Chapter 16 :Vol2 Chap2

—Tuesday. Wait, it's still only Tuesday?

Looking at the date on the calendar hanging in the hallway, I was left dejected. With everything that happened yesterday, completely leaving me exhausted, I totally thought we'd be further into the week. Thinking to myself 'Ah, I'm tired', I confirmed my current appearance in the mirror. Although I cut the tips of my hair, because I kept the brown hair I dyed a month and a half ago completely alone, the roots were already turning black. I look like a pudding only with brown and not blonde hair.

"What a two-tone this is."

The positive self inside me had me say that. Not to mention that it looks fairly fashionable even. Or, is this just me telling myself things? Before, I hated my natural color, but now I just don't care anymore. I still need some more energy…Remember Natsukawa from yesterday…Her angry face, her embarrassed face, her pouting face…Alright, bring it, Tuesday!

I feel like it's been quite some time since I experienced such a relaxing morning. I took a detour to the convenience store, bought some lunch for lunch break, and passed through the school gate. For once, nobody bothered with me, calling me over, so I could space out the entire morning. That's right, what I was lacking is time for myself. Everybody's just so clingy~

The hallway was refreshing. Thanks to the cool breeze coming from the hallways, all the sweat vanished from my body. Welcome, comfortable temperature. Goodbye, armpit sweat.

"And hello, comfortable atmosphere."

"…It's morning though?"

"Don't sweat the small stuff…Ah, good morning, Natsukawa-san."

"W-Why are you suddenly calling me like that?"

After everything that happened yesterday, you still try to act normal, my dear Goddess? Thinking about it, that's probably about what happened all the time, but aren't you forcing things a bit too much? This is a bit awkward, Patrasche…Not good, despite this being awkward, I can't but feel happy. As beautiful as always, truly.

"Ahh…Morning, Natsukawa. And, Ashida."

"Morning~ Sure is hot today, right. Fan me some fresh air, Sajocchi."

"It really is hot, aha~ Can't the sun just stop shining?" (High Voice)

"Can you not be gross early in the morning."

I mean, how else am I going to join in on your girl talk? I don't have any confidence to just stick around normally. Eh? Normally is just fine? Come on, tell me from the start. It's not exactly rare to see Ashida be around Natsukawa's desk, but seeing the reverse of that had me pretty out of the loop. I guess not even Natsukawa couldn't win against that pressure from Ashida last night. I totally get that. She was terrifying last night. And, Natsukawa was as cute as always.

"Ahh, that reminds me. When are we doing it?"

"Eh!? D-Doing what?"

"You wanted me to visit your phantom little sister, right…"

"W-Who's a phantom…Airi isn't—"

"Well, she is to me."


To me, she is the person who shall not be named. To me, Airi-chan is an existence resembling dread and fright, because of what I went through related to her. Looking at her picture, she definitely feels like an angel though. Since it never really came up in a conversation, Natsukawa feels more like a single child. At the same time, I couldn't never really look up to my Big Sis, so anything related to siblings feels a bit iffy to me.

"J-Just wait! I'll…I'll prepare myself and let you know…!"

"Preparing your home security? Got it."

"Don't you feel sad saying that…?"

From the security measures to making room between her countless other arrangements, even the schedule of my Wrestling Queen, there's many things that we both need to prepare.

"Also, Aichi, do you plan on bringing Sajocchi with you alone? Isn't that pretty bad?"


Eh, it is? In what way…? The part where she is afraid of me assaulting her when it's just the two of us? But, if she's that worried about it, then she wouldn't let me meet Airi-chan in the first place. I mean, I want to meet her, but still…

"K-Kei! When's the next time you have no volleyball practice…!?"

"We're right before a big tournament…So not for a while."


Ashida let out a complicated laugh, and scratched the back of her head, only leaving Natsukawa in despair. Ehh…is it that big of a shock? So cute…Well, she often relies on Ashida as the cushioning. Not to mention that right now, it's 'Natsukawa Aika and Sajou Wataru' we're talking about.

"T-Then, how many months would I have to wait…?"

"Before these months pass, isn't there the second group you have to worry about?"

"Eh? What's this second group about?"

"That just shows how popular Aichi and Ai-chan are."

"Eh…? Is it that big of a deal?"

Since Shirai-san and Sasaki (and others) were the first group, that must mean there's more people wanting to see Airi-chan. I don't think Yamazaki is part of that because of his attitude, and Koga or Murata would probably be a bad influence anyway. That means the second group mainly consists of girls as well? I don't mind waiting to be honest, just thinking of these girls having a happy-go-merry time is more than enough for me. If possible, I'd like some pictures at least.



"That won't do! At this rate, Airi will only...Sasaki-kun…"

"What was that about Sasaki?"

"N-Nothing at all!"

"Should I just kill him?"

"She said it's nothing, so don't start anything, Sajocchi."

Sasakiiiiii…! I don't really get it, but I'll definitely make you pay! Just hearing your name come out of Natsukawa's mouth makes my blood boil!

"Well, just let me know once you found an open slot, I'll make the time."

"Eh? Y-You don't have to go that far…"

"No, I'm definitely going."

"What are you, a spoiled brat?" Ashida retorted.

I mean, you know…Peace is the most important for me. But, I can't miss out on any promising memories. That's why I don't mind participating in this. Thinking about it, I am legally allowed to be together with Natsukawa...Does that mean it was illegal all these times before?

"…W-What…Why are you this assertive all of a sudden…"

"I mean, you said it was fine for me, so."

"Wha…what are you saying!"

"I mean, this sense of distance is—Oh? Are you going to hit me? Are you going to make me wake up? Am I going to wake up from this dream?"

"Gross! Idiot!"

"Thank you very much!" (Awakening)

Ahh…what a blissful time this is. All the exhaustion from yesterday is gone. Just having Natsukawa talk to me normally…is there even anything better than this? It's like I'm having a dream. I didn't think this would ever happen again.

"Sajocchi, Aichi ran away."

"—Ha ha ha."

"You're not even listening."


Time felt like it was moving slower than usual. Every single second reaching up to lunch break felt like an eternity. That's probably because Natsukawa invited me like that. Because I never know when it'll actually happen, I feel restless. It's like I got a direct sister transmission from the praiser of the theory of relativity, Einstein, installed into my head.

Talking about sister, Big Sis didn't tell me to head to the student council office today. Since I want to have some time for myself, I very much welcome that, and having Yuuki-senpai around is a bit awkward.

That being the case, after lunch break arrived, I immediately headed over to the cafeteria, and sat down next to the window, which was usually packed. I even grew worried, looking around me to see if I was even allowed to sit down there. Since nobody objected, I relaxed.

Sure is hot outside…I don't wanna ever see you again. Who? My apocrine sweat glands. My mood was fairly good, so I bought two nutrient bars at the convenience store, despite usually being satisfied with only one. Let me say it again, I got two bars. Adding to that, I had my sweet bread, so I probably won't be able to stop myself anytime soon. Also, how was I ever satisfied with only one bar…That definitely ain't enough.

"Is that you, Sajou?"


I should have figured that I'd only suffer damage from leaving my home, my classroom like that. This world is riddled with annoyances. There's nobody in my class who would call out to me like this.

Turning around, I saw three girls sitting at a table for four. Let me say it again, they're girls. Two of them are the two Senpais I just got to know recently. I gotta say, I'm surprised they managed to find me here.

"Ah, hello…" I put one hand on the back of my head, giving an awkward greeting.

I guess this is about right for a greeting coming from a male junior like me. Also, why am I even giving them this much attention, I didn't do anything wrong. Thinking about the public morals committee, I'm only scared, nothing less.


"Wait wait wait, why are you just turning back towards your food."

"Eh…I can't?"

"Wouldn't you instead ask us 'Can I sit with you?', right."

"Are you even aware of the situation?"

There's Shinomiya Rin-senpai, Inatomi Yuyu-senpai, and another girl equally wearing an armband that said 'Public Morals' as well. Do you have to wear that during lunch even? Is that like paralysis and poison resistance? Then, I'd like one.

"Hello, Sajou-kun!"

"Ah, yes, hell—o?"

One of the girls, with a small body and red ribbon on her head, looking like a small animal rather than a human being, energetically waved her hands at me. Hey now, children aren't allowed to enter this high—Shinomiya-senpai? Why are you grabbing my arm like that? I'm sorry, okay!

No matter how often I rubbed my eyes and blinked in confusion, she was still the same Inatomi-senpai I had known before. Rather than it being out of politeness, the expression she directed at me was genuine happiness. What, is she that glad to see me?

"Hey, Senpai? Who is that angel?"

"Correct yourself, she is a great angel."

"Um…why do you look so serious about that now?"

It seems like Inatomi-senpai went through quite the change in the past few days I haven't seen her. Her sparkly comfy atmosphere changed to a dazzly and sparkling air around her. Rather than wanting to rub her head, I have this urge for her to pat me on the head instead. Then again, give & take is still the best.

"Sajou-kun! Let's eat together!"


"Yuyu is saying so, Sajou. You understand this, right?"

"Ah, yes."

What kind of coordination is this…It's like one's the attacker, one the supporter. I'm being restrained before I can even act—Ah, wait a second…am I being invited into a group of girls right now? Then that'd be pretty amazing. Is this nutrient bar so effective?

"What are you eating, Sajou-kun?"

"Um, some sweet bread I bought at the convenience store…"

"Come on! You need to eat something more healthy!"

"Ah, okay."

I sat down next to Shinomiya-senpai, and started talking with these three Senpais. I wonder…this scent tickling my nose is different from the food around me. I can feel the luck for the rest of my year practically vanishing in front of my eyes. I'm worried about the leftover amount, but I'm also so happy…

Leaving that side, this situation is quite confusing. Not a few days ago, I complained about this girl to her current Senpai, and yet…She is now this cheerful, not scared at all? She's like me the second I see Natsukawa in my field of view...Ah, d-don't tell me!?

"A boyfr—"

"As if."

"My ear my ear my ear don't pull don't pull no stop please have mercyyyy!!"

You're too fast, Senpai. Don't turn me into an elf with only one long ear!! As my ear felt like it was being pulled off, I met eyes with the Senpai sitting next to Inatomi-senpai.

"—Like that would be the case."

Okay, I get it already."

Feels like these two are doting on Inatomi-senpai a bit too much. I didn't think I would get this much hostility from an Onee-san Senpai I met for the first time. If anything, she's wary of me from the very beginning. Well, these types of people exist.

"…Ah, this your first time meeting Aya-chan right, Sajou-kun? Her full name is Mita Ayano-chan! She's my childhood friend!"

"She's a talented junior of mine who managed to raise Yuyu to such an extent, and she's a fellow public morals committee member."

"Okay…Nice to meet you."


She doesn't feel too honest to me. Maybe she's resenting the fact that Inatomi-senpai suddenly became this friendly towards someone else, especially since she had trouble dealing with boys, only now to act like this towards me. If I was in that position, I'd pull that student to the back of the school and give him a beating.

"Aya-chan! You're being unfriendly!"

"T-That's not true!"

"Ehh, you sound so cold~" Inatomi-senpai threw a lighthearted complaint at Mitani-senpai.

I feel like something is off there. It looked like a high school student being dejected after being reprimanded by a small girl. Well, the first part is actually true. As these two childhood friends were busy talking between themselves, I quietly called out to Shinomiya-senpai.

"Um…wasn't Inatomi-senpai bad with boys?"

"She is even now. But…I think you're special."

"Huh? S-Special…? Me?"

"—Come on, Aya-chan! One more time!"

As we were whispering between ourselves, Inatomi-senpai grabbed Mitani-senpai's arm, forcefully making her face me again. Wah, a forced smile like I've never seen before! The corners of her mouth are twitching! I'll definitely get beaten to death over this later!

"I-I'm Mitani Ayano! Nice to meet you…!"

"You really don't need to force yourself or anything."

"This is for Yuyu's sake! I'm not saying this for you!"



"Inatomi-senpai, I don't really care about that."

I've been called gross for the past few years, so something of this level won't hurt me. However! Thanks to that, there may or may not be times when I actually start feeling good because of that! I hope there may not be any times like that!

"Listen to me, Yuyu! Boys are all perverts who look at cute girls like you with weird eyes! You need to be more careful of them!"

"S-Sajou-kun isn't someone like that!"

"That's right, Sajou is more like a chicken."

"Excusez-moi? I'm sitting right here?"

That surprised me. It felt like I was shoved off a rock cliff. Where was Shinomiya-senpai hiding that sharp knife?

What exactly is a man? The three Senpais were holding a heated discussion about that. Only Inatomi-senpai sounded like she was defending me. I wonder why, it's not like we've known each other for such a long time.

This uncomfortable time continued, and by the time we decided to disband, I was left terrified. Girls talking about boys is friggin terrifying…I feel like I'll end up with gynophobia because of this. I spent my entire lunch break basically watching them talk. In a lot of ways, I feel like they're adults. Almost like I'm watching a TV show filled with office ladies. Can it really feel this way just because of a year or two in difference?

As I was watching them in a daze, Shinomiya-senpai came back towards me, grinning.

"…What is it?"

"How do you feel? Seeing Yuyu's growth like that."

"It is a mystery. Did you have her play some VR game aimed at women?"

"What kind of method would that be? No no no, that ain't happening. Yuyu is my wife."

"So what about Mitani-senpai?"

"She's the mother."

"How does that work?"

That reminds me, I feel like Inatomi-senpai went through quite some stuff in her upbringing. But, having Inatomi-senpai, a junior, as her lover, and another junior as her mother, what kind of complicated family relationship is this? No way, they're not lovers anyway, I can tell! But, if you're going to flirt, at least do it in front of me!

I however ignored that for now, and just asked Shinomiya-senpai an honest question, figuring that now would be the best time.

"…So you didn't tell Inatomi-senpai."

"Hmm…About what you told me before? Why would I need to tell her?"

"I mean…You should have understood that I don't hold Inatomi-senpai in the highest regard. I figured that you wouldn't let such a male student near her ever again."

"Oh come on, there's no way I would do that…Not to mention…"

Maybe it was because I didn't try to look, but I can't remember Shinomiya-senpai's uneasy expression back then. However, I didn't even need to, because right now, the smile Senpai showed me didn't have a worry in this world.

"You're the savior who changed Yuyu, so I definitely won't look down on you."

"...Huh? Savior?"

Savior? Why would she see me that way? I don't remember doing anything of that sort for Inatomi-senpai, I just avoided anything annoying with a vague response. Yet, I'm a savior?

"Just as you said, Yuyu was too absorbed in her haughty arrogance. But, Sajou…what was needed wasn't righteousness or rationality. It's an existence who accepts her. Yuyu needed to see that even boys she had trouble dealing with have something to offer her."

"Something to offer…"

"These words you gave Yuyu before, even if they were only bored comments or nods to get things over with…in the long run, they gave Yuyu confidence. Ever since then, she's been working hard on herself to improve. I don't know how that'll sound, but for someone who is extremely reserved, this kind of action might have been better than anything."


"Leaving aside the process…You're the one who started this chance, Sajou."

"That was only by pure chance."

"I don't mind. Without your 'needless meddling' this wouldn't have happened in the first place."


Even if you put up a gentle smile, calling out to a girl in a place with no other people around will leave her terrified. That thought hasn't changed for me, and I wouldn't do the same thing again. If I saw a girl walking around carrying something heavy, as long as I don't personally know her, I would ignore it.

"I don't think I would call out to her again, you know?"

"That's fine. That doesn't mean anything bad will happen either. In this case, we just ended on a positive note."

"Well…the results are alright, I guess."

In the worst case scenario, she would have called for a teacher, I would have been the one suffering. I guess I was the lucky one.

"Have some more confidence, Sajou. You didn't help only Yuyu, but also assisted me in my problems."

"Did I do anything?"

"As you suggested, I just tapped them on the shoulder with a 'Don't worry about it'. So then, Yuyu…Yuyu smiled happily as she leaned against me, and I just…Ahhhh…!"

"Hey now, keep that libido under control, public morals committee president."

I could imagine Senpai rubbing the head of the girl wearing that red ribbon. Just because of that, I could feel the nosebleed coming…Maybe I should join in?

"…Still, what a turn of events."

"I think that phrase belongs to a long-running TV drama instead."

"I mean, I would have never imagined you to be Kaede's younger brother. I was shocked to hear that from her."

"…! So you know Big Sis after all."

"We've known each other since our first year. She cost me a lot of energy back then."

Big Sis two years ago…that was her high school debut, with her hair colored blonde. I know that I'm not one to talk, but I really thought she was crazy back then.

"Ah…back then."

"That's right, you should know about it, being her younger brother. I couldn't keep silent when watching her…I don't remember how much time, blood, tears, and sweat went into me trying to correct her."

"Don't wanna hear about that. Zip it."


Even if hearing about Big Sis' dark past could maybe help me in grasping a weakness of hers, I'd rather not hear about it. Hence, I covered my ears, averted my eyes, and tried to walk away. Yet, Shinomiya-senpai's heartful laugh reached my head nonetheless.

"See you, Wataru!"

Stop! Don't just suddenly close the distance between us like that! I'll explode! Final explosion!

Even if you suddenly tell me to be more confident, I don't know how to go about doing that. I didn't even lose my confidence, I just shred myself of the excessive confidence that ended up hurting me. So don't get the wrong idea, Rin-senpai! Ah, my heart is being pulled towards her!? A grown-up Onee-san is super scary!