Floor Flea: Atlas

The Black Parade

They kept walking and looked at all the destroyed chairs and items all scattered across the hallway that connected multiple rooms and slowly kept walking always alerted of their surroundings and any change in it, there was nobody to be seen nearby as they entered a coffee shop that still used coffee beans instead of the mass produced factory coffee essence that tastes exactly the same, the beans where all across the floor and even in the deep darkness they could imagine that place 10 or 20 years ago being completely full of people enjoying a good natural coffee, the opposite to the absolute black surroundings they were now watching, where most of the floor was burned and the walls were painted with strange drawings, but nothing you wouldn't expect from an urban place like space dementia, electronic graffiti is extremely common all over space dementia with special sprays that can be erased or changed by a control, however contrary to its name it doesn't require electricity, but there was one drawing in the wall that both of them noticed.

It was a cross not an upside down one like Fleas it was a cross with more lines coming out of the center and upwards, both men recognized them as the logo of a religious court called neo genesis of Malachi, this cult has its origins approximately 600 years ago where earth migrants accented to the polyhedron in search of what the called true heaven and stayed in a floor which they then completely over took and in modern day they have complete control of the religious hands and is their main headquarters, although only selected people enter this cult and not much information is known about them so this floor is usually skipped by all the citizens.

Flea and Sidon kept walking and followed their strange markings on the wall. All of the strange crosses were getting bigger and in more quantity as they were getting close to something, quickly under the poor light they had In hand they watched confused as the pink drawings were getting creepier and creepier.

They were about to enter another room when they looked down and saw cracks in the ground, the place was old but was it old enough to start cracking one of the strongest steels discovered, they slowly walked past the cracks looking right up with the flashlight, they clearly saw people in that room where religious back in the day, but they were catholic not malachists, they walked some steps across the old Cassino and watched all the old games people played years ago, black jack, poker, games Flea had never heard of where all across the room, explained Sidon since he worked for a cassino while he was at glass house.

Sidon took a step as he explained the games to Flea while everything was completely quiet as if the crowd outside didn't exist.

he almost fell throw a big hole that covered half of the casino, luckily Flea grabbed his hand fast enough and brought him back up , both of them pointed the lantern down just to see a horrible scene.

5 people were killed and thrown in that hole, or rather 5 skeletons were down the hole, but how, how are they skeletons asked both of them.

Just as the food they store humans are also incapable of decomposing once a baby is born a medical process is done nearly drowning the newborns but in exchange they get all of the anti viruses and vaccines they would need in their lifetime, this also included the chemical used to stop decomposing using an extra layer in the skin to prevent not decomposing affect the normal function of the body.

Which means, rather these people were killed before this process was invented which was 300 years ago and very improbable since the polyhedron was not even constructed yet or the medical process was subtracted from their body on an unknown process.

Analyzing the bodies they saw something that brought memories back, all of them had one thing in common with David (Sidons uncle), their hands where all stabbed, some with pieces of tables others with metal sticks and others with chairs, all having their arms extended, this could meant one of two things , either there were coincidences or there was someone or something that was killing in a certain way, in detective words, a serial killer.

A killer aboard the polyhedron is not something new, it has happened many times, mostly in higher floors since the more than the 100 years of floor 1 gave it not much to expect to these killers, however this killers never ended up in a good way, peavyes in higher floors take their job very seriously even if it goes against a moral justice standard unlike Flea.

Both men didn't panic however the thought of the killer hiding in the darkness that surrounded them sent shivers down their spines, Flea pointed the lantern in all directions but couldn't see anything, in case he killed them and somehow made them decompose why would he stay there with the bodies, maybe it's his hiding spot or was searching something, all of this logical reasoning was not getting into their minds, the heat had gone up exponentially and the uncertainty of the situation was driving them crazy, any second, any moment someone could creep of from behind them ending their lives, and only watching a few meters in front of the big hole in the floor they were inside didn't help, but most importantly in case it was a serial killer it would meant it was him who killed Sidons uncle.

Flea got closer to the edge of the hole and told sidon to grab the lantern as he climbed up, then he gave Sidon his hand and they both got out of the hole after taking pictures of the dead bodies, it was obvious there wasn't a hint of maxwell's whereabouts so they decided to get out of there immediately until something bad happened.

 They carefully ran to the door they came from and using Fleas master key it opened right away, in just an instant they went from extreme darkness and silence to the crowded hallways of space dementia, the lights burned their eyes as their dilated pupils came back to normal.

It felt as a relief for both of them, no need to worry about being trapped in a dark room with a psychopath no more.

The city was not waiting for them, it was still going forward even when they were inside the dark room, at last nobody would go find them if they got lost there, the city would keep going forward, much like the citizens that walk into the crowded hallways, always going somewhere.

They stepped out and started walking, they talked about the experience they had just had. They really were not going anywhere just walking like all the people that surrounded them, they walked for some time looking at the people past and the rooms nearby when they were stopped by someone.

- Officer Number 444 Operative Detective Flea.

A man with weird looking sunglasses planted in front of them, he showed his plate and asked both of them to follow him, he was in a black suit with a blue shirt, also his sunglasses had white drawings making his serious looking face look kind of goofy in a way.

Sidon asked what was up with the man and got a bit defensive with the situation, Flea on his side made a completely serious face and told Sidon to shut up and go with him, to which Sidon understood.

They walked somewhere in the city that looked more like the highly developed floors instead of space dementia, the gasses that filled the air disappeared as they walked up a stairway, the black stairway made them remember the dark room they were moments ago, and were unsure where the man in the goofy glasses was taking them.

The stair came to an end as they saw a white door contrasting every other one in space dementia, this futuristic looking door looked like one used on the last floors and had clearly right in the middle a red and white peavey logo.

Peaveys Hidden HQ

Across the weird looking door there were two chairs and a table, nothing more, the white room they were in was completely empty, no futuristic devices nor strange screens, just pure white walls, chairs and tables, they sat down.

On the other side of the long table there was a man, he didn't even have a glimpse when they entered, he just stayed there with his hands up to his nose, his white military coat hanging from his seat and waving to the movement of the flowing air.

Just when sidon was about to get angry and act like a delinquent, he noticed a plate in the mans military coat, the word GENERAL was highlighted as if he's rank was more important than his name, down the rank the word Atlas was shown but not as big as "general".

Sidon immediately changed his posture and facial expression as it seemed he was in front one of the biggest people in all of the polyhedron, none other than the Mayor General of the entire Peaveys, he didn't quite know how to feel, scared, angered, his facial expression showed this untill he saw under his waving coat.

A gun, not a normal one, not even close to being like Fleas, he had what is called a Moon gun, twisted guns with the power of more than 100 glock guns, invented after the war it has a futuristic style with two cannons where different types of bullets can be thrown, measuring 2 glock guns just a look at it could inflict real fear to someone that has only lived in the polyhedron.

Sidon paralysed and watched Fleas reaction, he was looking him expressionlessly and with the tension in the air a converation started.

The general Atlas started questioning Flea about his commanded mission and if he found any new information about Maxwell, and rememberd him the shier importance of this case, Flea explained everythin that happened exept what happened in the slumbers, he gave him the photography of the boss as a child to the general and Flea continued, and talked about how he and Sidon met and the posibility of a Serial Killer being arround space dementia and it having a relation with the cult of the Neo genesis of Malachi.

The general changed topic and started speaking very confidently with Flea, they looked as friends, however Sidon knew Flea diidnt have many friends much less in his work so he got pleasently surprised.

The general then continued and asked Sidon.

- Mr Sidon, i am aware of your possition and your antecedents as a glass house member, because of that and you having Fleas trust, I Mayor Geneal of all the peaveys grant you permission to help track down the serial killer, the mysterious cult, the leader of the mafia and whatever more mysteries and stories you two will find in the most hidden places this old space ship has, so Mr Sidon will you trust in the words of a humble peavey like me and become Fleas partner?

- AYE SIR!!!