"No, although I've always worked hard, my natural talent is really poor, and my Soul Trait improves very slowly."
"Then how did you get so much faster? I'm not nearly as fast as you now."
Anna whispered in reply, "It was the night of the Starlight Flash; after the Magic Release, my Awakened State under the night's Star Phase became greatly enhanced amidst the twinkling stars."
"Oh, I see."
Rod knew many Characteristics were influenced by the time of day and the seasons, but this was his first time witnessing it.
Anna whispered, "My Characteristic improved by about Third Level, and if I were to test it now in the Soul Crystal at the Mechanical Research Institute, I should be able to light up five Fireworks. Only at this time am I truly qualified to fight alongside my sisters."
Rod asked curiously, the question that had long been on his mind, "What exactly is this Magic Release Characteristic of yours? Are your sisters really that strong?"