Chapter 19 Internal and External Collaboration [2 in 1]_2

It was a long and exhaustive list.

Jinmian naturally took it to Lei Tu for consultation.

Lei Tu, being a man of vast experience and knowledge, saw no issue after reviewing it.

It was only right to ask for more details.

So, 'Dong Pingchuan' arrived once again to talk with Lei Tu.

The questioning was almost as intense as an interrogation, as he asked every single question on the list with increased severity.

This round of questioning would have provoked Lei Tu to kill this man more than ninety times over, if not for the fact that it was all in order to seek a cure for his condition.

After a rigorous session, 'Dong Pingchuan' filled nearly four or five pages of dense writing.

Then he spoke a few words in his own Dong Pingchuan manner.

The thick letter was thus sent out.

Dong Xiaoyan, upon receiving the reply and sending another letter back, said: "I have forwarded it to the divine doctor, who is now studying the problems with the prescription."

Then she set the letter aside.