 o'clock in the morning and, if you're unfortunate enough to be even a second late, you'll be punished and have to pay for 200 push-ups. If you complain, you'll do 400. Are we clear?"

As soon as I heard what Natt said, I couldn't hide my displeasure and I let out a small sigh of tiredness, already knowing that the next day was going to be a long one. As neither I nor Wanda answered the question Natasha had asked. With a serious expression, she ended up asking the same question again. This time, however, she was staring at us.

"Are we clear?"

Natasha asked, now looking at us a little more seriously.

In response to what she had said, I simply saluted and, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, answered her question.

"Yes, Professor Romanoff."

As soon as I said it, I couldn't help but see Wanda's immediate reaction. She couldn't contain her laughter and ended up letting out a light, amused laugh, which echoed through the kitchen. Her smile, previously restrained, now widened visibly, as if my response had been a welcome relief to the tense atmosphere there.

Natasha's reaction, however, turned out to be completely different. While Wanda was amused by my sarcastic tone, I saw Natasha frown and narrow her eyes, clearly annoyed and not liking my comment at all.

"Very funny, Mr. Parker. I just want to see if you're going to continue with that tone tomorrow, when I knock you down in that ring."

Natasha commented as she stared at me with a smile that sent a chill down my spine.