
A large tree looked over the small table at it's base. Squad 4 fourth seat Ivy Abarai sat at the stone table scribbling on a piece of paper, her long crimson hair pulled back in a loose bun. She scanned the words on one sheet of parchment before scribbling notes on another, her deep brown eyes flicking back and forth between the two. She was so invested in her work that she didn't notice Soi Fon land across from her. She jumped when the ninja smacked her fist on the table and exclaimed, "What does she see in him?" At her friends wide eyed look she continued her complaining. "I mean he's lazy, smells horrible and, and," Her eyes narrowed in agitation and Ivy chuckled. "You can't hate someone just because they hang out with Yoruichi more than you." Soi Fon's gaze snapped to her friend who suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I mean they've been friends for ages right? He can't be all that bad."

Soi Fon ran her hands through her short hair and grumbled. Ivy scribbled something on her notes and looked back up. "Did you get the permission form I needed?" At that her friend pulled a paper from her suit and handed it over. Ivy read over it and started to fill it out. "Why are you going there anyway?" Soi asked propping her chin on her hand. "Captian Unahona said it's my turn. You think I want to go to some underground prison? Squad 4's job is the upkeep of the health and wellness of the soul society, even if they have been deemed criminals. We all have to at some point." Soi Fon glared into the distance. "He's stationed at the maggot's nest." Ivy looked up and raised her brow. "So I'll finally get to meet the evil mastermind that's stealing your hot Captain away?" At her question Soi Fon turned her glare to her friend.

Ivy stood in front of the cave looking unsure. The walk through the forest to get here had been eeriely quiet. For a while she had wondered if her friend had given her the wrong directions. When the bridge had come into view she had relaxed. Now though, faced with the entrance her nerves were getting to her agian. The two ninjas stood ridged and ready for attack in case she make a wrong move. "Um, hello."She said with a small wave. "I'm Ivy Abarai from the 4th division. I'm supposed to do the health screenings." She slowly pulled out her form as to not invoke the wrath of the guards.

One appeared in front of her suddenly and then the paper was gone. She stood awkwardly with the other as the one guard took her form inside. After a moment he returned to his post, saying nothing. She was about to speak up when a figure walked lazily out of the cave mouth. He scratched his messy sandy blonde hair and yawned. When he looked up and spotted her his grey eyes widened for a minute then a warm smile spread across his face. This is the guy Soi Fon hates, Ivy wondered, he doesn't look too evil. He's kinda cute.

She left her sword, Uindokattā, at the front of the cave and followed him in. "So," He said casually, "You'll be in a room with two guards and myself. We'll bring in the prisoners who need to be seen," She started to tune him out as she looked at the damp walls surrounding them. The stalagmites and stalactites cast shadows in the cave along the stairs. The only noises she could make out were the quiet drips and the hum of Soi's arch nemesis. She had heard what would happen from a few of the others that had come and done this. She was hoping it wouldn't take too long. She needed to visit her sister in Rukongai, something about big news.

Her thoughts were broken when she ran staright into the wardens back. He turned and looked down on her curiously. "You need to be alert at all times down here. These people are dangerous." She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. "I am." He raised a brow, scrutinizing her. "Alright then what did I say?" She huffed and tried to remember what all the others had talked about. "Be alert and don't let them get into your head. Anything can be a weapon. These people are dangerous and even though I'm treating them I need to remember that."

They had stopped at the bottom of the stairs and were standing in front of a large door. He watched her expectingly waiting for her to continue. "There will be guards posted inside and outside the room for my protection." She tried to think if there was anything else. Judging by the look he was giving her there was. "Um, make sure," she was drawing a blank and saw a smirk appear on his face. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him in irritation. "What, what am I forgetting?" He chuckled, "So you weren't listening." She glared at him, maybe Soi Fon was right, maybe he was evil. Cute and a jerk, a dangerous combo. "I'll be in the room as well. My name is Kisuke Urahara." Her eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips. Yes definitely suspicious.

She was exhausted and fairly sure she had seen every single person in this place. From scrapes and bruises to broken arms and weird bodily functions. One guy was into body modifications, he had been an absolute delight, she remembered with a curled lip. Kisuke watched her the whole time, sometimes smirking sometimes just watching her hands. She rubbed her eyes as the next to last person stood to leave. She was so glad she had the next few days off.

The large man grabbed her wrist making her freeze. Before she could react her wrist was freed and Kisuke stood in front of her. He had released her hand and knocked the man down faster than her eyes could move. The large man lay face down on the floor, his arm twisted in a painful position behind him as the warden held him down. "Now now Gidon, that wasn't very nice, attacking a pretty lady like that. You should be ashamed." She stood back cradling her wrist and watched as the large man was led out of the room. Kisuke turned piercing grey eyes to her. They held an intensity that she had never witnessed. It only lasted for a second before they softened and crinkled at the edges. "Are you alright?" She nodded and shook out her hand. "I'm fine. Is there anyone else?" She said a bit shakily.

As she walked down the dirt road an hour later she flexed her fingers. It didn't hurt just a small ache. She couldn't shake the feel of the wardens gentle hands as he checked her wrist at the entrance of the cave. His touch had sent goosebumps up her arms and made her face warm. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. He wasn't that handsome. She had met plenty of guys that were way hotter, heck she had treated them when they were half naked. What was the deal with this guy? His warm grey eyes flashed through her memory and she felt her cheeks heat up.

The cliff looking over the Rokungai district was high with a beautiful view. Her sister Hanna bounced excitedly not far from the edge as Ivy walked nearer. Her sister's loose crimson hair flowing in the breeze as she motioned for Ivy to come closer. Before Ivy could get too close her sister started to giggle. "I'M PREGNANT!" She exclaimed shocking her sister.

Kisuke sat in his dark room scribbling ideas on a pad of paper and trying not to think about the pretty woman from squad 4 that came to the nest today. A goofy smile creep onto his face as he remembered her kind brown eyes and sweet smile. She smelled like ginger and honey and her hands were so warm, not like the normal squad 4 members who's hands were like ice. The door to his room slid open and Yoruichi collapsed on the floor. "If I have to sit through one more pointless meeting," She stopped talking when she noticed his dopey grin. "What's with the face?" She asked and got no response.

She picked up one of his empty mugs that lay scattered around the floor and threw it at him. He caught it and put it to his lips to take a sip before jerking it away and scowling. "This has mold in it." He looked at her appalled. "Why would you bring me mold?" She scoffed at him, her golden eyes almost glowing in the darkness. "I didn't bring it, it was already here." She motioned to the floor at all the debris laying around. He followed her hand movements and shrugged before going back to his work. "So, what was that dopey look about?" She asked again and he hummed. She sighed and snatched the notebook raising her brows. He looked lost for a second before realization dawned on his face. "Dopey look?" She nodded and sat on his book. "Yeah, what were you thinking about when I walked in?"

His face softened for a split second before he shook his head and acted aloof. "Uh work." He started looking for a new notebook. A knowing grin crept over her face and she leaned in. "Kisuke, what were you thinking about?" He crawled over to his shelf and rifled through some papers looking for a blank sheet. "No one, I wasn't," He froze realizing his mistake. Her eyes flashed with amusement and she crossed her arms. "Who is it?" He tried his best to look clueless but she could read him better than anyone, well Tessai was getting better. She picked up an old book and hung it over the small candle in his room. He dived for it but she pulled back and he landed on his face.

"Talk." she demanded and he sighed. "There was a member from squad 4 that came to the nest today." She nodded, "Oh yeah, I remember the request for tha," she stopped talking and her mischievous grin returned. "There wasn't a name on the form though, I just signed it for Soi Fon." She said slowly. Kisuke yanked the book from under her making her fall backwards. He didn't answer, just opened to the page he had been on and started to scribble again. It was quiet and he wondered if she would loose interest but he heard her exclaim, "I remember, it was Soifon's friend Ivy. She does most of the medicine deliveries and does the house calls. That's who she said she was getting it for."

He sighed then sat bolt upright, "Soi Fon's friend?" She nodded, watching him grimice, the smirk never leaving her face. "Yeah I see them talking all the time. She's a sweet girl. I've met her a few times." He remembered how kind she was to the guys in the maggot's nest. She was cautious of them yes, but she was still nurturing. The last few that had come to the nest to treat the wounded had acted terrified or been so cold toward every person that had come across, even him and the guards. Her face took over his vision, eyes narrow and a knowing grin that stretched across her face. "Kisuke has a crush on Ivy." She whispered before he smacked her away with the pile of paper in his hand.