Chapter 13 :Vol1 Chap13

A girl's angry face is a terrifying thing. It might not sound like that big of a deal, but the last time I saw it was when my Mom was super angry at me. Well, she's not exactly a girl. I went through it several times with Big Sis as well, shaking in fear with this demon in front of me, but that rage of hers usually cleared up not soon after. That's why I never saw her really blow a fuse for real…But, what if I wasn't around for her to vent off steam?



No, this moment is more dangerous than anything. I sat on the ground of the hallway, the door at my back. In the end, I was unable to do anything besides look up the angered expression of the number one beauty of my class. As you can tell, I don't know what's going on.


U-Um…could you maybe say something? I was only forced here, and thus don't know what exactly the problem is. Why is she so angry, and why am I alone with a beauty like her? Ah—Why do you look so shocked now? Why are you looking around? That troubled expression…That's the 'Now I did it', face, right? My back hurts, it's gotten cold.

"Um, Natsukawa…?"


"You get…what I'm trying to say, right?"


No, I'm not angry. I'm happy that you pay this much attention to me, and I know that just because I don't have any memory of it doesn't mean I never committed any mistakes. But, I need you to tell me the reason why you are this angry at me, my idol. Hey, why are your shoulders quivering like that…Ah, she's glaring at me…Eeek.




Sorry, what was that? What did she just say? Was I always the deaf type of protagonist? No, I did try my best in listening to her just now. Even during listening comprehension, I can pick up everything clearly, so it can't be my fault. Natsukawa might have realized that I had trouble understanding her, as she glared down at me. Don't do that, please…

"Natsukawa, sorry but could you—"

"Because you were talking with these girls!!"

"Say that again...Eh?"

Wha…Eh? Wait…What? Alright, hold on a second. Time for a meeting, me. Get the boys together. What did Natsukawa just say? YOU—Yeah, this isn't the time to be joking around in English, me. You get that, right?

'Because you were talking with these girls', she said. Well, she must be talking about me being in that group of Koga, Murata, and Yamazaki. These guys really live in a different world from me. Yamazaki is right in the middle as well. The problem is with her words themselves. If I didn't know any better, she sounded like a girlfriend jealous of her boyfriend talking with another girl. The male part inside of me might be saying that, but it just sounds unreasonable.

Calm down, don't accept everything at face value. I'm sure that Natsukawa didn't say it with that kind of intention. But, what else…? Why else would she scream these words out loud. Ah man, I want to hug her.

"Ah…! A-Ah, wait! Don't get the wrong idea! I didn't mean it that way!"

"I-I know! I'm thinking about it right now!"

Because I talked with these girls and Yamazaki. That was the reason Natsukawa got angry…But, why? Why would she get angry at that? Crap, I don't get it at all.

"…I got no clue."

"See, you don't get it!"

"Like hell I would! If those words weren't driven by jealousy, then what else!? How cute can you be!"

"I-I'm not cute at all! That's not the case, moron!"

"I know! That's why I don't get it!"

"L-Like I said…Ahhh, forget about it already!"

"H-Hey, Natsukawa!"

Natsukawa ruffled her fingers through her own hair as if to deal with the anger plaguing her, and walked away. Seems like she gave up on whatever she was planning. Ahh, such beautiful hair.

"Haaa…Up we go."

All sound disappeared. The noise ringing in my ears until now was gone, and silence filled the air around me. Everything I could hear were the faint noises coming from the classrooms down the hallway. I stood up, and brushed the dust off my butt. Being screamed at, slammed on the ground, my back hurts, and yet I don't understand anything.

Despite that, I don't really feel angry at all. Though, that's probably closely related to my feelings for her. Not to mention that there was something she wanted to tell me, but couldn't properly put it into words. That's why she could only walk away from this place. Yeah, that's some good consistency. I don't get much, but that at least makes sense. However—

'Because you were talking with these girls!!'

Despite thinking about it this much, why is it that I can't figure out the meaning behind these words. If that isn't jealousy, then what other motive is there…? Or, is there even any need for me to understand it? If Natsukawa is fine that way, then I won't have to try and understand it either.


But, I know that this isn't normal. I'm not angry, but if I had to go through this pain, I would have rather gotten insulted by Big Sis in the student council office. Of course, that choice isn't easy or anything.

I carefully snuck back to the classroom, but Natsukawa wasn't back yet. My HP is practically 0 right now. I completely spaced out during the Classical Literature class, which earned me some extra work from the teacher.




Really, what is this? I only wanted to wake up normally in the morning, go to school, go back home, and go to bed, so why am I getting this much attention? I give up, what even is normal at this point?

"How may I help you, student council president."

"Please, don't call me like that. I'd like us to be on equal terms."

"…Is that so."

After classes ended, right as I stepped out of the classroom, the cool-type handsome guy Yuuki-senpai greeted me. Naturally, the surroundings grew noisy as a result of that, and I got all sorts of gazes roughly translating to 'What kind of business would he have with that guy?'. The girls raised cheers, whereas Koga and Murata looked at me with blood-shot eyes. What's your problem?

"I won't take much of your time. Can you just come with me for a second."

"Well…sure. I just have to go home anyway, so I can take my time."

"…What about that girl behind you?"


In confusion, I looked behind me. After confirming who I was looking at, I still blinked a few times. There was Natsukawa, reaching out for me with her hand, looking at Yuuki-senpai in shock. If I had to guess, she must have missed her timing to speak up. But, that doesn't make this any less of an event for me, just seeing her reach out for me is pure happiness. What am I, a dog?

"What's wrong, Natsukawa? Is this about before?"


Quite some time has passed since the afternoon. She must have figured out what she wanted to say to me by now. With how angry she was, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. However, she's not even looking me in the eyes. Then again, with a handsome guy like Yuuki-senpai in front of her, it's not unthinkable that she might have frozen up because of him.

"…Another time then. Let's go, Senpai."


I turned around towards Senpai. Yuuki-senpai is quite the vulgar handsome guy (*Praise), so it wouldn't be surprising for Natsukawa to forget all that anger she had. Just as I said before, an average guy like me is a pitiful being. Seeing the girl I like being stuck frozen in front of a handsome guy is something I can't stand. I found myself trying to get Yuuki-senpai away from Natsukawa as quickly as possible.

After that, while watching the roughly 180cm tall guy of a Senpai walk next to me, it felt like I grew another 30cm myself.


What is expected from the student council president? To possess common sense. However, with Yuuki-senpai's irregular body height and face, no matter how calm and rational he may be, he's not fit to be the student council president...I'm sorry, that was a lie. Thank you very much for not hating Big Sis.

We walked down the connecting passage between the two buildings, up on the third floor. There is a ceiling, but both walls to our sides were open, letting a faint south breeze hit my cheeks. But, because we were in the shadows of the sunlight, it wasn't necessarily warm or anything. When I looked down to the right of me, I could see students making their way home. All of them looked happy that they were freed from school.

"Sorry to suddenly call you over like that, Wataru."

"Ah, don't worry about it…"

More than that, the choice of this location is a perfect mark. Can't you learn a bit from his example, Shinomiya-senpai. Take a lesson from him, and gain some common sense…Ah, the season of love, I can feel it.

"Um…? Do you still need help with something?"

"That is a given…but that's not why I wanted to talk to you right now."


With the culture festival approaching, the culture festival execution committee was established, which acts as the main preparation group for the festival. If I remember correctly, in the documents I was working on, I read a lot of 'Fall' and 'October', so there must be a lot of work still.

Leaving that aside, I wonder what he wants with me? I'm not some highly-skilled, high stats handsome guy like Yuuki-senpai, so I doubt I can be of much help for him.

"So, Wataru…how do you feel about yourself?"

"…Excuse me? Myself? Like, my self-evaluation?"


Ehhh, what kind of question is that…Why would you ask about that? Am I being tested in something? Pulled into the student council depending on my answer? …I'd rather not, you know.

"Umm…From an objective point of view, I feel like I'm pretty normal. If anything, there's barely anything that I could write about myself, it makes me want to cry."


While being on the lookout for Yuuki-senpai's expression, I let out a faint smile. After this, Senpai took a step back, and observed my entire body, from head to toe. Um…What is this about? You're scaring me.

"I see."

I see, my ass. What are you just calmly analyzing? Just getting consent from someone after saying how average you are is much more annoying than you could think. We're weird living beings, okay. We're creatures!

"However, I heard that you were quite passionate about a certain girl for many years."

"Just forget that already."

I get that you're an upperclassman I should be treating with respect, but I can't do that if you suddenly bring that up. Do you want me to agonize over it even more, you bastard? Now I feel like jumping down here…Who was even spreading that? Must be Big Sis, alright. Why is she just blabbering about her younger brother's love life? That's exactly what I mean…

"Why did you stop?"

"I don't see a reason to tell you."

"…I see."

You're meddling too much now. Oddly enough, Yuuki-senpai backed down quietly when I warned him like that. Seems like he never really had any intention of questioning me too much. Why even ask that in the first place then? It's hard to tell if you're being considerate or not…

"Anyway, it seems like you went through some change as of late, right."

"Well…that is true. I was just thinking about this and that. Rather, I stopped doing unnecessary things."

"That reason…I won't ask for it, but does Kaede know?"

"Big Sis…?"

I…don't think she does. She must have seen the exchange I had with Natsukawa at my place, but I never talked to her about my own change of feelings. Not like I could talk about this with anybody, considering how embarrassing it is. Big Sis would just make fun of me for that, so I definitely can't tell her.

"From the looks of it, you…haven't talked to her about it."

"She is probably the person who cares the least about me in this entire world. You saw how she treated me, was she ever acting like that towards you, Senpai?"

"She sure wasn't…But, that was something else, alright."

"Then there's no need for me to talk about it."


O-Ohh…Yuuki-senpai was snickering to himself. That's not fair, even my heart skipped a beat. I can understand why that stalker of a rich lady was so fascinated with Yuuki-senpai. I feel like even a popular American celebrity would go for him if they got the chance.

"However, she is quite interested in you nonetheless. After all, your change has left her bewildered."

"Huh…? Big Sis was?"

Oh right, I feel like Kai-senpai said something about this. I think it was related to me entering puberty, but I didn't really care about that, so I didn't listen. Didn't think that something like that would simply move Big Sis' iron mentality.

"You might feel like it isn't a bad change, but when we heard about it from Kaede, we felt differently. Especially about the part of giving up on the person you loved all this time."

"So that Big Sis of mine even told you about that…"

"Don't be like that, Kaede was asking us for advice."

Well, from Big Sis' point of view, with all the information she had, it might have looked like I started self-loathing who I was, lost confidence in myself, and quit going after the person I loved…I mean, it's not too far off. I just stopped chasing after Natsukawa because I hated myself for it. But, I'm also trying to move forward, keeping a positive mindset.

"Kaede thinks that a big reason for this lies with herself. She's worried that she might have destroyed her younger brother's youth with her own hands."


I remember now. Kai-senpai said something similar. Back then, I just saw it as a joke and didn't think about it much, but now even Yuuki-senpai is talking about…Big Sis, are you serious with that?

"Kaede definitely feels a certain level of guilt. We tried to cheer up, but…when she heard it from your own mouth, Kaede's attitude changed entirely."


"Didn't you explain clearly how both Kaede and your dear mother always said 'This is the level you are at'?"


…I faintly remember saying something along these lines…What I was trying to say is that I accepted those teachings, and wanted to reflect on them. I mean, both Big Sis and Mom weren't wrong when they said that.

"That day was the first time we saw Kaede cry."

"…! Wah, are you serious…!?"

"From the sounds of it, you don't feel too dissatisfied with your current situation, I take it?"

"Huh…If anything, I feel like I've started to act how I truly am, with a befitting mindset, so I'm more relieved than anything to finally live on without shame…"

"I see…"

That day when I said that must have been a Friday. That explains why Big Sis didn't talk to me all throughout the weekend. I don't think I even saw her those two days. Basically, she was avoiding me. And now, Yuuki-senpai is coming to talk with me about it. Don't you love Big Sis a bit too much?

"…I understand. Since this is a problem between us, I'll try to deal with it. Just tell me one thing."

"What is it?"

"The reason you told me about this. Is it because you don't want Big Sis to be sad? Or, is it because you're angry at me for making Big Sis sad?"


Yuuki-senpai started thinking about it. I feel like answering either way would be troublesome for him, but he didn't take long to give me a straight answer.

"On top of all that, it's for myself."


The student council president has to be calm at any given moment. In other words, he has to be a human being who understands even vulgar, lowly intentions and feelings of the students beneath him. I thought that he was more up in his dreams and betting on hope, but it seems like even he can get heated about certain things.

"…Senpai, you are aware of your own looks, right?"

"This led to me falling from grace, yes. The one who picked me up from that was your older sister."


What the heck is that? That sounds more and more out of some academy drama.


'I'll prepare the place.' Yuuki-senpai said.


I mean, I did say I would 'do something about it', but…in the family meeting kind of meaning. How could I go face Big Sis like that? I need to mentally prepare myself as well…I mean, you're telling me that Big Sis was crying? That Big Sis who would never show any human blood nor cry, telling me to go buy Häagen ice cream for her, ridiculing me that I'll never get popular? I feel like heaven and earth would twist around before she'd actually show a human emotion like that.

According to Yuuki-senpai, she was up on the rooftop. He'd use a random reason to send her there, and opened up the rooftop with the special right of the student council.

"…Haaa…" My sighs wouldn't stop.

This development was far too quick and abrupt. Meeting her is one thing, but talking about something serious like that has the back of my head all itchy. This is the first time I ever walked up the stairs on the third floor. It was calm, almost dusty, and because of the time of day, fairly dark. For spending a normal student life, you'd only go up this place during your graduation. And yet, I found traces of someone who had already gotten ahead of me.


Even if it was my insolent older sister, I don't want to see her crying face.Just by imagining it, I felt all gloomy. This normally isn't something a high school student my age should experience.

—That being the case, hearing about Big Sis crying somewhere I don't even know of, there's no way I can stay silent about it.

I opened up the rusty door. The creaky sound had me feel oddly agitated. My head was full of doubts and questions. Why am I here this late despite not having any club, why did the situation turn out like this, why am I heading up to the rooftop I should only be seeing once during my graduation, why did things end up so out of the norm.

—Since everything is full of mysteries, I'll just ask the back of Big Sis' head.

"—Big Sis."


Right on the rooftop stood Big Sis. When I called out to her, she looked at me in shock, and took a step back.

"Huh…? Why are you here, Wataru…? Renji said that Rin was calling for me."


R-Rin…? Is she talking about Shinomiya-senpai…? They're friends…? Now that I think about it, they're student council vice-president and public morals committee president, so it would be weird for them not to know each other. That's very much like Hanawa-senpai, what a skilled way to call Big Sis here. This once he could have failed for all I care…

"That was Senpai lying. Anyway, Big Sis…I heard you were crying?"

"Huh…? Eh!?"

I don't need any unnecessary preamble here. I want to get things over with. So, when I did just that, Big Sis stared at me in confusion, only to stagger backwards. Judging from that reaction…Yuuki-senpai wasn't lying.


"The dear student council president told me about this. Couldn't exactly ignore that.


Her younger brother found out that she was crying. I wonder what she's feeling right now. Since Big Sis is always acting tough, she might just be in complete denial of that. But, that doesn't mean I'd just go along with that.

"Say, Big Sis…Tell me ten things that are good about me. No, five is more than enough. Just tell me, what makes me stand out."

"Wha…? Where did that come from…"

"I mean it exactly as I said it. What are my good parts. You were worried about me enough to cry, right?"


Compared to her usual broad and confident attitude, Big Sis now was stumbling over her own words, which left even me surprised. Though, I'm scared of what will come later. As for Big Sis, she was counting her fingers, clearly desperate to think of something. I was aware of this from the very beginning, and if there's nothing, then that's totally fine.

"Enough, I get it."

"W-Wait…This…you're wrong…!"

"Then, next. Tell me ten points that are normal about me."

"Eh?! U-Um…!"

I'm not trying to test her or anything. I just want to know the reason. She's worried about me? Worried that she's the reason why I gave up on the girl I love? I wasn't even feeling that way, so don't just get the wrong idea. That's not like you, Big Sis.

"—Y-Your face!"

"My face."

"—Your height! Personality! Physique! Cleverness! Wealth!"


"—Hairstyle! Fashion sense! Stamina! Cleanliness! Scent! Humour! Little bro strength!"



"Hey now, we're talking about reality…Enough already, I get it! Just stop…"

Hold on a second, please. Wasn't that close to twenty now? I didn't ask for that many. Also, that later half, I don't know how these stats would be of help. Does Big Sis think in terms of battle statuses? I frantically stopped Big Sis, only for her to start gasping for air. Eh, is my normality unlimited? Is it that exhausting?

"See, you felt the same way as I do. I'm a perfectly normal guy."


"I'm normal. That's a reality I accepted myself. You and Mom taught me of that reality, right? You didn't say anything wrong, that's why you don't have to worry about it at all."


"It's true that I gave up on a lot of things. However, that's not because you or Mom forced me to do that. I just saw my shitty face in the mirror, and realized what kind of idiot I was, that's all."

It's pathetic of me to say that, but that's reality. This incident happened to remind me of that fact. I don't see any reason for Big Sis to be bothered by that, and I don't need any worrying from her.

"…I was shocked."


"On the outside, they said they'd give up on the person they liked, but eventually couldn't do that. There was a girl who suffered through that. That's why I was worried that if you went through that as well, and that I was the one who started that…"

"…The heck is up with that?"

So, what? Everything I said so far only sounded like some ol' facade? Even the things I said in front of Natsukawa herself, or in the student council office? She thought that I'm still head over heels for Natsukawa, unable to forget about her, which plagued me? So…the same as always?

"Don't worry about it. I'm not trying to forget or anything. I still like her now, and I'm still stupid enough to wish for the impossible. Just, you know…I'm as normal as it gets, so I needed to at least be aware of that."

"B-But, the reason you feel that way…is because I said too much after all…!"

If you're aware of it, why couldn't you just stop? Why is she regretting it now? What do you want me to do? Should I buy some steamed buns for her? Alright, I'll buy their entire stock…! Will two thousand yen be enough…?

"Again, that's not—"



"I often talk badly about you, but I'm not serious at all. Be a bit more confident. Even if you're aware of being normal, that doesn't mean you should just give up on the girl you loved all these years."


Big Sis sounded like she was trying to persuade me. Just when I was wondering what she got so desperate for, she started making excuses. What's up with that? Why is she saying that now, this late in the game? Didn't I just explain to her that she's not even wrong? Why are you denying it now? Why did I say all that embarrassing stuff before then?

"I'll fix myself. I won't make fun of you anymore, and I'll stop being unreasonable. There's no need to look down on yourself like—"

"Will you give it a rest already, you damn bitch."


I don't think I was ever this pissed off before. If I was forced to stay silent any longer than that, I might have gone for her throat.

"Fix that? What exactly are you talking about? Am I going to be more confident because you stop insulting me, and stop being violent?"

"That's not what…"

"What, you wanna reflect on it now? Become a kind older sister now? Who is that? I never had a beautiful older sister be kind to me."


It's true that she might have been a bit rough towards me in this relationship we have, but that was satisfying in itself. We're siblings, this is our relationship. You're saying that you'll destroy what we have, this balance of us throwing shit and everything at each other because we don't have to be considerate of each other? Stop joking around.

I don't have a 'Kind older sister'. Why did we end up like this today? Throwing unreasonable complaints at each other, cursing each other, not holding back at all, that's how we vibe. Isn't this what it means to have a place to return to?

"The Queen who would send me on errands, making me her servant without a single word of thanks, while sitting on the living room sofa, playing on her phone, stuffing her cheeks with meat buns—That's you. If you stop doing that, then you're not my Big Sis anymore."


I'm not a masochist. That's why I don't feel like getting hit all the time, or getting used like a slave. If Big Sis stayed as herself, and became more kind, that's one thing. But, what you got brewing in your stomach is something that can't be helped. There's no reason to hold yourself back at home. I don't wish for that.

"—At the very least, I like this kind of Big Sis the most."


"That's why, don't bother me with some needless courtesy."

Please, I beg you. This is embarrassing. In the end, I basically told her to stay the way she is. Curse you, Yuuki-senpai. I won't ever get serious in front of Big Sis again.



"…Nothing, really." Big Sis seemed like she wanted to say something.

I returned a 'You got a problem' gaze. I can tell what you're thinking. 'What is this guy even talking about', right? I can tell that my expression must be a mess. But, watching in silence just wasn't an option.

"Are you really sure about this? This might be the last time to turn me around."

"Why is this the last chance? Just be kind either way."

"Huh? Which one do you want now?"

That's not what this is about, right? Do you only have 0 or 100? You can just buy me some steamed buns at times, or share some of that Häagen with me, that's all I'm asking for…


"Don't just 'Huh?' me. How many more times do I have to say it before you're satisfied?"

"No, not that. Behind you."

"Heh? Behind me? What are you on ab—"

I turned around. Approaching me from the door was a girl, together with another girl from the volleyball club desperately trying to stop girl one. Hm? Hmmm…Is that some hallucination? Why would the classmate I love be here? And, why does she look so angry?


"What kind of tone is that towards your own big sister!"


Eh, wha, not my collar...Ehh!? Why!? Why is Natsukawa this angry!? Or, why is she even here…? Big Sis? Tone? Don't tell me…did she hear everything I just said!?


"You're an idiot! What do you mean 'Damn bitch'!? Saying that will only make your older sister sad! Hurry up and apologize!"

"Wahhh, Aichi, stop stop! Sajocchi's frozen! He's not moving!"

Natsukawa was screaming at me, as Ashida came to the rescue. Now that I look at her, she's still wearing her volleyball club uniform. With protectors and everything, are you some female guard in the army? Also, your dazzling legs illuminated by the setting sun are a sight to behold…Praise the volleyball club.


"Sorry! I'm really sorry! But don't worry! We only heard the very last part!"


What exactly is this? What should I do? Also, they heard me after all? With Natsukawa holding on to my collar, I stood still. Despite letting go after a brief moment, Natsukawa still needed to be held back by Ashida. She's scaring me more than Big Sis right now, what is this? Same with the incident this noon, but what exactly am I doing wrong? Is she paying me back for all the times I bothered her? If so, then I'll gladly take it.

As I was left baffled, I looked over my back, my gaze meeting with Big Sis'. She's not hurt at all. Instead, just like me, she's lost because of the sudden appearance of Natsukawa and Ashida. She was looking between the two, her eyes open wide. Following that, she gave me an exhausted gaze.


"Please, don't say anything."

I'm begging you. I couldn't even bring out a manly voice. If I get sandwiched now between Natsukawa and Big Sis…Ara, I don't even care anymore.

"Hey, are you listening!? This isn't the kind of attitude you have towards someone older than you! If you negatively influence Airi in any way, I won't ever forgive you, okay!?"


"Ah, Sajocchi…! There's a good reason for this! Could you come with us for a second!? Just think of it as helping me!"


I don't really get it, but Ashida seems desperate at least. Not to mention that I get to watch Goddess Natsukawa entangled with Ashida's youthful body.


Ahh, she stopped me, what a shame. So far, she had only been thin air in this situation, but now her mood must have taken a dip…She's not angry, is she?


"Well…sorry. I think I was just confusing things."


"No…forget about it. Just go."

Go, she says. Also, how can I forget about that now. What is going on? She's not angry after all? I mean, I take it. She's not going to request some Häagen after this, right? And why am I so scared?

We'll meet each other at home anyway. That's why, I don't see the need to question her any further than this. Once I get home, she'll probably be rolling around on the sofa again. And then, she'll kick me when I complain. That is how our relationship works.

In the end, I was unsure if all of these problems were cleared up or not.