Chapter 736: Shadow of the Heavy Shadow

"A professional task-assessment system?"

Bai Wuji narrowed his eyes, seemingly considering the feasibility of Bai Qi's proposal.

"Exactly, according to you, Bai bro, the difficulty of the tasks issued by the Crying Bar is all determined by the pub matron, right?"

Bai Qi nodded and said, "I'm not questioning the matron's ability, but I think no easy task would catch her eye."

"Perhaps, she would personally assign these tasks to you, Bai bro, but what about other tasks?"

"If a Beast Master misjudges and takes on a task beyond their capability, wouldn't that be suicidal?"

"But what if an organization could be established that has a task-assessment system and a Beast Master's strength-assessment system, to reasonably allocate tasks? I suppose it'd be better for both the ones issuing and receiving the tasks, right?"

Hearing Bai Qi's words, Bai Wuji fell silent, but the gleam in his eyes grew brighter.