Chapter 249: Tearing the Angel Apart with Bare Hands

It was a shame that this was the grand competition, and Lilith wasn't a member of the association. Otherwise, Bai Qi would have definitely called on Lilith's help to directly bring Gamma's proficiency to perfection and then directly upgrade it to elemental resistance.

"Now that the resistance is at hand, we really can't keep dragging this on."

Seeing the clearly somewhat impatient Leng Feifei, Bai Qi knew he couldn't just goof around any longer. He gave Gamma an instruction, and Gamma, who was slowly taking form, suddenly shook and immediately turned into the appearance of a Furious Guardian.

Not only that, the Sacrificial Aura and the Deadly Poison Aura, which hadn't been used since Lilith's appearance, appeared again. But rather than expanding wildly as before, they clung tightly to Gamma's body just like the Energy Absorption Aura did.