Chapter 7 :Vol1 Chap7

As of late, I have trouble falling asleep. I find myself unable to immediately drift off, but wake up early next morning. The reason for that is probably my recent lack of physical exercise. I feel like I used up a lot of energy when chasing after Natsukawa after all.

As for the reason why my pillow and blanket suddenly felt uncomfortable, this was probably related to the approaching summer. Once morning came around, it was either me throwing aside my blanket in my sleep, or waking up entirely. And even so, I can't stop myself from eating my beloved hot toast in the morning.

I took out a slice of bread from the fridge, and stuffed it into the toaster. I put on a decent amount of heat, toasting the bread to a comfortable crusty degree, and watching that happen in real-time became a habit of mine. Right as I was enjoying a crispy toast with butter, I saw Big Sis walking down the stairs with one-sided bomber hair, making me wonder in what kind of posture she was sleeping in. What a fresh asymmetry that is. She looked at me, and said.

"—-This might just be enough."

"Can you not pull some weird compromise while looking at my face?"

Big Sis is always conscious about how she appears in front of boys, rude more than anything, but I don't recall her ever bringing up a lewd conversation. I've been her younger brother for a long time now, but it feels like she's fairly particular about that sort of stuff. That's why she never had a boyfriend so far. If she'd keep quiet, she must be pretty popular though.

"I'm praising you. If I got involved with a handsome guy, it'd just cause offence for the other girls around."

"Talking like you experienced that…"



H-Hey now, what's that reaction for? Don't tell me even that gluttonous Big Sis of mine is experiencing youth in her own way…? No, but that face…It looks like she remembered something she would have rather forgotten. Now…did she pull off a half-assed attempt for a handsome guy, and failed miserably? Helpless as always, huh. Maybe I should act the kind younger brother and cheer her up.

"So you finally understood…how much of a handsome guy I am."

"What? Don't think you should be acting like that, 49 points bastard."

"At least…at least give me that one point…!"

Ignoring my well-meant attempt, she stabbed me right where it hurt. I'm already aiming to be average at best, so don't just lower my score below average, do you even have any feelings for me!? I'm trying to live realistically here, so play along and give me some 'You tried' points!

Can't be bothered about any more of this. I held back the tears, gulped down my bread, and showed a physical appeal that I ain't about that life right now. Big Sis watched me do all of that, and muttered a quiet 'What are you doing…', which was probably the most Big Sis-like moment as of late.

"You won't be popular with that, you know?"

"Huh? I've always known that, what's the problem?"


Throwing that remark at me had me return strong, but equally lonely words out of a whim. Big Sis looked at me like she wanted to say something, but ultimately stayed quiet. Just like yesterday, I decided to leave the house early. Since this time of day most likely overlapped with Natsukawa's leave, it'd be pretty awkward after all, but there's no way I'd be that unfortunate to meet her again. So, I grabbed my bag, and headed for the entrance.

"Ah, wait a second, Wataru."




'I'm going with you', is what Big Sis said, so I was forced to wait for her. With this event that had never occurred so far, I couldn't help but feel restless. D-Don't tell me, was she actually a bro-con all this time…!?

''Huuuh? —–Disgusting' (Third time)

Yeah, not happening. There's no way that audacious and insolent Big Sis of mine would be a bro-con. I felt disgusted at myself for even coming up with that possibility, and had my imaginary Big Sis do the job of insulting me. Sensei, I'm not motivated to go to school anymore.

I don't even get what's going on. I don't think it has happened ever since I moved up to middle school. I honestly didn't like the idea of going to school with Big Sis either, to be honest.

"I'm leaving."


I figured that she wouldn't say anything like that herself, so I took the bullet, to which she joined in with a quiet voice. Right now, she might be much more calm and collected, but back when she started attending high school, she was in her so-called gal period, acting out rude behaviour like not telling our parents when she left. Seems like there's still some remains from that time.

"…So? Why'd you suddenly want to go together?"

"Huh? I only said I'd go with you."

"Where's the difference…?"

We're talking about a mysterious life form called 'woman' here. If this was any other attribute besides being my older sister, I might just call her a tsundere and be secretly happy. Why did she make me wait for her then, I don't get it. In the end, I was forced to just follow her, only for her to abruptly stop not even a few meters later.

"Huh? Why'd you stop?"

"…That girl." Big Sis used her chin to point in a direction.

…Really? With your chin? Following her gaze (?), I spotted the back of a familiar girl standing right at the corner of the street. It's not that she was necessarily waiting for anything, but rather carefully peeked around the corner. With that miniskirt, if she leaned forward a bit more, I might just see something…Thanks for the treat, Natsukawa-sama.



"Hey, you know her, right? Don't just stay quiet, and talk to her. We need to walk past her anyway."

"Phew, I get it already, just don't glare at me."

She must have realized that I was hesitating, and tapped me on the shoulder to gently push me forward. Thinking about this realistically, I can already tell that things will end up annoying if I call out to her here, so I'd rather not. Can't we just take a detour and ignore her? However, I felt the pressure at my back, so I saw no other choice.



What…was that? My heart went Hyawa. Being treated to an adorable shriek coming from Natsukawa's cute mouth, I felt like my heart was about to explode. Final explosion!


"Yo, what are you sneaking around he—re?"

Hmm…? Did she just call me by my name? Wouldn't she always call me with my family name…No, how did she call me before?

"There's some weird people…! What's up with them!?"

"Wah, such a nice smell—Eh? Weird people?"

Natsukawa suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me closer. For a second, my honest feelings were about to come out, but I somewhat managed to hold myself back (*Not really). When I looked at where Natsukawa was pointing, I realized what she was talking about.

"What's up with that…!"


I spotted four high school boys wearing our school's uniform, standing in front of a wall. They looked like champions about to challenge the Four Heavenly Generals. I feel like they'd challenge me to a battle if our eyes met.

"Not to mention that they all got the faces of an elite trainer."

"What are you talking about…"

"Hey, how much longer is this going to take?"

"Eh…Ah!? Wataru's Onee-san…!?"

Right as I spit poison at their needlessly handsome faces, Big Sis (Lv. 63) walked towards us and urged us to continue. I definitely can't win against her…No, wait a second, Natsukawa suddenly softening up the second Big Sis arrived is a sight to behold. I can't lose just yet! Wataru used jump! …Nothing happened!

"What have you peeps been staring at—Ugh…"

"…Big Sis?"

'Ah! If it ain't Kaede!'


My danger sense was ringing every single alarm bell in my body. These elite trainers screamed the name of my Big Sis, and all started moving towards us. I wanted to run away, but Big Sis hid behind me while grabbing my arm. What kind of deadlock is this?

"Hey, Kaede! Who is that man!? Why are you hiding from us!"

"Shut up! Why'd you all wait for me like this! Gross!"

"Me*anium, I choose you!"

"H-Hey, will read you the atmosphere…!" Natsukawa started panicking for real, and grabbed onto my uniform.

There's no greater happiness than this. I really want to shake everyone off and land a mad dash to school. Can I? I can't? Man…

"K-Kaede is relying on some first-year brat…? I've never seen some guy like you before!"

Same here, this is the first time I met someone who called Big Sis by her given name. Not to mention four people at once. When did Big Sis build a reverse harem like this?

"Hey, first-year! Tell me your name!"

"Sajou Wataru."

"Sajou Wataru! Never heard of that name befo—Eh? 'Sajou'?"

"Yes, Sajou Wataru."

Since the Kaede Family — or [K4] for short — all threw harsh glares at me, I gave a concise response. Judging from the color of their neckties, they seemed to be second- and third-year Senpais, and I don't see any chance of making it through this situation alive, so I could only give in.

"S-Sajou…are you actually—"

"Please move out of the way, Todoroki-senpai."

"Ah, hey!"

The lively handsome third-year was shoved out of the way for a talented-type second-year handsome guy to appear. Although his glasses weren't even off-center, he pushed them up nonetheless. I don't get the reason for that to be honest. Stop trying to act cool, you bastard.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sajou Wataru-san. My name is Kai Takuto. If I may be so rude, what kind of relationship do you have with Kaede-san?"

"We live under the same roof, and share compromises with each other."

"Why'd you phrase it that way?" Big Sis complained.

Ah, my bad. I just happened to act rebellious out on a whim. A sudden erotic topic happening that actually involved Big Sis just made me so happy! Big Sis slapped me on the head, and stepped in front of me.

"He's my younger brother…! Look! We totally resemble…Actually, we don't really look like…"





Makes sense. Our points definitely aren't in the same category. I never gave Big Sis' face an actual grade, but she's definitely much higher than me. Worst part is that this guy's actually a friend of Arimura-senpai, and the one who said he's out for Big Sis. Not to mention that's greatly winning against me. So, there's only one thing for me to do.

"Alright, Big Sis, I don't want to be in your way any more than this, I'll be on my way now."

"Huh? Wait, what are you talking about—"

"Don't worry about it. You have all these Senpais longing for your attention, so I'd rather not ruin anything."

"No, we're not that friendly or anything…"

"I'll see you once school is over!"

"H-Hold on a second!"

Right when I wanted to run away like my life was on the line, Natsukawa grabbed me. Since she grabbed the flank of my uniform with her full strength, I was pulled towards her, which is why Natsukawa's head appeared beneath my arm, like she was poking out her head. If only I put more strength into my arm, it would be a perfect choking hold, but not like I would do that though. However, I wasn't allowed to enjoy this sensation much, as she escaped, and now fully glared at me.

"W-What are you thinking, leaving me all alone…!"

"Please I beg you don't stop me…! If I stay here any longer, I'll get done in by these handsome guys, and dissolve…!"

"Like hell you would…! Forget about your inferiority complex for a moment, will you…!"

Rarely enough, Natsukawa was clinging to me instead of letting go. Her eyes were dead serious as well. And yet, how could I still wish for the person I like to release such a passionate grasp on me. It's probably because I could see Big Sis right behind Natsukawa, glaring at me with a 'You prepare yourself for an ass whooping later' kind of look.

"…Let's all go together, shall we?"

"…Hmpf". Big Sis let out a bothered snort, and closed her eyes.

I-I'm saved…! As the handsome Senpais all had question marks above their heads, Big Sis walked through the group, and I followed after. Before I realized it, the arm I was carrying my student bag with was now grabbed by Big Sis. My other arm was in Natsukawa's grasp. It felt like I was a dog taken out on a walk, woof. I can't even tell what Natsukawa is thinking anymore. Can I just make her my girlfriend now? I can't? Knew it.

"I had no idea that Kaede actually has a younger brother. Why did you never tell us?"

"Why would I have to tell you people?"

"So cold~" The feeble-type third-year Senpai gently tapped Big Sis on the shoulder while letting out a heartful laugh.

Looking at his towering height of at least 180cm, I yet again was forced to realize the inequalities reigning in this world. Why don't you just continue growing for all eternity then? Hit your head on the entrance door of a convenience store for all I care.

"By the way, who's that girl? Kaede Brother's girlfriend…?"

"Ah! H-Hey, idiot!" Big Sis raised a voice.


There, the cool-type handsome third-year Senpai that had stayed quiet all this time finally spoke up. Even his voice is handsome. I'd so practice some pick-up lines in the bath if I got a voice like that. He seemed the most reasonable out of the bunch going from pure impression, but…he sure dropped a bomb now. Big Sis even tried to stop him, but it didn't do anything.

"N-No, the two of us aren't—"

"We're not like that, Senpai." I spoke up.

"Ah, I see. Sorry for asking a strange question like that."

You can say that again, you bastard. The other three all nodded in consent as well. I can already guess why they'd be that easy to do that. It sure doesn't feel great, I can't lie. From the looks of it, these four peeps are masochists, trained by Big Sis (*Bias). Maybe one of these guys could just become Natsukawa's boyfriend, that would be passable for me.

As for Big Sis, she was busy retorting and taking care of the free and uncontrolled Senpais. She already moved her arm away from me as well. I dropped my walking speed, and started to tag along behind them.

"…Sorry about this…Natsukawa."

"…Don't worry about it."

I don't know why, but Natsukawa stayed next to me even now. I wouldn't mind if she went on ahead, but maybe she really has this consciousness of needing to stay with me, something like a support for her…Even so, including Natsukawa in the mix, walking along with all these beautiful people was a bit too tough to handle.


"A-Ahh…It's time for us to split up, it seems…"


As we arrived at the front entrance, we all had a different location to head off to. Being surrounded by these handsome men, Big Sis glared at us like she was chewing on an insect. How odd, despite only being attracted to looks, and this being a great situation for her, I can still perfectly understand what she is feeling. I'm sure that she hates any gazes of affection and curiosity the most. I'm scared of what will happen after she gets home later.

From what I heard, all these handsome guys are actually part of the student council, including Big Sis as the current vice-student council president. At first, I was worried having someone so crude and violent in the student council, but now it makes sense. On a side note, the cool-type Senpai was actually the student council president. These guys really are so friendly.

As the technical Otasa Princess1, yet 300 times more normie, Big Sis was pulled along by the K4, walking into the opposite direction of us. Soon enough, her grudge towards me disappeared, as all her attention turned towards the handsome guys. It's crazy how she acts like another sister even towards other people. Then again, these four peeps are like puppies practically glued to her owner, so that makes sense.

"…Oh yeah, she didn't seem too happy being surrounded by all those handsome guys, that Natsukawa."

"H-Huuh!? Who do you take me for!?"


"Why are you the one being shocked the most…!"

Even though I responded with surprise of my own, I was only met with a harsh scowl coming from Natsukawa. The reason I was shocked most is that she was still behind me. I figured she had already put on her indoor shoes, and headed to the classroom.

"D-Didn't you go on ahead…?"

"Why would you think I'd just leave you alone here…"

"Oh my…"

I mean, aren't I annoying? But, I couldn't say that out loud. I wouldn't want to be hated even more than this after all…Not to mention that I didn't want to get drunk on this happiness of her being considerate of me, and get the wrong idea. Still, she is so cute after all.

Because we took a bit longer caused by all the ruckus with Big Sis, we made it just in time for the morning homeroom. I felt a bit awkward walking through the rows of students with Natsukawa next to me, leaving me unable to say anything. When we slowly approached the classroom, I remembered my plan for the great management operation…and felt guilty that I was around Natsukawa like this after all. Maybe I should take a detour to the toilet after all—

"Ahh, found Sajocchi!"



Ashida stormed out of the classroom, pointing at me. Following that, she dashed towards me, landing a harsh tackle—Wataru used jump! Nothing happened!

"Sajocchi! That Rin-sama is here for you!"


Can this event not happen this early in the morning? It's barely been two hours after I got up.

1 Otaku no Circle = Otasa. Otasa Hime/Princess = The only girl in a club full of boys.