Chapter 246 Very Cold, Very Cool_2

The Black Fog in Star Town was lighter.

The people could even see the sky thousands of yards high and the distant houses and roads, and for many, it was the first time they had such a novel experience, which made them exclaim in amazement.

It was also the first time for the Fire Guardian to leave the Underground City; he had placed the Residual Fire separated from the Guardian Fire in the plaza, serving as their temporary base.

Molly divided the people into several small teams, which spread out in a ring to search and deal with the residual monsters in Star Town and protect the logistical personnel as they cleaned up the town safely.

The first round of searching proved that Star Town was indeed empty, posing no threat, and the few monsters encountered were quickly slain by the warriors.

Ecstatic emotion spread among the team; none had expected that they could capture Star Town so quickly, truly taking the first step in expanding human living space.