Chapter 20

"Heonui! Heonui!"

Heonui woke up from a piercing cold and looked around. There was darkness all around.

"What is that?… I felt like I heard a voice…" she muttered as she got up on the bed.

"Heonui! Heonui!"

The Princess screamed. This time, she was really convinced that it was a voice calling to her. Trying to get used to the darkness, she blinked frequently and got out of bed completely, clutching the furniture with hands that were icy from fear and cold.

"Heonui! Heonui!"

"Who you are? What do you? Am I imagining things?"

"Heonui! Heonui!"

Heonui trembled, but continued slowly, along the walls of her bedroom, to follow the voice that was calling her. It was a man's voice, gentle and calm in tone, alluring and honeyed. That was not the voice of an ominous young lady who sometimes appeared to Heonui at nights. That was the voice of ... her husband!

"Wang Tae! Is that you, love?" she tried to call, continuing to walk in the dark corridor to the voice of the phantom. 

"Heonui! Heonui! Find me, Heonui!"

"I am looking for you, my love! Where are you, Wang Tae? Where are you, my love?"

Going down the cold stairs with bare feet, Heonui found herself again in the garden. A strong wind tousled her hair, chilling her soul with fear and doubt. She was in feelings, and understood that she was standing on the street in the night, expecting that the voice calling her would be transformed into a vision, and her dead husband would appear before her, and her life would acquire at least some meaning.

"Where are you? Why do not you show your face to me? Why do I exist here without you?"

"Heonui! Heonui!" and her wish indeed came true.

Before her, trembling like an aspen leaf, a vision appeared — Wang Tae, her husband, as if from nothing, appeared floating in a dark blue sky. Yes, he was so high that Heonui raised her head to see his translucent form, frozen in the air. He was magnificent — illuminated by some kind of semi-dim radiance, with flowing hair, and burning eyes. And at that moment, as if by some fatal blow, he, barely having time to smile at his living wife, flashed and gave out a cry. A fiery light lit up his neck, and fire flared up from his throat. He threw up his hands and spun in unbelievable suffering. Heonui screamed.

And the image disappeared.

"Wang Tae! Wang Tae! Wang Tae!

"Heonui!" Wang Han ran up to the young lady from behind and embraced her. "Ah, that cannot be! You are here again!"

"He is alive! My husband is alive!" cried Heonui, all shivering.

"Darling, calm down. Wang Tae died. You and I visited him the day before, well, how are you feeli— Do you remember me? Do you understand where you are, Your Royal Highness?"

Heonui turned around and looked at Wang Han with eyes full of tears.

"If he died, then not by his own death."


"And I shall know everything. He will tell me."

With these words, she freed herself from Wang Han's arms and went, past the servants running out at the noise, back to the estate.